Sky War God

Chapter 3069: My name is Ye Feng!

  Father, stop being merciful to his subordinates, let him know how good your old man is! "

   Not far away, the Patriarch of the Han family said to the father of the Han family that Ye Feng used the flame attribute power to burn it last time.

   The head of the Han family was extremely embarrassed. Thinking of the pain he had suffered at the beginning, he couldn't wait to see the scene of Ye Feng being killed.

   The Han family's elder's eyes flickered, and he nodded to the Han family's head. Han Cheng is his Han family's site.

  Where can anyone violate the interests of his Han family?

   He was rushed back by the breath coming from the cave house one after another, causing the coldness in the heart of the Han family to burst to the extreme.

   stepped forward for the first time, a strong aura burst out on his body, and the power of the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse immediately bloomed.

   made this space become extremely depressing, and then a palm print madly shot towards the inside of the cave, and the power contained in the palm print was beyond imagination.

   A palm print enveloped a space, capable of destroying all existence in the world, madly blasting towards the inside of the cave.

   The hearts of the crowd trembled, and the terrorist attack power that could be released by the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse was really terrifying, and the power of this attack was beyond their imagination.

   If you really enter the cave, all the vital forces within the government will be killed.

   "Om, hum..."

   However, just as this palm print was about to pass through the gate of the cave and enter the cave.

   Everyone present heard strange sounds, and endless lines flashed out at the entrance of the cave.

   The light of the gods was released, and bursts of light emerged in the void, continuously interweaving and evolving, forming a large network of gods.

   An astonishing killing attribute power erupted from the Shenwen big net, as if it had turned into astonishing sword auras.

   kept strangling in the void, and in a very short period of time, he enveloped the handprint of the Han family father.

   The handprints of the Han family are powerful, but the powerful sword qi evolved from those divine attributes are equally powerful, constantly colliding in the void!

   Then, everyone present heard the sound of rumbling terror and shock constantly, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

   This scene made everyone present a bit of surprise, and no one thought that there was such a powerful divine formation in this cave.

   This side of the Shenwen Grand Formation can compete with the handprint of the Han family father. If someone tried to trespass into the cave, they would definitely be killed by that side of the gods!

   The old man of the Han family is worthy of being a strong man in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and the power of his palm prints is beyond the imagination of everyone present.

   When the palm print collided with the divine writing array, it still gradually gained the upper hand, and the destructive power erupting from the palm print penetrated everything.

   The sacred text array began to falter, as if it might collapse and destroy at any time.

   Just as the Divine Text Formation was about to be shattered, Ye Feng's eyes inside the cave opened at this moment.

   A ray of light flashed out of his pupils, this ray of light was extremely sharp, and immediately, Ye Feng waved his hands.

   An astonishing attribute power burst out in the palm of his palm, and immediately released a beam of destruction toward the outside of the cave.

   The speed of this destructive light was very fast, and in the blink of an eye, it left the cave and collided with the handprint of the Han family.


   Everyone present only listened to an astonishing concussion sound, and the extremely terrifying destructive force bloomed.

   Although the Han family father's palmprint is powerful, Ye Feng's cultivation has reached the realm of the Emperor of Heaven.

   Even if he releases a beam of destruction at will, the power is not imaginable by everyone present.

   The old man of the Han family immediately felt an irresistible force, which made his palm numb.

   The counter-shock power made his body staggered back, his aura floated fiercely, and his complexion didn't look good.

   This scene naturally fell in the eyes of everyone present, making their expressions a little shocked.

   Old man Han is a strong man in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, and the palmprint power he released just now is strong enough.

   According to reason, such a palm print should be enough to shake that cave to collapse and destroy it.

   However, at this moment, the power of the cave entrance of the cave was first shining with divine light, and then there was such a terrible beam of destruction.

   And the body of the Han family shook back, which is really incredible.

   The aura on the Han family's body subsided, and his face didn't look good.

   His gaze was like a torch, looking towards the inside of the cave, the destruction beam just released made him feel a strong sense of crisis.

   "Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse!"

   The old man of the Han family suddenly had such an idea in his heart, and involuntarily a stormy sea was born in his heart.

   Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse, is it possible that the young man has really reached the Heavenly Emperor Realm?

   Just as the old man of the Han family was shocked, everyone present saw the figure of a young man in white walking out at the entrance of the cave.

   The figure of the white-clothed youth released a misty air, the whole body was slender and dusty, and the deep pupils were as vast as stars.

   Step forward at will, it can give people a very high and deep feeling, that kind of aura is not comparable to those of ordinary holy places.

   Even those who have practiced for many years in the Saint Emperor Realm still feel an irresistible pressure from this young man.

"It's him!"

   Everyone present recognized Ye Feng's identity for the first time, and their hearts trembled again.

   The father of the Han family, the head of the Han family, and the one hundred grandparents of Han came together, and it was bound to take Ye Feng's life.

   And this Ye Feng didn't seem to be afraid of all of this at all, but walked out of the cave so calmly.

   The Han family's elder's eyes froze for a while, and his consciousness was released for the first time, and he constantly scanned Ye Feng.

   tried to explore Ye Feng's cultivation realm, but he found that he couldn't do it at all.

   Ye Feng seemed to have an invisible barrier on his body. Under the effect of this barrier, the power of the outside world was completely blocked.

   This made the Han family old man feel surprised, unable to probe the opponent's cultivation realm, there are only two possibilities.

   First, the place is an ordinary person without any realm of cultivation.

   Second, the opponent's strength is much higher than his own.

   The old man of the Han family trembled involuntarily when he thought of this, is it possible that the strength of this young man is already higher than his own?

   But this idea was quickly dispelled by him.

   "Maybe the opponent has practiced some kind of offensive and defensive martial arts that shields the consciousness!"

   The old man of the Han family comforted himself silently in his heart.

   "Are you the powerhouse of the Han family?"

   Ye Feng glanced at the old man of the Han family, and asked calmly.

   His eyes were somewhat indifferent, and the words he spoke also gave people a sense of arrogance.

   It seemed that even in the face of a strong man in the heavenly emperor realm like the Han family, he still didn't put him in his eyes.

   There was a bit of irony in the expressions of many people present, thinking that Ye Feng was a bit too rampant, even if he could defeat the Han Patriarch.

   In front of the Han family father, there will still be no chance.

   "Junior, you humiliated my Han family so much, don't you know what the outcome will be if you do this?"

   The Han family's old man was a little annoyed and ruined, and asked Ye Feng indifferently.

   "It doesn't make any sense to say this. I have never provoked anyone, including your Han family."

   Ye Feng looked at the old man of the Han family and continued: "Now, I give you a chance to disappear in front of me immediately, if not, your first name will be destroyed!"

After    said this sentence, many people in the audience's eyes were frozen for a while, and no one thought that Ye Feng would dare to be so arrogant in the face of the Han family.

  Han Baiming's eyes were extremely sharp, and Luo Yaoyao beside him also sneered.

   Feeling naive and ignorant of what Ye Feng said.

   "Grandpa, this person is too arrogant, your old man will let him have a long experience."

   Han Baiming couldn't help but said to the Han family father.

  Even if Ye Feng could defeat his father, Han Baiming would never have imagined that Ye Summit would be his grandfather's opponent.

   Heavenly emperor realm powerhouses are not comparable to ordinary holy land people, even those at the top of the holy emperor realm, are still not worth mentioning in front of the heavenly emperor realm powerhouses.

The sneer on the face of the Han family's old man was even more intense, and he said to Han Baiming: "Grandpa is an old bone, and he doesn't want to attack a junior, but the junior in front of him is indeed a little bit ignorant, so grandpa will replace him. Parents take care of him!"

   After saying this, everyone present saw the aura of the Han family erupting.

   A wave of terrifying coercion hovered around him, releasing an astonishing pressure, covering a space in a short time.

   The pressure seemed to have turned into an extremely huge mountain, hanging down from the void, trying to suppress Ye Feng's body.

   Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse, even if the breath released, is not something ordinary holy land people can resist.

   Therefore, in the opinion of the Han family, even if he releases his breath at this moment, Ye Feng can still be easily suppressed.

   Ye Feng sneered in his heart as he watched the coercion evolving from the pressure released by the Han family.

   If he were to be replaced by him, it would be difficult for him to withstand this coercion, but now he has crossed that gap and reached the level of the Emperor of Heaven.

   The strength is no longer what it used to be. Relying on his own powerful leapfrog challenge ability, Ye Feng still has strong confidence in the face of people of the same realm.

   Heavenly Emperor Realm is the same as Saint Emperor Realm, divided into three realms.

   are the early days of the Emperor of Heaven, the middle of the Emperor of Heaven, the latter of the Emperor of Heaven, and the latter of the Emperor of Heaven are divided into the post of the ordinary Emperor of Heaven and the peak of the latter of the Emperor of Heaven.

   The Han family elder in front of him had a cultivation level that was not in the early days of the Heavenly Emperor Realm. Such a cultivation level was comparable to those at the helm of the top forces in the northwestern area of ​​the central imperial capital.

   For example, Lord Sima, Sect Master Xuantian, Palace Master of Lishui Palace, Sect Master Feiyun, Patriarch of Yin Family, these are all powerhouses in the early days of Emperor Heaven.

   As for the leaders of the top forces in the central area of ​​the central imperial capital, such as Liuhe Xianzong Sect Master, Yan Mozong Sect Master, and Ancient Tomb Shenzong Sect Master, the level of cultivation reached the level of the mid-term Emperor of Heaven.

   In other words, after Ye Feng has advanced to the Heavenly Emperor Realm, he is at the same level as the cultivation realm of the Han family.

   The Han family elder may be longer than Ye Feng's deposit in this realm, but the other party's talent is not as good as Ye Feng.

   Moreover, Ye Feng has turned around 9 times to reshape his body, and the various attribute powers he has comprehended are not comparable to that of the Han family.

   Therefore, even in the face of the Han family, Ye Feng has absolute self-confidence.

   That terrifying mountain descended from the sky, and the pressure on the mountain was beyond everyone's imagination.

   came down in a short period of time, pressing Ye Feng's body away.

   Ye Feng's body stood there calmly, a ray of light released from his body, and Hua Guang enveloped his body.

   As if to isolate his body from this space, the mountain came down, but it failed to really oppress Ye Feng's body.

   Huaguang above Ye Feng’s body completely blocked that mountain, and the mountain could not oppress his body at all.

   This scene caused everyone present to tremble, and there was a bit of surprise in their eyes.

   The Han family father is such a powerful heavenly emperor realm powerhouse, even if the aura released at will, it shouldn't be something Ye Feng can bear.

   But at this moment, Ye Feng's body can be so calm under the other's breath.

  Even the Han Family Patriarch, Han Baiming, Luo Yaoyao and the others were all stunned by what happened before them.

   "I advise you, stop playing with fire and self-immolate, and leave with your children and grandchildren now, maybe there is still a chance!"

   Ye Feng stood with his hand in his hand, and his body stood calmly on the spot, looking at the old man of the Han family and said.

   The old man of the Han family also had some surprises in his heart. What is his status as the recognized number one in Hancheng?

   Facing Ye Feng's arrogant words, how could he compromise the other party?

   "Junior, you are a bit too arrogant. It seems that the old man must let you know what is the height of heaven and earth!"

   Hearing what Ye Feng said, the anger on the Han family's father became more and more obvious.

   was humiliated by a junior one after another, how could he swallow this breath.

   After saying these words, an astonishing Celestial Emperor Realm power broke out on him, and the terrifying destructive power gathered in his palm.

   made his palm instantly become extremely violent, and this space trembled crazily, as if it might burst at any time.

   Almost at the same time, everyone present saw the Han family's footsteps stepping forward, and the body immediately stepped toward Ye Feng's direction.

  His body is also included by that amazing destructive power, making his whole human body seem to be the master of this space.

   Immediately afterwards, an astonishing large palm print of destruction slammed towards Ye Feng's body frantically, and the power contained in the palm print was beyond imagination.

   The space in front of Ye Feng was completely enveloped for the first time.

   Many people trembled. Even if their bodies were in another prescription position, they could still feel the terrifying power contained in the attack by the Han family.

   This attack must not be something Ye Feng can bear.

   Ye Feng watched the attack released by the Han family, without hesitation, there was also an astonishing breath erupting from his body.

   This breath belongs to the unique breath of the Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse. When it was released, the space in front of Ye Feng was completely enveloped.

  The Han family's elder son's eyes were slightly frozen, and he immediately felt a little shocked in his heart.

   I really didn't expect that Ye Feng had really broken through to the realm of the Emperor of Heaven, but when the matter was over, he would naturally not sit still.

   once again instilled a more terrifying destructive force into his palmprint, and this destructive force could cover everything.

   made his palm print power instantly become more terrifying, and he immediately reached Ye Feng's body.

   Everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying shocks. On this day, the extremely terrifying destructive power spread in all directions.

   The Han family father’s attack is extremely powerful. After he instilled destructive power, his attack power instantly increased to another level.

   This attack must crush Ye Feng's body.

   It's just that, but the moment the two attacks really collided, the old man of the Han family immediately trembled like an electric shock.

   only felt a destructive force pouring into his body quickly.

   This made the Han family frown slightly, and a somewhat surprised expression appeared on his face. What kind of character is he, he suffered a loss under this collision?

   It's just that the Han family father deliberately suppressed the throbbing on his body, and then he let out a roar.

   stepped forward, and the body once again rushed towards the direction where Ye Feng was in a very short period of time.

   At the same time, an astonishing earth element power burst out of him.

   The power of the earth element is constantly evolving in the void, turning into huge boulders, and the huge boulders form amazing power.

   smashed into Ye Feng's body frantically from all directions.

   To destroy Ye Feng's body.

   Ye Feng stood in place, and naturally felt the attack of the earth element power released by the opponent.

   Before the change, he couldn't compete with the opponent, but now, its cultivation realm has reached the realm of the Emperor of Heaven.

  Even if the opponent's attack power is terrible, Ye Feng didn't have any fear.

   His footsteps stepped forward for the first time, and his body burst out with amazing sword energy.

   Endless sword energy lingers around, forming a terrifying might of destruction, strangling crazily.

   Then, everyone present heard the sound of terrifying shocks constantly sounding, and the power of destruction spread in all directions.

   Although the opponent's soil attribute power is powerful, Ye Feng's sword aura is also not what ordinary people can imagine.

   Those sword auras were released, causing the boulders that evolved from the power of the earth element to be strangled and broken.

   couldn't compete with Ye Feng's sword at all, which made the expressions of everyone present solidify for a while, and no one thought that such a thing would happen.

   They can already see that Ye Feng's cultivation realm has broken through, and he has become a true Heavenly Emperor Realm powerhouse.

   This made their hearts extremely shocked. As the powerhouse of the peak stage in the late Saint Emperor realm, many people understand how difficult it is to break through the realm of heaven and earth.

  Ye Feng, however, made a breakthrough in this unnamed mountain peak cave mansion, which was something they could not achieve in their entire life.

   Once again, shocking sounds continued to sound, under the effect of the terrifying sword aura released by Ye Feng.

   Those boulders were smashed and destroyed one by one, and Ye Feng's body had already descended in front of the body of the Han family.

   The Han family's elder's eyes froze slightly, and before he could react, Ye Feng's attack had already blasted towards his body.

   The power of this attack is even more terrifying. There are endless sword auras that gather and can destroy all existence.

   In the blink of an eye, he arrived in front of the body of the Han family, making the Han family feel the destructive power contained in this attack.

   Naturally, he will not sit and wait for death, the earth element power burst out, making one of his arms extremely thick.

   This time there is a powerful physical force in the arm, and when it is released, it can destroy all existence.

   In the blink of an eye, the attacks of the two collided again, once again there was an astonishing sound of concussion, and the destructive power bloomed wildly.

   The Han family father thought he could intercept Ye Feng's attack with this attack, however, when the two attacks really collided.

   He felt a more irresistible destructive force pouring into his body, causing his body to tremble.

   I only felt that the major tissue cells and organs inside my body were extremely severely affected.

   His body trembled crazily, and his footsteps were shaken back one after another at this moment, his body floating extremely powerfully.

   Qi and blood rolled over his chest, making his complexion immediately reddened again.

   The expressions of many people present were frozen in place, and the power of Ye Feng's attack exceeded their imagination.

  How powerful is the Han family father? Can't even one of his attacks be able to withstand it?

   Many people were a little shocked, especially the three of the Han Family Patriarch, Han Baiming and Luo Yaoyao, who couldn't believe it anyway.

   Almost at the same time, everyone present saw Ye Feng stepping forward again, and the light on his body became brighter and brighter.

   Endless sword aura gathered and merged with his palm, forming a terrifying power beyond words.

   This made the Han family's body immediately bear an irresistible pressure, and he wanted to dodge it for the first time.

   But I felt that Ye Feng's attack contained an extremely powerful restraint.

   made his body unable to move any more, as if the whole body could only silently withstand this attack from Ye Feng.

   And he, naturally refused to sit and wait for death, stepped forward for the first time, and the blood attribute power on his body burst out.

   Endless destruction attacks envelop the terrifying earth element power and the bloodline attribute power to release together.

   collided with Ye Feng's attack again, and everyone present only listened to the rumbling sound of terrifying shock.

   The attacks of the two collided again. This kind of head-to-head attack is hard power.

   If the strength is not enough, it is easy to be suppressed by the opponent.

   At this moment, the Han family father is facing this embarrassment. Although he has cultivated for endless years, he is still inferior to Ye Feng's overall strength.

   Every attack released by Ye Feng can pose an extremely serious threat to him.

   And he wanted to release the attack to contend with Ye Feng, but it was not so easy.

   Under this collision, the old man of my family still felt an irresistible destructive force pouring into its body, causing his body to tremble again.

   stepped back one after another, and his complexion became even more ugly at this moment, blood was overflowing from the corners of his mouth!

   A bit of horror appeared on many people's faces, and they were shocked by the strength Ye Feng displayed at this moment.

   The Han family elder is the top figure in Hancheng. There is no doubt about his strength. Normally, Ye Feng's cultivation base is not something Ye Feng can resist.

   But at this moment, under Ye Feng's terror attack, the body of my old man was severely injured one after another.

   was even spitting blood at this moment.

   "I said that you are not my opponent, but you just didn't listen. Do you think you have the right to compete with me?"

   Ye Feng said to the Han family father.

   The old man of the Han family was furious and was so humiliated by Ye Feng as the strongest person in this city.

How could he stand it? He couldn't help but gritted his teeth to Ye Feng: "Boy, the old man didn't expect that you would be able to advance to the Heavenly Emperor Realm. You forced me to do all this. Next, what kind of ending do you face? You can only blame yourself!"

   After the Han family elder said these words, everyone present saw a terrifying aura erupting from him.

   Behind him, waves of boulder phantoms appeared.

   These boulder phantoms carry amazing power, and each boulder seems to be like a huge mountain.

   has extremely strong gravity, shining with the strongest light. After these boulder phantoms were summoned.

   The entire space seems to be turned into a doomsday scene, and extremely terrifying destructive power is constantly surging in the void.

   The earth shook frantically, and cracks emerged, as if it might collapse and destroy at any time.

   After the crowd saw this scene, a shocked expression appeared on their faces.

  Blue-tier earth war spirit!

   Some people made such an exclamation, the old man of the Han family unexpectedly summoned his war spirits.

   Blue-tier earth war spirits are legendary war spirits. Not only are they extremely high-level, they also possess the same terrifying power of destruction.

The    blue rank has reached the level of improvement of the war spirit level, and the earth war spirit can use the power of the earth to launch an attack.

   is so powerful!

  At this moment, the old man of the Han family summoned the earth war spirits, and all the boulders on the ground emerged at this moment, and every boulder was destroyed as a package.

   The old man of the Han family stepped out to the sky, the ground trembled fiercely again, and then he threw a punch.

   This terrifying fist light can destroy all existence, and penetrate the space in a short time.

   tried to kill Ye Feng's body.

   This fist light can destroy all existence, and the huge boulders in the void madly descend from all directions.

   Every boulder has the power to destroy everything. In a short time, he tried to kill Ye Feng's body.

   Many people felt the attack power released by the Han family with the help of the war spirit, and their hearts trembled.

Only one person said: "The land war spirit of the Han family is really strong. In my opinion, this Ye Feng will definitely be unable to contend in front of the Han family's land war spirit. He will soon be punishable by the Han family's war spirit. kill!"

  As soon as this remark came out, many people in the room nodded, thinking that what the person said was reasonable.

   The head of the Han family, Han Baiming, and Luo Yaoyao have sneers on their faces, and they are also looking forward to the scene where Ye Feng is killed by the Han family's old man.

   "The war spirit that I understand is not what you can imagine, like you, a junior who has just advanced to the Celestial Emperor realm, only to be killed!"

   The Han family said to Ye Feng while releasing the attack.

"is it?"

   A sneer appeared on Ye Feng's face, his expression still indifferent, even facing the opponent's war spirit attack, his face was still extremely ordinary.

   didn't care at all.

  Those terrifying boulders fell from the void, destroying Ye Feng's body.

   "Om, hum..."

   Almost at the same time, the endless sword aura from Ye Feng's body was released, and a powerful force of good fortune was integrated into the sword aura.

   The power of good fortune he has understood can destroy all existence and release it at will, and this space trembles.

   The terrifying power of good fortune criss-crossed in the void, constantly colliding with the boulders.

   The crowd only listened to the rumbling sound of terror and concussion. When the two attacks collided, the sky and the earth broke apart.

   Although those boulder attacks were powerful, they still couldn't harm Ye Feng's body. Ye Feng's whole body was enveloped by the sword aura engulfing the power of good fortune, and it looked so bright and boundless.

   Against the attack of the opponent's war spirit, Ye Feng continued to step forward, and his body descended in front of the opponent's body in a short time.

   This made the Han family's father look shocked. How terrible is the attack power he released?

   With the help of the earth war spirit to release the attack, under normal circumstances, even the strong of the same realm should not be able to compete with him.

   And the young man in front of him was able to ignore the attack released by his war spirits, and step forward against this attack. Such an ability was beyond imagination.

   made the Han family father look extremely ugly, but naturally he would not just watch Ye Feng continue to calm down.

   saw him roar, and the amazing destruction fists burst out again, and the power contained in each fist gradually increased.

   came in the void and tried to wrap Ye Feng's body in it. The terrifying boulders resurfaced, and the attack power contained in each boulder became even more terrifying.

   This space is turned into a doomsday scene.

   However, Ye Feng still didn't care about anything, a powerful sword aura burst out, and the magic of good fortune was definitely released.

   Bloodline attribute power is surging around his body, and his bloodline is the source of good fortune, freely releasing the bloodline attribute power.

   The power of good fortune will be condensed in the bloodline attribute power, and the power it carries is naturally unimaginable for ordinary people.

   Once again, shocking sounds continued to sound, under the attack of Ye Feng's sword energy carrying the power of good fortune.

   The attack released by the Han family broke every inch, and he couldn't compete with Ye Feng at all.

   And Ye Feng also incorporated the power of good fortune into his palm at this moment, making his palms extremely violent.

   For the first time, he blasted a large palm print of destruction to the opponent's body, and this palm print was very powerful.

   The power of good fortune burst to the extreme. After he raised the power of good fortune to a new level, the attack power that the power of good fortune can release is naturally more powerful than before.

   The Han family's old man looked a little surprised, and his heart trembled involuntarily. Facing Ye Feng's attack, he was actually a little scared.

   Even if he releases the war spirit, he still cannot stop the attacking power of this young man, which makes him deeply feel a kind of fear.

   Therefore, the Han family's father had the idea of ​​trying to dodge it for the first time in his mind.

   His figure is extremely fast, and he dodges to one side in a short time, but Ye Feng's attack not only contains a powerful restraint.

   also integrates the terrifying space attribute power. Under the action of the space attribute power, his palm print can move its position instantly.

  Even if the Han family dodged his body, the palm prints reached his body in an instant.

   The old man of the Han family was so terrified that he had to release his attack and resistance, and there was another shocking sound.

   The Han family who is oppressed in aura, where is there any power to contend with Ye Feng?

   At the moment the two attacked and collided, the Han family father felt the terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's attack, and the danger of destruction wrapped his body.

   made his body tremble crazily, and he couldn't hold on anymore, he made a screaming sound, and his body was directly shaken out at this moment, and blood was vomited when he landed.

   And the destructive power still spreads on his body, and his body trembles constantly.

   This caused the meridian bones all over his body to break off, and it has become a luxury to struggle to get up.

   This made the Han family old man's face a despair, and his meridian bones were broken. Even if he saved a life, his cultivation realm was also abolished!

   His eyes were hollow, and he still couldn't believe that all this would be true until this moment. They are the first strongest in Hancheng, and they are highly respected.

   In Hancheng, no one can match it, but at this moment, he was strongly abolished by a young man the size of his grandson.

   In any case, some did not dare to accept all this, and the expressions of many people at the scene couldn't help but froze in place.

   Looking at the scene that happened before him, his face was unbelievable, and the same was true for the head of the Han family, Han Baiming, and Luo Yaoyao.

   The Han family's old man's cultivation base was abolished, which also means that their winter vacation will decline.

   "You, what are you, dare to be cultivated by the old man!"

   My father was struggling, looking at Ye Fengzhi with bitter eyes and asked.

   For Wu Xiu, the realm of cultivation is even more important than life. His cultivation is abolished, which means that he can only spend the rest of his life on the bed.

   "My name is Ye Feng, if you want revenge, you can always find me in the central area of ​​the Central Imperial Capital!"

   Ye Feng glanced at the old man of the Han family, and reported his name.

   Immediately, under the shocking gaze of everyone present, Fei Shou left here.

   This scene made everyone present tremble.

   Their eyes all fixed on Ye Feng's back, and they were speechless for a long time.


   The young man said that his name was Ye Feng, which seemed to be very familiar to everyone present.

   But they were unable to tell the identity of each other in a short time.

   "Ye Feng, who is it? How do I feel where I heard this name?"

   Someone said with a surprised look.

   Everything that happened today completely subverted his cognition. He might not even have dreamed that the Han city's first strong man, the old man of the Han family, was just abolished by a young man.

   "He is the first place winner of the year-end competition, Ye Feng!"

   At this moment, not far from the prescription, there was such an excited voice. Upon hearing this voice, the expressions of everyone present involuntarily solidified in place.

  The winner of the first place at the end of the year!

   Is he really that legendary young man?

   Not long after the end of the year-end competition, some things above the year-end competition had already been passed on to the entire central imperial capital.

   Everyone knows that the name of the winner of the first place at the end of the year is Ye Feng.

   On the battlefield of the year-end competition, he strongly defeated the rising prince Tianhong and won the first seat, shocking the entire central empire.

  He was even more strongly promoted to Lord Huhou by His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, and he controlled the Tiger Army.

  Thinking of this, everyone present shuddered, and only felt that their brains were short-circuited.

   The Han family father, the Han family head, Han Baiming, Luo Yaoyao also looked sluggish, even a little desperate in her eyes.

   Is this young man really the young tiger lord in the legend?

   If this is the case, even if the old man of the Han family is abolished by the opponent, how can they seek revenge?

  He Hancheng is just an ordinary small city in the western area of ​​the central imperial capital.

   And the other party is the noble Lord Huhou, who controls the Huben army, one of the four great masters of the Central Empire.

   With such an identity, even those top sect leaders in the central area of ​​the central imperial capital would not dare to make a mistake in front of the opponent.

   What is his Han family? Do you really want to go to the central imperial capital to seek revenge?

   In that case, it proves that his Han family will be the enemy of Huhou Mansion. Does his Han family have that courage?

   The head of the Han family, Han Hundred and the father and son, although angry in their hearts, they are also vaguely mixed with a hint of fortune.

   Especially after learning about Ye Feng's identity, they once fought Ye Feng.

   After seeing Ye Feng's battle with the Han family, they knew how humble they should be in front of Ye Feng.

  Although Ye Feng has not broken through the realm of cultivation level before, the Patriarch of the Han family, Han Baiming and his son can be If Ye Feng wants to kill him, it may be something that can be done just by waving his hand.

   And they, unconsciously provoked Ye Feng one after another.

   What shocked them even more was that Master Huhou, Ye Feng, raised his cultivation level to the realm of Heavenly Emperor in just a few months. Such a talent for cultivation can be described as an evil spirit.

   The minds of all the people present are still immersed in the state of short-circuit. They did not expect that their small city in Hancheng would attract such a big person.

   One of the four great tiger masters of the Central Empire, Master Huhou, came to him to practice in the mountains outside Hancheng, but was provoked by Han Baiming, the son of the Han family.

   The head of the Han family, the elder of the Han family, went to battle with each other repeatedly, and finally the opponent entered the realm of heaven and earth in the cave.

   And the first World War abolished the Han family's cultivation realm, all of this will inevitably be recorded in the annals of history, and will be passed on continuously in the mouth of future generations.

   The three Han family grandparents had desperate eyes. They knew that they couldn't repay this hatred. Whether it was the other's cultivation level or status, it was not the Han family that could provoke them.

  In other words, even if Ye Feng abolished the Han family's cultivation base, they could only endure all this silently during the winter vacation. It is basically impossible to get revenge!

  The author Wan Muzheng said: 10,000-character chapter, the last day of the end of the month, brothers with flowers vote for this book, otherwise it will be cleared tomorrow, thank you all!

   Recommend the new book of Urban Great God Lao Shi:

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