Sky War God

Chapter 3068: The Realm of Heaven!

   Patriarch Han’s body was faltering at this moment, and his gaze toward Ye Feng was filled with intense amazement.

   The strength that Ye Feng displayed at this moment has completely exceeded his imagination. Before that, he still thought that as long as he shot himself, he would inevitably crush Ye Feng easily.

   But unexpectedly, in the several confrontations between the two, he was completely under, and at this moment, the flame attribute power released by Ye Feng almost burned to death!

   The expressions of many people present were also stunned, and their hearts were full of shock for what was happening before them.

   "Who is this young man? How could he be so strong?"

   Someone said with a dull face, and when he said this, his body was shaking involuntarily.

  The other people are the same, Ye Feng's strength has completely subverted their cognition.

   "You, how dare you hurt your Patriarch like this, don't you know what position our Han family has in Hancheng?"

   The head of the Han family spoke coldly to Ye Feng. When he spoke, the wound on his body burned by the power of the flame still felt a burst of intense pain.

   made his whole body tremble constantly.

"I have never provoked anyone. I am cultivating here. It was your Han family who took the initiative to attack me. I disdain to kill them, but you Han family are so aggressive. I don’t ask you to kill them. It's already cheap for you!"

   Ye Feng glanced at Patriarch Han's body and spoke coldly.

After    said this sentence, the expressions of many people present were involuntarily taken aback.

  Think about it carefully, the whole thing is exactly as Ye Feng said, he was only cultivating here before.

   It was Han Baiming who took the initiative to provoke him. Everything that Ye Feng did was just a legitimate defense.

   "Okay, very good, you are the most kind person I have ever seen, don't leave if you have the ability, just wait here and see how my Han family can deal with you!"

   The Han family said to Ye Feng indifferently.

   After saying this, everyone present saw the Patriarch of the Han family winking at Han Baiming, and Han Baiming immediately understood the meaning of his father's words.

   Immediately after this pair of father and son, Luo Yaoyao led the powerful Han family and flew directly away from here.

   Many people have not walked out of the previous shock, and their eyes towards Ye Feng revealed a strong unbelievable.

   The Patriarch of the Han family was defeated by him, and the strength that Ye Feng could show was really beyond their imagination.

"This time the Patriarch of the Han family is leaving, he should be looking for the father of the Han family, the father of the Han family, but a strong man in the heavenly emperor realm. This young man treats the descendants of the Han family in this way, and will inevitably anger and be destroyed Disaster!"

   Someone said so for the first time, knowing the Han family very well.

   The rest of them nodded one after another, just as people said, the Han family was the number one powerhouse in Hancheng.

   Although the Han family is not the top-notch existence among the strongest in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, he is still able to deal with ordinary people in the Holy Emperor Realm.

   Therefore, the words of the Patriarch of the Han family are worthy of consideration for everyone present, and at the same time they began to worry about Ye Feng.

   Ye Feng naturally also heard the words of the people present, his brows frowned slightly, he didn't expect that in a small city like Hancheng, he also had the existence of the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

   It's just that, listening to the words of everyone present, the Han family doesn't seem to be in Hancheng, but has been traveling abroad, returning to Hancheng to live for a period of time from time to time.

   This time, the Han family has been out for many years, and he has never returned.

   "Doesn't this young man run away? If the Han family returns, how can he resist him?"

   Someone's eyes fell on Ye Feng for the first time, and they spoke to the person next to him.

   The eyes of the people next to him flickered, and they nodded one after another, looking towards Ye Feng, their eyes showed a little bit of puzzlement.

   If they were to be replaced by them, facing the threat of the coming Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse, they would inevitably flee, lest they cause death.

   And this Ye Feng didn't seem to mean to escape, it was really hard to understand.

   Next, under the help of others' eyes, Ye Feng walked toward the cave mansion step by step.

   This move also made everyone understand that this Ye Feng didn't seem to be ready to leave. Is it possible that he is really not afraid of the arrival of the Han family?

   Therefore, even if Ye Feng entered the cave at this moment, everyone present did not retreat, but waited on the mountain not far away.

   They wanted to see what the young man would end up with after the arrival of the Han family.

   Ye Feng didn't want to pay attention to all of this, and immediately used his divine character power to block the entrance of this cave.

   And he has entered the state of cultivation, and now he, in order to avoid the chase of Liuhe Xianzong Sect Master, all the way to Hancheng.

   Although Liuhe Xianzong lord was temporarily thrown away, Ye Feng understood that this was not a long-term solution.

   Now he has been in the Central Empire for a long time, and he has sinned a lot, including many powerful people.

   These people all want to kill him. If he doesn't have a strong ability to protect himself, it is hard to imagine the outcome he will face next.

   Therefore, Ye Feng wanted to use the limited time to improve his strength, and he worked cross-legged on the boulders inside the cave.

   A burst of good fortune attribute power hovered around him, making this space extremely depressing.

  In the emptiness, the power of good fortune is constantly infiltrating into Ye Feng's body, making Ye Feng's body seem to be wrapped in a burst of light of good fortune.

   His power of good fortune has now advanced to a new level, allowing his whole person's strength to be transformed.

   And what Ye Feng has to do now is to try to hit the next level. The first thing he does is to mobilize his state.

  Only by allowing himself to find a breakthrough state, he can smoothly touch the threshold of the Heavenly Emperor Realm.


   It didn't take long for Ye Feng to stretch out his hand, and the space attribute power was released. Next, a burst of spatial attribute light wrapped his palm.

   The Sky Mixing Spirit Orb appeared in the palm of his hand, and the light flashing above the pearl was very bright, covering this space completely.

   The turquoise light seemed to be able to purify everything. After the appearance of the Sky Spirit Orb, there seemed to be bursts of liquid flowing inside.

   Ye Feng knew that before that, when Liuhe Immortal Sect Sect Master tried to kill him, he used the Heavenly Mixing Spirit Orb to absorb the energy inside the opponent's body.

   Although it only absorbed a part of the energy inside the opponent's body, the opponent is a strong man in the Heavenly Emperor Realm who has cultivated endless years.

   Even this part of the energy can still make the Sky Mixing Spirit Orb reach a saturated state.

   At this moment, there is energy surging inside the Huntian Spirit Orb, and the light has reached its peak, piercing people's eyes.

   Ye Feng muttered a word, the power of divine consciousness communicated with the Heavenly Spirit Orb, allowing the pearl to float in the void.

   then rose into the air in his palm little by little, and continued to spin in the void.

   Endless attribute power is continuously released on the surface of the beads, and the sound of the bead inside the beads keeps coming out, and the liquids evolve and change little by little.

   was finally purified layer by layer, and gradually formed a crystal clear green dew drop.

   The green dew drops released extremely powerful rays of light, and a little bit of them escaped from the Huntian Spirit Orb.

   Immediately dripped downwards, Ye Feng's body of good fortune will never stop running, waves of good fortune lingering in his body.

   Welcome the arrival of the green dewdrops, when the green dewdrops are floating in the void, they can release extremely powerful energy fluctuations.

   A burst of energy turned into a wave of energy, and the good spread in all directions, and the wall of the cave that impacted was trembling.

   It didn't take long for the green dewdrops to come down, reaching the top of Ye Feng's head a little bit, and infiltrating into Ye Feng's body.

   entered Ye Feng's body from the top of Ye Feng's head a little bit, making Ye Feng's body immediately feel a kind of enlightenment.

   The energy contained in the green dew drops is too powerful, entering into his body, immediately causing his blood to boil.

   The meridians began to swell, as if they were about to shatter at any time, Ye Feng did it cross-legged.

   The whole body was shrouded in aquamarine light, and the inside of the concrete suffered a very strong swelling feeling, and a strong pain swept through it, which seemed to be deep into the bone marrow.

   made his body tremble constantly, and sweat appeared on his forehead, but Ye Feng had experienced similar scenes many times.

   Therefore, even if this pain makes him feel heart-piercing, he is still clenching his teeth and holding on, his body entrenched in the same place and can't sit still.

   The energy evolved from the green land surging through his meridians, flowing through his body along his meridians.

   nourishes his meridian cells, making his physical body more perfect, and the energy contained in his body is also rising sharply.

   Although Ye Feng endured extremely great pain, his body was still running the Nine-turn Hunyuan Jing in place.

  Using the Hunyuan power contained in the 9-turn Hunyuan Jing to merge with those energies.

   makes that burst of energy flow in the meridians, and finally return to Ye Feng's Dantian Qi Sea.

   In the Dantian Qi Sea, the power of various attributes is still surging, like a doomsday world.

   Various attribute forces set off a big wave, rioting in the Dantian Qi Sea.

   Ye Feng's body was doing it cross-legged, using the power of the mixed element inside his body to lead the energy into his Dantian Qi Sea.

   When the green dew drops released energy surging in the meridians, Ye Feng had already used the attribute power released from his body to refine those energy little by little.

   was refined into a brand-new attribute power that his body can withstand, and it blended into his Dantian Qihai little by little.

   This process is relatively slow, and the pain is very intense.

   Ye Feng's body felt like it was about to be torn apart.

   But he always gritted his teeth and insisted on all this. This kind of opportunity was hard-won, and he would naturally not give up easily.

  While this wave of energy surged in the body, Ye Feng only felt that the power inside his body was constantly rising at this moment.

   In this way, Ye Feng has been absorbing the energy contained in the green land for several days.

   This energy is quite pure and rich, it is really not an easy task to fully integrate it into one's body.

   Ye Feng had no distractions, and he didn't dare to be negligent. He knew that if he was a little careless, he would most likely flow back through the meridians and burst into death.

   With the continuous fusion of the energy inside his body, the breath of the whole body is constantly rising.

   made Ye Feng feel as if he was infinitely close to the realm of the Emperor of Heaven.

   This made him extremely happy, if he could become a strong man in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, then his strength would surely have an unprecedented leap.

   In order to prepare for the breakthrough, Ye Feng tried his best to fully integrate the energy in the green land into his body.

   His body meridians swelled, as if it might burst at any time.

   And he still didn't stop fusing energy, Ye Feng stopped fusing energy when his body and meridians could bear the extreme point.

   At this moment, he is sweating profusely, his complexion is extremely ugly, and his whole body is trembling constantly.

   He knew that he had reached the true peak of the Saint Emperor Realm. As long as he crossed that gap, he could truly set foot in the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

   And this gap is not so easy to cross, at least many people can't really achieve this.

   In the Central Empire, there are hundreds of millions of strong Saint Emperor Realm, but few can really break through the Heaven Emperor Realm.

   Just because there is a gap between these two realms, few people can cross the past.

   Only if he possesses the Heaven-removing Pill can he have such a qualification. At the end of the year, Ye Feng defeated the Prince Tianhong and was rewarded with a Heaven-removing Pill.

   This also gave him the possibility of breaking through the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

   Now, with the help of the energy of green dewdrops, he has raised his cultivation realm to the true apex of the Saint Emperor realm.

   The Heaven-removing Pill in his storage ring seems to be able to come in handy.

   Without hesitating, Ye Feng used the power of divine consciousness to communicate with his storage ring again.

   took out the Heaven-retaining Pill he had obtained before, and released the powerful medicinal power, allowing this space to be occupied by medicinal power.

   Ye Feng opened the brocade box yesterday, and the pill still released a full luster. If this pill is on the market, it will inevitably cause a **** storm.

   Gently picked up the Heaven-Stopping Pill, and Ye Feng put it in his mouth, with a medicinal fragrance refreshing.

   Ye Feng felt that he was relieved physically and mentally. After chewing briefly, he swallowed the pill into his abdomen.

   The powerful medicinal power slid down the esophagus, making the place Ye Feng picked up a fiery feeling.

   The Heaven-Stopping Pill was absorbed by Ye Feng a little bit, and finally transformed into medicinal power, and then penetrated into his concrete interior.

   merged with the blood in his body, then flowed through the body, surging continuously inside the body.

   Ye Feng knew that the pharmacology of Duotian Pill had been released, and he had to try to break through the realm of cultivation before the medicine lost its effect.

   Therefore, Ye Feng didn't dare to stay any longer, and began to release his comprehension of the great magic of good fortune, waves of good fortune surging around his body.

   The power of good fortune envelops a space, bursts of good fortune are released, making Ye Feng's body extremely full.

   He had already used the power of the green dewdrop to raise his cultivation level to the true apex of the Saint Emperor.

   Therefore, Ye Feng at this moment only needs to try to break through the realm of cultivation, and the power of good fortune and the power of medicine are merged.

   was carrying this medicinal power flowing in his body, causing his body to be enveloped by this burst of medicinal power.

  The medicinal power merged in his bloodline, leaving his body in an extremely active state.

   He has no distractions, and has been trying to bridge that gap, as if he had forgotten everything.

   He was the only one left between heaven and earth, trying a little bit.

   Almost at the same time, the outside crowd did not leave, although Ye Feng had previously used the power of divine consciousness to shield the entrance of the cave.

   When he was cultivating, the energy he produced still drifted out a little bit to the outside following the power of the cave entrance.

   That burst of energy was too pure, making the hearts of everyone present tremble, and their cultivation realm is really not low.

   But I was still shocked by this powerful energy fluctuation.

   "Unexpectedly, this young man actually cultivated in this space. Isn't he really afraid of the arrival of the Han family?"

   Someone said this for the first time, it looked like the place at the mouth of Ye Feng's cave, and there was a bit of unexpected light in his eyes.

   "He will regret it later when the Han family comes."

   Someone spoke like this again, and the others nodded. The strength of the old man in the Han family understood that if the opponent came, Ye Feng would not have any chance.

  Everyone present understands this very well.

   While Ye Feng was practicing, the head of the Han family who left here also tried to contact the father of the Han family.

   He was suppressed by Ye Feng in this way, so naturally he wouldn't let it go.

   The old man of the Han family happened to be in the nearby area, and according to his application speed, he would be able to return soon.

   Therefore, after receiving the news from the head of the Han family, the father of the Han family was also furious.

  What kind of status is his winter vacation, how can people like Ye Feng be so ashamed?

   What made him even more angry was that the Han family members were defeated by a junior of Ye Feng and they were so embarrassed that they were injured.

  As the helm of the Han family, he naturally couldn't bear all this, and immediately leaped towards the place where Hancheng was.

   As a powerful person in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, his flight speed is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people.

   soon returned to the Han family, seeing the head of the Han family and the injuries suffered by Han Baiming, the coldness in the heart of the Han family's father became more obvious.

   Ye Feng, he must kill him for this to eliminate his hatred.

   Without hesitation, the Han family swiftly flew outside Hancheng.

   At this moment, Ye Feng's cultivation has reached the final juncture.

   Now he, the bloodline power on his body surges crazily, and the endless bloodline attributes are lingering around him.

   The power of good fortune and the power of medicine are combined, and the power formed is beyond imagination. And his cultivation realm is also transitioning towards the Heavenly Emperor Realm at a very fast speed.

   All this is so silent, but methodical.

   Ye Feng had no distractions, his eyes flashed with sharp light, and he did not dare to be negligent.

   The power of the Heaven-Stopping Pill is very strong, and it can automatically eliminate various hidden dangers in the cultivation process in Ye Feng's body.

   put his body in an extremely full state, and his body was floating in the air a little bit at this time.

   The attribute power in this space merges into Ye Feng's body from time to time.

   makes Ye Feng's body more full and bright.

   The blood vessels all over the body are extremely active, as if boiling.

   His eyes opened at this moment, and there seemed to be an extremely bright light released in his pupils.

   This burst of light is very sharp and eye-piercing.

   And Ye Feng's body also kept spinning in the void at this time.

   seems to be extremely integrated with this space, everything in the space can become a part of his body.

   His body is also gradually transitioning to the next level at this time.

   "I can't relax, I can't relax, I must break through the realm of cultivation smoothly!"

   Ye Feng secretly cheered up for himself in his heart, constantly releasing the various attribute powers he had comprehended.

   makes his body more brilliant and boundless, able to use all the power to perfect himself.

   "Father, that little thief is in this cave. Look at this energy fluctuation, he probably hasn't left yet!"

   The head of the Han family, the elder of the Han family, Han Baiming, and many expert experts have also come to this mountain place where Ye Feng has cultivated.

   The head of the Han family said to the old man of the Han family, the cold expression in his eyes was extremely strong when he said these words.

   At the same time, everyone present was shocked. Has the Han family finally arrived? A powerful Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse, not everyone can easily see.

   The arrival of the Han family father immediately caused a very strong sensation in the battlefield.

   Many people want to see what happens next, Ye Feng, how should he survive in the face of the Han family?

   My family's elder's eyes naturally looked at the direction of Yefeng Cave Mansion for the first time.

   Feeling the strong energy fluctuations coming from the land of Yefeng Cave Mansion, a somewhat unexpected color immediately appeared on his face.

   I really didn't expect that this young man was actually practicing here.

   Could it be that he didn’t know he was going to kill him?

   even dared to stay here forever, really courageous!

   "Om, hum..."

   However, at this moment, everyone present heard strange sounds coming out, and they immediately attracted the attention of many people present.

   They saw that in the cave where Ye Feng was practicing, there was a burst of extremely bright light flashing out.

   That burst of light enveloped this space, and the power it carried was beyond imagination.

   A strong breath gushes out, and when this breath is released, it forms an extremely powerful shock wave.

   The shock wave swept out, and the stone gate in the cave where Ye Feng cultivated was shocked to collapse and destroyed.

   The strong shock wave caused many people's bodies to tremble, and each one was frightened, and their eyes showed a little bit of incredible.

   "What's going on? What is going on? Why is there such a strong energy fluctuation in that area?"

   Someone said so at once, and the gaze at that prescription position revealed a little unbelievable.

   The rest is the same, and the shock in my heart can be imagined.

   Immediately afterwards, above the sky, terrifying clouds continued to gather, occupying this space.

   Even a strong man at the level of the Han family still feels as if his body is under pressure.

   This made his eyes freeze slightly, and a shocking color appeared on his face.

   I only heard the Han family's father said: "Is it possible that he broke through the realm of cultivation in that area?"

   This sentence naturally fell in the ears of many people present, and the expressions of these people were slightly frozen.

   Breaking through the realm of cultivation, this Ye Feng had already been the cultivation realm of the late Saint Emperor realm before. What level would he have to reach after breaking through the realm of cultivation?

   Everyone is a little unimaginable, is it possible that he is going to reach the Heavenly Emperor Realm?

  Some people have such thoughts in their hearts, but this kind of thought gives them the first time to dispel them.

How can this be? It is absolutely impossible to break through the Heavenly Emperor Realm.

   Where is the Heavenly Emperor Realm so easy to reach?

   Many of them have reached the peak of the late Saint Emperor realm, but it is impossible to reach the heaven and earth realm.

   It's just because they don't have a heaven-removing pill, and without the protection of this pill, they can't reach the level of their cultivation realm.

   is even very likely to fall into the trap.

   "Father, I don't know what that guy is doing. In my opinion, my father should step forward and kill him, lest he continue to be arrogant!"

   The head of the Han family said to the old man of the Han family.

   The old man of the Han family blinked, and then he said: "Hello, hello, this young man seems to be breaking through the realm of cultivation, but he really didn't put the old man in his eyes, that's all, the old man will go and solve him now!"

   After saying these words, everyone present saw the Han family stepping forward, and the body was walking towards the cave where Ye Feng was located.

  His steps are steady, and every step forward can make the earth tremble.

   Almost at the same time, the vision of heaven and earth caused by Ye Feng's breakthrough in the cultivation realm became more and more intense.

   Waves of terrifying aura floated in the void, and pressure enveloped a space. The clouds in the void rolled and stirred, as if there were bursts of strong light beams falling from the sky.

   Even the Han family father was still affected by this strong image of the Emperor of Heaven, causing his body to sway slightly.

   A bit of unbelievable luster appeared on many people's faces. It seemed that they had never expected that the aura released by Ye Feng's cultivation was so powerful.

   "Damn it!"

   The old man of the Han family gritted his teeth and said, immediately mobilizing a stronger force from his body.

   Under the cover of this force, the body of the Han family can quickly step forward in this space.

It didn't take long for his body to reach the gate of the cave where Ye Feng was practicing, and he couldn't help but say to the place where the cave is located: "Little devil, what are you doing here? I come here, don't you come out quickly? Die!"

After    said this sentence, it seemed that a very powerful sound wave condensed in the attack, and the power it carried exceeded everyone's imagination.

   That sonic attack shook the sky, causing many peaks and places to emit strong shocks.

   seems to be shocked to collapse at any time.

   However, even so, there is still no voice from within the government, as if everything is extremely peaceful.

   This made the Han family old man feel cold in his heart, and he continued to step forward, but the pressure released in the void made his body unable to move forward half a minute.

   Ye Feng at this moment has completed his breakthrough in his cultivation realm, and with the help of the power contained in the Heaven-removing Pill, his body has truly reached a new level.

   At this moment, he is no longer a person of the Saint Emperor Realm, but a real powerhouse of the Heaven Emperor Realm.

   The Heavenly Emperor Realm was a realm that Ye Feng didn't dare to rush before. He went through many difficulties and obstacles along the way.

   Now, I came to the Holy Spirit Tianzhou, participated in the Central Empire Year-end Competition, and won the first seat in one fell swoop.

   established his position as the first arrogant of the Central Empire, and now, he relies on a series of material wealth accumulated in the Central Empire.

   Raised the cultivation realm to the level of the Heavenly Emperor that was unimaginable before. After entering the Heavenly Emperor Realm, Ye Feng could feel that everything inside his body had changed.

   His various attribute powers have also risen sharply along with his cultivation level.

   Now he his body is perfect, his bloodline attributes are surging, and the capacity of Dantian Qihai has been expanded several times.

   The attribute power contained within it has also reached a level that was previously unattainable.

   This made Ye Feng feel excited. He finally became a powerhouse of the Heavenly Emperor Realm, which also means that he can truly gain a foothold in the Central Empire.

   Ye Feng was aware of the arrival of the Han family father, but he was in the stable period of cultivation level, and it was impossible for him to miss all this because of the arrival of the opponent.

   If the realm of cultivation is not really stabilized, it will definitely not benefit Ye Feng.

   At this moment, Ye Feng is still using the power of good fortune he has comprehended to continuously integrate the various attribute forces within his body to perfect himself.

   As for the Han family father, the divine writing array he arranged, the opponent couldn't break through for a while.

   Ye Feng had no distractions, even if the Han family clamored outside, Ye Feng didn't think he heard him and didn't answer anything.

   "The Han family came, this young man dare not come out?"

   Someone said so for the first time, feeling somewhat ironic about Ye Feng's performance.

   Ye Feng faced the threat that the Han family's father was about to bring to him, and was unmoved and never even left here.

   is in sharp contrast with the moment that the tortoise is shrouded in the cave mansion!

   Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: Ye Feng has finally broken through the Heavenly Emperor Realm, gratifying!

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