Sky War God

Chapter 3564: Swallowing Devil Pot

Latest URL: Chapter 3564 Heaven-Swallowing Magic Pot

Such a terrifying force seemed to completely suppress everything in the space, even Ye Feng felt extremely huge pressure.

The power of good fortune in the body was agitated for the first time, and the breath that it radiated quickly merged with this piece of heaven and earth, exuding an unimaginable powerful force.

Under the support of the power of good fortune, Ye Feng's aura has reached a level that ordinary people can't reach. The horrible energy revolves in the void, making his body taller.

The explosion of the power of good fortune also made Ouyang Lin's face a little ugly, and once again mobilized such a terrifying force to crush it towards Ye Feng.

It was as if there was a huge stone stele condensed by the power of heaven and earth, slammed down toward the direction where Ye Feng was located. The extremely terrifying force of coercion burst out like this, almost completely destroying Ye Feng.

It was at this moment that Ye Feng mobilized the power in his body, and the terrifying aura he exuded reached a realm that ordinary people could not imagine.

The power of his whole body was gathered on his fist, and he struck out the terrifying attack that was about to come down.

This fist seems to be light and fluttering, and does not contain any power, as if it may disappear at any time.

But just such a punch, at the moment of contact with the stone stele of the day, an unimaginable terrifying force erupted.

A shocking fist burst out, as if to punch through the entire sky, the power of good fortune was raging wildly, enough to completely shake the main space.

At this moment, the sound of rumbling destruction and shock rang out, and the powerful aura that radiated, even more so that the entire Sky-Swallowing City was affected.

The extremely powerful destructive force is madly spreading in all directions. No ability can stop the attack of this destructive force.

At this moment, Ouyang Lin felt the terrifying power contained in Ye Feng's body.

He originally thought that the coercive force released by himself was already unimaginable and could easily suppress Ye Feng.

But he didn't expect that Ye Feng could burst out such a terrifying attack, and even blocked his power.

Without any hesitation, the power in the body was released again, resonating fiercely with the surrounding space, and mobilizing the power of Swallowing Heaven City again.

Now that Ouyang Lin's cultivation base is sealed, he can't display his terrifying strength, so he can only use this method to mobilize the power of Swallowing Sky City to suppress Ye Feng.

The terrifying power between heaven and earth was continuously condensed, and it was suppressed fiercely towards the direction where Ye Feng was located. Such terrifying energy would almost completely crush the entire space.

And Ye Feng's reaction was also quite rapid. As soon as he felt such a terrible attack, he completely released his power of good fortune in the first place, and the integration of the whole person and the power of heaven and earth became even closer.

Operating the power of kendo, Ye Feng also merged it with the power of good fortune. In a blink of an eye, he had drawn a transparent crystal long sword from the void, and slashed it towards the destruction attack above.

In addition, Ye Feng's other hand was not idle either, constantly running his own power, playing one after another in the void, changing the surrounding attribute power.

The power of these tactics constantly evolves in the void, forming a special power of **** pattern, and the continuous construction of this formation seems to be to suppress the surrounding space in the shortest time. .

Ouyang Lin didn’t care about this formation. Instead, he mobilized the power of Swallowing City even more crazily, pressing Ye Feng crazily, and he wanted to kill Ye Feng completely during this attack. .

"You are such a humble species that deserves so many original attributes? You really do not live or die.

Now this young master will let you know what true strength is. "

As he spoke, Ouyang Lin had already mobilized his strength to the extreme, and the terrifying force of coercion continued to erupt in the void, and the coercive force that radiated from it reached a point that ordinary people could not imagine. .

The heaven and earth stele falling in the void is also madly releasing the force of suppression, to crush Ye Feng completely.

That is to say, at this moment, the source of power mobilized by Ye Feng has reached an extremely terrifying point, and the energy filled with the divine sword of good fortune has reached a violent point.

In a very short period of time, an incomparably bright brilliance bloomed from the Divine Sword of Good Fortune, and that sharp power even wanted to divide the entire world.

Such a terrifying attack also changed the expressions of everyone.

As early as when the battle took place, the people in the city of Swallowing Heaven had already noticed such a terrifying movement and gathered around the courtyard for the first time.

Seeing such an extremely terrifying sword light also gave everyone present a new understanding of power, and they were speculating and studying such terrifying power.

"This, what's going on, Young Master is actually mobilizing the power of Swallowing Heaven City, and even mobilizing his original aura?"

"Is it possible that the young master's cultivation technique has caused such a terrifying vision? Looking at such a power, it is indeed extremely vast!"

"Are you an idiot? The breath that blooms now clearly doesn't have the mark of the young master. This is someone who has come to assassinate the young master. What are they doing coldly? Find a way to save people!"

"What's the use of panic at this time, the mansion of the young master is guarded by the formation of Swallowing Sky City, even if we have such an idea, it is impossible to enter.

Besides, using the means of the young master to mobilize the power of Swallowing Sky City, no matter how terrifying the opponent's strength, it will be easily suppressed. "

When those people outside were discussing, the sword light emitted by Ye Feng had already collided with the stone stele.

The extremely terrifying sound of destruction and shock burst out frantically, resounding through the entire space in an instant.

Under such a terrifying shock, the extremely powerful force of destruction was also released, and everything here was to be completely destroyed.

Afterwards, the various attribute forces in the space also began to violently riots, turning this space into a mass of paste, and the incomparably mixed attribute powers became extremely crazy.

The power of Chaos controlled by Ye Feng also played a role at this moment, directly suppressing the surrounding space, and thus released the extremely powerful aura of attributes.

Those mixed attribute powers, like swallows, were absorbed and refined by Ye Feng, supplementing their own consumption, and at the same time cultivating their own origin.

Ouyang Lin, who had been suppressed by the power of the seal, was also quite angry after seeing this scene. At this moment, the power of the source exploded directly.

The power of destruction was surging crazily, and even the collision back and forth in that group of seals made the aura in it extremely fierce.

"Break it for me!"

At that moment, an incomparably powerful Demon Dao attribute force burst out, violently impacting on the seal, and directly tore the seal through a huge hole.

In an instant, the originally chaotic attribute power, under the influence of this power, also became an abnormal riot, and the terrifying aura that it radiated, crushed towards Ye Feng fiercely.

It's just that the breath that Ouyang Lin mobilized this time was very different from before, and even extremely cruel.

Ye Feng also felt the danger, the power of good fortune mixed with the power of chaos, once again evolved a chaotic vision, and suppressed all the destructive powers that approached him.

In the next instant, Ye Feng already felt a powerful swallowing force, which had already come to him.

The horrible magic power attribute power was released crazily, as if to shock the surrounding space.

Such a powerful pressure also had a huge impact on Ye Feng, and a series of terrifying destruction attacks directly occupied all the space around him.

Without any hesitation, the original power in the body broke out in an instant, spreading wildly in all directions, and even some attribute powers had spontaneously operated their most powerful power.

After mobilizing all the power in his body, Ye Feng didn't have any ambiguity. He directly waved the divine sword of good fortune in his hand and slashed forward fiercely.

It was at this moment that the terrifying coercive forces collided together, causing the surrounding space to vibrate strongly.

The rumbling sound of terrifying shock resounded in an instant, spreading in this space, and even more terrifying power of destruction, spreading in all directions.

Ye Feng also felt that the terrifying power contained in the opponent's attack immediately mobilized the power of good fortune, and constantly resonated with the entire world, and the sharp power he slashed became even more terrifying.

The power in Ouyang Lin's body was also being madly released. The powerful swallowing force landed fiercely, constantly engulfing Ye Feng's breath, as if to swallow Ye Feng completely.

Ye Feng had also come into contact with such a terrifying devouring power, and even some of the powers he controlled had similar abilities.

But at this moment, the power that Ye Feng felt was far more evil than the power he had controlled before, and it even made his body somewhat unbearable.

The body was trembling involuntarily, and the power of various attributes was turbulent one after another, exuding powerful attribute power. I wanted to completely clean up the attribute power surrounding him in the shortest time.

The stalemate between the two powers also made Ouyang Lin's face more ugly, he even couldn't accept it, and Ye Feng was able to contend with him.

The Heaven-Swallowing Magic Skill in the body began to circulate crazily at this moment, and the swallowing power exuded was even more powerful to an unimaginable level. The terrifying coercive power firmly locked Ye Feng.

At the moment this force came, the Heavenly Hunking Spirit Orb in Ye Feng's body immediately oscillated, and it might rush out at any time, completely devouring Ouyang Lin.

However, Ye Feng was still relatively cautious, actively condensing the power of the Huntian Spirit Orb, and tried his best to suppress this treasure.

The powerful force contained in it can definitely swallow Ouyang Lin in the first place, and there is not even a little residue left.

After all, Ye Feng had great confidence in the power of the Huntian Spirit Orb, and the terrifying power contained therein was not something that Ouyang Lin could resist.

However, after all, this is Swallowing Sky City, and Ouyang Lin is the eldest master of Swallowing Sky City.

If he kills here, Ye Feng has no absolute certainty that he will be able to leave here alive.

In the face of such a terrifying devouring power, Ye Feng would naturally not sit still, and the divine sword of good fortune in his hand immediately burst into countless brilliant brilliance.

The sharp power from the sword of good fortune slashed is quite condensed, even with extremely powerful swallowing power as a foundation, it can't completely resist such sharp power.

At this moment, the sky full of sword light was released, directly slashing towards Ouyang Lin.

The power of such a terrifying edge is beyond imagination, and Ouyang Lin immediately felt the terrifying power contained in it.

The extremely terrifying edge directly locked Ouyang Lin's body, as if penetrating the space, directly slashed towards him.

Seeing that Ye Feng dared to attack, Ouyang Lin's face also showed a cold light, and the expression in his eyes became extremely cruel.

"Asshole, what do you think you are, you dare to do something to me like this? With this little strength of yours, do you think you can hurt me?"

The power displayed by Ye Feng was completely shocked. The power in Ouyang Lin's body suddenly exploded, and the terrifying power of devouring was released in this way, and it directly collided with the sword lights of good fortune.

That is to say, in this short period of time, two extremely terrifying powers have already gathered together, and immediately there is a rumbling sound of terrifying shock.

The power of destruction is spreading crazily in all directions, as if all power will be completely wiped out.

In this short period of time, the surrounding space was torn again and again, and even more powerful forces of good fortune came down, repairing those terrifying space cracks.

Ye Feng is also in such an environment, the ability to control the power of good fortune is more powerful, and the power that he exerts is even more fierce.

Even so, Ye Feng could feel that Ouyang Lin's attack had landed on him, constantly pulling the power in his body, trying to swallow Ye Feng in.

More powerful destructive power appeared in his body out of thin air, destroying his bones and internal organs, as if to kill him completely.

Of course, when Ye Feng suffered these attacks, Ouyang Lin was also affected by the same, extremely terrifying force of coercion, mixed with the power of good fortune sword light, constantly shuttled through his body.

Even using the Heaven-Swallowing Magic Power to continuously devour and consume them, it cannot form an effective suppression of these forces.

Bearing such terrifying power, the bursts of pain in the body made Ouyang Lin surprisingly angry, and the original power in the body burst out like a madness.

The power controlled by the two can be regarded as comparable. If the battle continues like this, even for thousands of years, there may be no results.

For Ouyang Lin, of course he could not tolerate such a situation, and the power in his body was violently rioting.

At the same time, in the void, there was also a powerful and coercive aura, it seemed that the entire Swallowing City was going to be shaken along with it, and the terrifying energy contained in it was swarming and crushing towards Ye Feng.

Swallowing Heaven City, but a powerhouse at the level of the gods, the energy contained in the natal gods created by a strong man was definitely not something Ye Feng could resist.

Similarly, such a force has become unbelievably powerful, and the power it possesses is not completely controlled by Ouyang Lin.

At this moment, countless bright brilliance appeared in Ye Feng's eyes, as if there were endless attribute powers, which were completely released at this moment.

Subsequently, the power of the magic formula that Ye Feng had previously released was also completely aroused by Ye Feng at this moment, and the extremely powerful aura was quietly released in the world.

With the power that Ye Feng controls at the moment, and his comprehension of the power of the gods, he has reached a quite terrifying point, and the power he exerts is naturally unexpectedly powerful.

It was just that moment, the attribute power in Ye Feng's eyes merged with the power of the magic formula he just released, and the powerful aura burst out in an instant.

An incomparably huge magic pattern of gods appeared out of thin air at this moment, and the power radiated out reached a terrifying point.

When seeing this **** pattern formation, Ouyang Lin's face also showed a disdainful expression, and the original power in his body reached a realm beyond imagination.

The powerful force in the body burst out frantically, crushing down towards Ye Feng fiercely.

With a very disdainful voice in his mouth, he said to Ye Feng: "Don't think that you have some ability, and you can compete with me. Do you know what kind of power you are facing?

Heaven-swallowing city is a natal divine weapon built by my father himself. The energy contained in him is not what you can imagine. With this strength of yours, you also want to affect the city of Heaven-swallowing?

It's just daydreaming! "

At this moment, an extremely powerful force was released from the void, mixed with Ouyang Lin's own power, and directly merged those terrifying auras, and landed directly toward Ye Feng.

At this moment, Ye Feng looked at him indifferently, as if such a terrifying power could not have any influence on him, and even the divine sword of good fortune in his hand had not changed.

Such an attitude made Ouyang Lin angry even more. The original power in his body burst out again, and the coercive force formed further surging out.

The terrifying energy of destruction erupted at this moment, and the extremely terrifying energy, like a wave of destruction, washed down towards Ye Feng, wishing to destroy Ye Feng completely.

However, when such a terrifying force came into contact with the guardian formation beside Ye Feng, it suddenly paused, and the energy contained in it also dissipated most of it at this moment.

This sudden change made Ouyang Lin a little caught off guard, the remaining energy was directly beheaded by Ye Feng with a single sword, and he could no longer turn over any waves.

"You, how did you do it?"

Ouyang Lin looked at Ye Feng in shock, couldn't believe that he could actually weaken his strength to such a point.

There was also a disdainful smile on Ye Feng's face. There was no thought to explain to Ouyang Lin at all. The power in the body was also completely mobilized at this moment, and it was directly crushed towards the other party.

It was just this kind of attack that went straight through the space and slashed towards Ouyang Lin. The power of good fortune resonated with the world, and it made the surrounding environment even more weird.

A sword light passed through the space and directly fell in front of Ouyang Lin, as if to completely kill his body.

Ouyang Lin hadn't reacted from the shock before, let alone think that Ye Feng's strength had reached such a realm, and did not expect for a while that Ye Feng would dare to take the initiative to launch an attack.

When he reacted, Jian Guang was already present, and there was no chance to dodge it again.

A powerful attribute force in the body was released, and it collided with that sword light fiercely. Such a terrifying wave of destruction was naturally oppressed by Ye Feng into the body.

The sword light shuttled through the body, and the coercive force released was also to a terrifying level. The extremely cruel aura quickly eroded Ouyang Lin's body, and it also brought him an impact in his eyes.

In this short period of time, Ouyang Lin's face had become extremely pale, and his body was trembling continuously, as if he might collapse at any time.

"Asshole, asshole!"

At this moment, Ouyang Lin is also so angry, but there are more doubts in his heart.

In any case, he couldn't think of what kind of means Ye Feng relied on to release this ability and weaken the power he released to such an extent.

It even said that even the power of Swallowing Heaven City was suppressed by him.

In fact, Ye Feng naturally didn't have such ability. He just constructed a **** pattern formation, connected with Swallowing City, and returned the power that originally belonged to him.

Ye Feng had also controlled Xiaotiantian City before, and he also had a certain understanding of the formation in this city. Now, coupled with the influence of the power of good fortune, he can naturally return the power in the space to Tiantian City. .

As long as this formation exists, Ye Feng doesn't need to care about Ouyang Lin mobilizing the power of Swallowing Heaven City, as long as he can deal with his own strength is enough.

Of course, if it were the active hand of Swallowing Sky City, even if Ye Feng's Divine Mark formation was so powerful, he couldn't resist it at all, and would be crushed into **** in the first place.

Although I don't understand what the reason is, the power of Swallowing Sky City is no longer enough to rely on, and Ouyang Lin's face has also become more difficult to look at.

The terrifying coercive force broke out from his body again, and the powerful aura released made the surrounding space tremble crazily, as if to tear the space away.

It was also at this moment that the Divine Fortune Sword in Ye Feng's hand began to tremble constantly, and the feelings it released made him feel a little bit scared.

"You can be considered strong if you are able to force me into this, but because of this, you will undoubtedly die.

Let you see and see, the most terrifying power in this world comes from the inheritance of Lord Demon Ancestor, the true power of Devouring Demon Art! "

At this moment, the breath that bloomed in the void quickly condensed on Ouyang Lin's body, and a palm-sized pitch black magic pot appeared in front of him.

That is to say, at this moment, the horrible devouring power exploded, the coercive power stunned the void, and all the attribute powers wanted to be completely wiped out.

Ye Feng's strength is also beyond imagination, but in the face of today's strength, he does not seem to have any resistance, even the Divine Sword of Good Fortune in his hand cannot be lifted.

The power radiated from that sky-swallowing magic pot was really terrifying.

Under such terrible pressure, even if Ye Feng's power was strongly suppressed, his own source of power was constantly oscillating, trying to break through such a terrible blockade.

"Don't waste your energy, just rely on your strength to break the seal I set, or even to break through my suppression, you need to do your best.

Breaking through the heavens and not breaking through are two completely different realms, not to mention the power of the Heaven Swallowing Devil Pot, which is not something you can resist. "

Ouyang Lin laughed wildly, and the power in his body continued to explode, as if to completely compress everything in the space into a small slap-sized pot.

Ye Feng also used his own power of perception to constantly explore the Heaven Swallowing Devil Pot.

The extremely powerful devouring power, mixed with the terrifying magic power, the fusion of these two abilities, the power exerted is absolutely terrifying beyond imagination.

Ye Feng's Chaos Power is indeed able to resist such oppression, but his own strength has always been checked.

It was obvious to the other party that he had cultivated the Heaven Swallowing Devil Pot to an extremely powerful level, and the energy in it was almost endless. If you want to suppress Ye Feng, don't be too easy.

"Boy, it's also your honor to die in my hands. Now, let you see the power of the swallowing magic power."

While speaking, Ouyang Lin completely exploded the breath in his body, and the Sky Swallowing Devil Pot suspended in front of him also burst out dark energy at this moment.

The incomparably terrifying power of the Demon Dao attribute burst out at this instant, and the powerful aura released made Ye Feng's body on the verge of collapse.

At this moment, Ye Feng's eyes also became extremely cold, and an extremely terrifying aura burst out crazily at this moment.

Such a powerful force violently rioted in Ye Feng's body, and there was a terrifying aura, which broke out completely at this moment.

The power of destruction is shaking the earth, and there is a sharp edge, as if it is going to penetrate the void, directly breaking the seal of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Pot.

At this moment, the divine sword of good fortune in Ye Feng's hand spread out like a photoelectric, and the power of the holy demon spread all over his body, and it even attracted the will of the spear and the power of the magic way.

A spear stained with blood, releasing this terrifying coercive force, just appeared in Ye Feng's hand.

Such a force, the pressure radiated from it, was so powerful that it was unimaginable, and the Heaven Swallowing Devil Pot was suppressed for a moment.

The extremely huge magical thoughts were released in Ye Feng's body, and slowly crushed towards the opponent's location.

The Holy Demon Spear in Ye Feng's hand was already more powerful than before. I don't know how many times it was stronger. The terrifying aura that it exudes made him somewhat uncontrollable.

The improvement of his own strength also made the power that the Holy Magic Spear can emit, becoming extremely terrifying. At this moment, Ye Feng is also doing his best to suppress the Holy Magic Spear in his hand, not allowing the power of the magic way to be released too crazy. come out.

Ouyang Lin also didn't expect that Ye Feng still had such a method. The terrifying magical thought contained in the Holy Demon Spear was many times stronger than the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Pot.

This also brought him immense pressure, and even the **** sharp edges that continued to shuttle through the space simply exceeded the limit that Ouyang Lin could bear.

The power of Chaos also broke out, the power of coercion spread, and the holy magic spear was intertwined, and the attack released became even more violent.

Just stepping out, the power in the body burst out frantically, and the **** spear light directly collided with the Sky-Swallowing Devil Pot.

At this moment, Ouyang Lin's face also became extremely pale, such a powerful force, as if penetrating the void, was about to descend directly on him.

In Ye Feng's eyes, there is also an infinite horror scene. The power of the magic way and divine mind is growing by leaps and bounds at this moment, and he can enter another terrifying realm at any time.


Ouyang Lin roared frantically, and at this moment, a frightening aura surged from the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Pot, spitting out a light of destruction.

This power is also the original power he has carefully cultivated for a long time, and the energy he possesses is simply terrifying to the point of unimaginable.

The two terrifying attacks collided in a very short period of time.

The rumbling sound of terror and concussion resounded crazily in the void, and the destructive power that radiated, even more so that the strong in the Sky-Swallowing City were completely shocked.

It was at this moment that a terrifying force of coercion broke out in Ye Feng's body again, and once again collided with that destruction attack.

The terrifying power of destruction burst out at this moment, as if to swallow everything in the world.

Ye Feng’s eyes also reflected such a powerful destructive force. The aura in his body was also completely expanded at this moment. The extremely terrifying Demon Dao and Divine Sense became extremely crazy. Everything in the world is completely destroyed.

Under such terrifying pressure, even if it was the Heaven Swallowing Demon Pot, it was constantly oscillating, and the attribute power contained in it was firmly suppressed by the Holy Demon Spear.

Perceiving such a change, Ouyang Lin's heart was even more angry, as if it was his dignity that Ye Feng had stepped on the ground.

The light of anger in his eyes burned crazily, continuously expanding toward the outside world.

It was at this moment that Ouyang Lin directly exploded his most powerful force, spurting out his essence and blood.

The Heaven-Swallowing Devil Pot, supported by this force, exploded crazily with its own attribute power, as if it was about to swallow everything in the world.

The extremely terrifying devouring power was released, almost no different from a black hole. Such terrifying energy restrained Ye Feng's body.

Such a terrifying swallowing power clearly meant that Ye Feng had been swallowed cleanly, and the power possessed was even more powerful to an unimaginable level.

However, Ye Feng's expression was extremely indifferent, and the original power in his body was still running continuously.

The holy magic spear in his hand was pushed slowly, and a scarlet spear light burst out, without any change, it was just a plain spear light.

However, when this spear light collided with the Heaven Swallowing Devil Pot, it exploded with extremely terrifying power in an instant.

Contained in the spear light is an unimaginable swallowing force.

The terrifying power used to create the Sky-Swallowing Devil Pot was completely suppressed by the Holy Demon Spear Light at this moment. Such a terrifying devouring force burst out like crazy, and it did not give Ouyang Lin any chance to resist.

Especially that horrible magical thought, it almost madly swallows the power of those magical attributes, it seems that it is to completely punish Ouyang Lin in the shortest time.

Without any chance to resist, Ouyang Lin could only watch, his own destiny soldier was directly destroyed by the holy magic spear, and the energy contained in it was also swallowed by the holy magic spear.

The cultivation technique in the body is also constantly running at this moment, a very terrifying heaven and earth vitality, following the holy magic spear, continuously rushing into Ye Feng's body.

At this moment, Ye Feng’s eyes were also completely occupied by the power of the dark magic way and the magical thoughts. The terrifying magical thoughts on the holy magic spear almost madly impacted Ye Feng’s magical thoughts, and wanted to give him complete Swallowed.

The extremely violent power is also brewing crazily at this moment.

"Die me!"

Ouyang Lin was also completely crazy at this moment, and immediately burst the power in his body, wanting to completely kill Ye Feng.

However, Ye Feng once again erupted with a terrifying impact, and the Holy Magic Spear exploded with a powerful force that ordinary people can't imagine, and directly knocked Ouyang Lin into the air.

The force of coercion bloomed, directly causing Ouyang Lin's body to tremble continuously, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Asshole, I want you to die..."


Just when Ouyang Lin wanted to use some taboo method, a terrifying coercive force came down, and then, a brilliant brilliance was released in the void.

Author Wan Mu Zhengrong said: On the first day of the month, brothers who have guaranteed flowers in their hands, vote for this book. Thank you.

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