Sky War God

Chapter 2358: Kaiyang Jue, Jingyue Jue

Ye Feng turned his body, looked at the Hallmaster of Jingyue Temple and asked: "I'm very surprised, since you have such a powerful martial art, why don't you practice it yourself, but take the initiative to share it with me?"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple bit his red lips lightly with a bit of shyness in his expression, and then said: "Do you think I don't want to? It's just that I can't practice by myself, so I can only find you."


Hearing the words of the Lord of the Jingyue Temple, Ye Feng's expression was stunned, and he couldn't react for a while.

"You can't practice alone, what kind of martial art is this?"

For a while, Ye Feng couldn't figure it out, and a sense of curiosity grew in his heart.

"Here you are, let's take a look!"

Hearing Ye Feng's question, the Jingyue Temple Lord didn't even explain to Ye Feng anymore, only saw her jade hand waved, and two simple books appeared in her palm.

Immediately, the Lord of the Jingyue Temple ran the two books into Ye Feng's hands, and Ye Feng took the two books suspiciously.

Immediately, he glanced over the books, and suddenly discovered that these two books were obviously two different martial arts and martial arts, one was called "Jingyue Jue" and the other was called "Kaiyang Jue".

On the surface, it seems that these two books have nothing to do with each other. Why does the temple master of the Temple of Mirror Moon say that he can't cultivate himself.

With curiosity, Ye Feng found a place to sit down, and immediately began to flip through the two books.

In about a stick of incense, Ye Feng simply read the contents of these two books, and after reading it, he suddenly realized.

He also thoroughly understood what the Temple Master Jingyue said before.

It turned out that although this Pure Moon Jue and Kaiyang Jue are two different exercises and martial arts, if you want to practice this kind of exercises and martial arts, you must combine yin and yang to successfully practice.

In the case of yin and yang, men and women who practice the two martial arts of the Jingyue Jue and Kaiyang Jue will make a qualitative leap in their cultivation level and personal strength.

Although these two exercises and martial arts have the effect of improving the strength of martial arts, if you want to practice this kind of martial arts, you must first meet the conditions of yin and yang, and then the physical requirements of martial arts. .

According to the records in Kaiyang Jue, male martial arts practitioners who practice Kaiyang Jue must be of pure yang.

The so-called pure-yang body, also known as the body of a boy, was a little puzzled in Ye Feng's heart when he saw this.

As early as the Lingtian Continent, he had already married Zhao Xinyi, and logically speaking, his pure Yang body no longer existed.

Why does this Jingyue Temple Lord still find him? Moreover, as the upper emperor, the opponent should be quite old, even beyond his imagination.

But can the other party really satisfy the pure yin body of the Jingyue Jue?

A series of questions made Ye Feng involuntarily look at the Hall Master of Jingyue Temple not far away, and she could see many puzzles from her eyes.

The beautiful eyes of the Hall Master of Jingyue Temple flashed, and when he looked at Ye Feng, he showed a bit of tenderness. A bit of crimson color appeared on that beautiful face, which looked as beautiful as a peach blossom.

"I know what you want to ask, I will answer you one by one."

The Lord of Jingyue Temple took a deep breath, and his chest was ups and downs, and then said: "You follow the non-pure yang body, but the fire attribute power you cultivate will make up for your pure yang body. More importantly, I have observed before that the purity of your physical body is beyond my imagination. It is a perfect physical body without any flaws. Therefore, theoretically speaking, you are still a pure Yang body."

Hearing what the Hallmaster of Jingyue Temple said, he suddenly felt a little bit of a stunned feeling. After he completed the fourth turn and reshaped his body, the previous body has been melted away, and the current body is indeed Reshaped.

The body after the reshaping has not had **** with Zhao Xinyi, just as the Lord of Jingyue Temple said, his body is indeed equivalent to the body of pure Yang.

After trying to understand this, Ye Feng asked the Hallmaster of Jingyue Temple again: "What about you?"

Hearing Ye Feng’s question, a blushing color appeared on the face of the Temple Master of Jingyue Temple, and immediately said with an agitated expression: "Do you doubt me? If I am not, do I need to ask you?"

Hearing the words of the Hallmaster of the Jingyue Temple, Ye Feng couldn't help but a black line appeared on his forehead. He and the other party only met each other by the water, and it was really embarrassing to talk about this kind of thing together.

"There are many people in the Pure Yang Body, why did you choose me?"

Ye Feng asked incomprehensibly.

"Cultivating the Kaiyang Art is not as simple as you think. Many people with pure yang bodies have low cultivation levels and imperfect physical bodies. Once they practice forcibly, they are likely to be affected by the Pure Yang Art contained in the Kaiyang Art. Break through the meridians and burst into death. Once the man has an accident, my side will be implicated, but you are different. The Supreme Martial King Realm cultivation base can easily defeat the upper emperor, and your physical purity is greatly exceeded. From my imagination, in my opinion, you are more like a martial emperor who has experienced reshaping the flesh. I don’t know if my feeling is wrong.

The Lord of the Jingyue Temple spoke to Ye Feng, and when she spoke, a shy color still flashed in her beautiful eyes.

Although she was not young and had cultivated endless years on this continent, she still remained a virgin.

Only to one day be able to practice this set of pure moon tactics.

"That's it."

Ye Feng nodded faintly, and then she slowly stepped towards the direction where the Lord of the Jingyue Temple was.

The Lord of Jingyue Temple looked at Ye Feng, and her pretty face became even more blushing. When she thought of what was about to happen next, without any personnel, her heart throbbed.

The closer Ye Feng's body got to her, the indescribable scene appeared involuntarily in her mind.

"Give it back to you, this exercise is not suitable for me."

However, just as the Jingyue Temple master was thinking about it, he heard Ye Feng's voice coming over, and two sets of martial arts and martial arts appeared in front of her.

This caused the Jingyue Temple Hall Master’s expression to be taken aback, and then a little unhappy and said: “There are not many opportunities like this. If you practice Kaiyang Art, you will not only improve your cultivation level quickly, but you can also get me. Not tempted at all?"

The words spoken by the Temple Master of Jingyue Temple were a bit temptation, and if they changed to someone else, they couldn't refuse her.


The owner of the Jingyue Temple was full of expectations, but only got the words Ye Feng, and then Ye Feng stuffed the two martial arts of Kaiyang Jue Jingyue Jue into the hands of the Jingyue Temple Lord.

Then he tried to turn around and leave this mountain space.

"Do you have the heart to leave me here? Do you know what price I have to pay to save you? Once Ling Tian Shenghuang learns about this, I will be dead!"

When Ye Feng was about to leave, the voice of the Temple Master Jingyue came over again, and when she was speaking, she stepped behind Ye Feng, and her jade hand actually hugged Ye Feng's bear waist.

The softness of the chest pressed against Ye Feng's back, making Ye Feng feel soft and his body seemed to be electrocuted.

However, Ye Feng still stabilized his mind, and then slowly moved the jade hand of the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple down with both hands.

This condensed the beautiful eyes of the Hall Master of the Jingyue Temple. As the Hall Master of the Jingyue Temple, he not only possessed powerful strength, but also had outstanding beauty.

Above the entire Lingtian Continent, there are countless people pursuing her.

And there has never been anyone who can get close to him.

Now that she was so proactively approaching the young man in front of her, she thought she could easily take him down.

But never thought that this young man was so incomprehensible. Every time the Lord of Jingyue Temple was rejected, he felt that his heart had been hit to a certain extent.

"It seems that there are other ways to practice the two exercises of Kaiyang Jue and Jingyue Jue, so let's study it carefully."

Ye Feng looked at the Hallmaster of the Temple of Mirror Moon and said, after all, the other party had rescued him before, and indeed took a great risk. If Ye Feng left here like this, it would really be unreasonable.

"Do you really look down on me so much? I am so unbearable in your eyes?"

Seeing what Ye Feng said, the beautiful eyes of the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple condensed again, and his teeth bit his red lips and asked.

She is such a beauty, and other men dream of wanting her, but she is still indifferent and has not accepted anyone's love.

And the young man in front of him was so calm and calm in the face of his repeated initiative.

This made the Lord of Jingyue Temple only felt that he had received a very strong heart attack, and even gave birth to a sense of inferiority.

"No, you are beautiful and excellent, but I already have a wife."

Ye Feng shook his head and said to the Hallmaster of Jingyue Temple. When he spoke, his eyes flashed with happiness.

Zhao Xinyi's figure reappeared in his mind. It was his married wife, and he would not easily do things to sorry for each other.

"Isn't it normal for your man to have three wives and four concubines? Don't tell me, you only have one wife."

Hearing Ye Feng's words, the Palace Master of Jingyue Temple gave Ye Feng a fierce look, and a bit of resentment appeared in his beautiful eyes.

"Yes, there is only one."

Ye Feng nodded to the Lord of Jingyue Temple.

"Well, I didn’t expect this hall master to encounter wood like you, but it’s okay. If it’s really like what you said, if there are other ways to practice these two exercises, then this shop owner might really be able to do it for a lifetime. It's the perfect body."

The Lord of Jingyue Temple shook his head helplessly. In his heart, he felt a bit jealous of the wife that Ye Feng said.

Objectively speaking, Ye Feng is indeed a sufficiently good young person, not only the unparalleled beauty of life, but also the top talent and strength.

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