Sky War God

Chapter 3565: The Secret of the Ancient Titan

[网] Lingtian War God Chapter 3565 The Secret of the Ancient Giant God

When hearing this sound, the two people present opened their eyes wide in shock.

The powerful aura that radiated from the void had already reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people, and the entire Sky Swallowing City was following*.

Ye Feng was also quite familiar with this breath.

The powerful pressure radiated from it made Ye Feng's body tremble involuntarily, as if it might collapse at any time.

The power in the entire Sky-Swallowing City has already gathered on it, and the strength it radiates has reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Ye Feng's eyes also reflected endless scenes, as if the whole world could collapse at any time, swallowing his body completely.

Feeling such a terrible pressure, Ye Feng's eyes also reflected an extremely terrifying scene.

The endless chaotic brilliance was constantly released in the void, and the coercive power that radiated was extremely terrifying, as if to detonate all the power of the attributes he controlled.

At this moment, Ye Feng's heart is also extremely heavy, and the pressure that City Lord Swallowing has brought him is simply beyond imagination.

Before he didn't know what the strength of this strong man had reached, as his own strength continued to improve, the power of divine mind became even more powerful to an extremely terrifying point.

The more because of this, Ye Feng also understood the power emanating from the opponent's body more and more, it was so powerful that it was unimaginable, just a little fluctuation that was emitted at random was enough to completely destroy his body.

"Is this the power of the gods?"

Ye Feng's inner vibration seemed to burst out of the power of the space under his control at any time, so as to escape this area.

"You really are so promising."

At this moment, the incomparably majestic voice of City Lord Swallowing Sky sounded, and it smashed into Ouyang Lin's body.

He couldn't stand on the ground directly pressed by such a breath, and fell to his knees fiercely. In his body, those terrible powers couldn't work.

"I clearly ordered you not to cause trouble anymore, and practice here with peace of mind. Unexpectedly, you dare to violate what I said. Have you already put my father in your eyes?"

Hearing the words of City Lord Ouyang, Ouyang Lin's face instantly became extremely pale, and his body was as if he had been shocked, fighting frantically.

"Father, I..."

Ouyang Lin's voice trembled and wanted to explain, but Lord City Lord didn't seem to put his words in his eyes, and the terrible coercive force still did not dissipate.

Even Ye Feng faintly perceives such a terrifying aura, and has become more and more terrifying, as if to crush Ouyang Lin's body completely.

This method has reached a point of incomparable horror, and the power that can be exerted is extremely terrifying.

Even Ye Feng's current cultivation level, I am afraid that he can't resist the pressure of the gods, not to mention the pressure when Ouyang Lin faces City Lord Ouyang.

Without any extra action, Ye Feng just watched quietly from the sidelines, as if such a change had nothing to do with him.

Then an extremely powerful seal was released from City Lord Ouyang's hands and fell directly on Ouyang Lin's body.

Among the dust, the power that Ouyang Lin was running inside his body was instantly sealed, and could no longer be mobilized.

Even his natal soldiers were completely suppressed, and he could no longer release any power.

"From today on, you will stay at home, and no other activities will be allowed for three years."

Without any explanation, City Lord Ouyang said so domineeringly, the aura radiating from his body reached a level that ordinary people could not imagine.

Ye Feng was also completely shocked by such a force, and he did not expect that City Lord Ouyang's methods had reached such a terrifying level.

Just looking back, I was able to place such a terrible seal and completely seal Ouyang Lin's body.

That is, at this moment, the power of the law reflected in Ye Feng's eyes copied all those terrifying auras.

The incomparably powerful attribute power is erupting crazily at this moment, and the powerful power radiated has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

It's just that Ye Feng is also fully operating his own attribute power, suppressing this power in his body.

Because of the power of Chaos, although these powers are huge, they are not revealed, and it is difficult for people to perceive them.

City Lord Ouyang slowly turned his head to look at Ye Feng, there was also an inexplicable gleam in his eyes, as if he had noticed something, but he didn't say anything.

"You are fine, very good."

City Lord Ouyang suddenly praised, such an attitude made Ye Feng somewhat unimaginable.

Obviously Ye Feng had just had a battle with his son, and almost wounded the opponent, and even the displayed power resonated with the entire Swallowing City.

Not only was City Lord Ouyang not angry, but he was very satisfied with Ye Feng, as if he was verifying something.

"Come with me."

City Lord Ouyang said softly, the aura in his body was released, and he moved directly in the other direction.

The power of space changed instantly, and Ye Feng had no chance to react at all, so he was dragged to another place by City Lord Ouyang.

After carefully observing the surroundings, Ye Feng realized that this was the back garden where he first saw City Lord Ouyang.

At this moment, the aura exuding here has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

The incomparably terrifying power was constantly oscillating in the void, and the aura that came out was pure to an extreme realm.

Ye Feng could clearly feel the power emanating from the void, it was shockingly powerful, as if all the strengths that Ye Feng controlled had reached an extremely strong state.

In a very short period of time, the various attribute powers possessed in Ye Feng's body have been completely mobilized by him, and the powerful aura emanating from his body is also gushing out.

Feeling the power erupting in Ye Feng's body, City Lord Ouyang also nodded, looking at Ye Feng with a relieved look.

"Yes, really good. I didn't expect you to be able to cultivate the strength in your body to such a level in such a short period of time. It was really unexpected to me."

City Lord Ouyang said with a smile, the breath radiating from his body has become extremely gentle, and there is no oppression.

"If it weren't for your help, Yan'er wouldn't have been able to get that kind of opportunity. I really want to thank you very much."

Seeing the power emanating from Ye Feng, City Lord Ouyang became more satisfied and said so.

Ye Feng didn't expect such a change, so he quickly explained.

"At the beginning, we said good conditions, and the seniors also gave me a huge help. This is nothing to praise."

City Lord Ouyang smiled and shook his head, but did not take Ye Feng's words at the moment to heart.

"You just think too much. I praise you naturally because I look up to you, not for other reasons.

And the help you gave Yan'er at the beginning was also quite huge, and now she can break through to the realm of the ancient giant, thanks to your original choice. "

The words of City Lord Ouyang also shocked Ye Feng. He didn't expect that the little girl had already broken through to such a powerful realm at this moment.

Although Ye Feng's own combat power is already superior to many ancient giants, there is still a certain gap in the level of life and strength.

Looking at the eyes of Swallowing City Lord Ye Feng, there was also a strange brilliance, and he suddenly said.

"There are some things I would like to ask seniors."

Now Ye Feng is alone in the Sky-Swallowing Demon Realm, and there is nothing that can help him.

If it hadn't worked hard enough, but also had extremely powerful strength, I'm afraid it would have already been killed by others.

For him, although he had a certain understanding of the realm of the ancient giant god, he didn't know how to cultivate in the future.

With such a good relationship with City Lord Ouyang, Ye Feng would also like to take this opportunity to ask about the follow-up practice of the ancient gods.

"You want to ask about the cultivation methods of the ancient giants, right?"

City Lord Ouyang seemed to have thought of Ye Feng's doubts a long time ago, and said immediately.

Ye Feng nodded, then took out a palm-sized jade from his body and sent it to City Lord Ouyang.

Before Ye Feng stayed in that piece of good fortune world for a while, he had a certain understanding of some of the substances produced there.

The energy contained in a piece of jade is extremely pure and exudes the principles of good fortune, which is also of great help to people's cultivation.

"The younger generation knows that this kind of news is absolutely extremely precious, I am afraid that among the major cultivation forces, only disciples can hear it.

Now I rushed to ask for advice, willing to use this piece of jade as a reward. "

Seeing the piece of good fortune jade in Ye Feng's hand, City Lord Ouyang was also a little surprised.

Although he didn't know what it was, the power emanating from it had reached an extremely powerful level, as if to gather all the power of life between heaven and earth in it.

Seeing the energy in it continue to run, City Lord Ouyang also reflected an extremely bright brilliance in his eyes, as if he wanted to analyze the composition of this piece of divine jade.

But soon, the power in City Lord Ouyang's eyes dissipated.

"Unexpectedly, you still have such a treasure in your hand. Although it has no big effect to me, it also has a powerful energy beyond imagination.

The power of life contained in it has reached an extremely strong point, and it also has a very powerful help to the realm of the ancient giant. "

City Lord Ouyang, although he didn't know what the **** of good fortune jade was, the life force in it made him extremely jealous.

In a certain realm of the ancient giant, it was necessary to use a powerful force to temper the body, so as to cultivate the body of the giant.

In this process, the consumption of life force is simply unimaginable. If there is the help of this piece of good fortune jade, it will inevitably make this progress much faster.

But now Ouyang Yanshuang has just broken through the realm of the ancient giant god, it is the time when such a treasure is needed.

If you can get this treasure from Ye Feng, it will be extremely helpful to Ouyang Yanshuang.

In the first time, City Lord Ouyang directly waved the piece of divine jade and received it in his own hand.

"Since you have such an idea, then I will live up to your painstaking effort. As for the realm of the ancient giant, it is not a secret."

City Lord Ouyang didn't have any ambiguity at this moment, and directly told Ye Feng the secret of the ancient giant **** realm.

As City Lord Ouyang continued to explain, Ye Feng finally knew how the realm of the ancient giant divided the strength.

If you want to break through the realm of the ancient giant, you must at least allow your body to meet certain requirements, and your own cultivation level can be a natural breakthrough.

Now Ye Feng has already stepped on this threshold, and even deliberately suppressing it, it is possible to break through at any time.

If it hadn't been for Ye Feng's request, his own divine consciousness had also reached the realm of consummation, and he had already become a genuine ancient giant.

And among the ancient giants, there is also a huge gap.

The practice in it is also called the Five Heaven Pass.

Each view level is a kind of control and continuous improvement of one's own strength, and finally breaks through to an extreme realm.

And these five levels corresponded to soul, body, attribute power, magic weapon and own avenue respectively.

Each of them has an extremely important role.

Only after they have completed all their cultivation can they break through to a higher realm.

And if you want to become a god, these five levels of heaven must also be extremely powerful.

After hearing this, the power in Ye Feng's body was also running spontaneously, wanting to deduce the ability above the realm of the ancient giant.

It's just that although Ye Feng's strength at the moment is strong, it is not that simple to display such a powerful force.

Just a little bit of movement to touch such a field, Ye Feng's body was trembling involuntarily, as if he had been shocked by an electric shock.

The original power in the body is constantly rushing, as if it may collapse at any time.

This also made Ye Feng become extremely cautious, not daring to make too many moves, and immediately calmed down the strength in his body.

The original power kept running, soothing the restless body, Ye Feng also looked at City Lord Ouyang.

I only heard City Lord Ouyang say in an unhurried tone.

"Practicing these five levels of heaven has different changes for individuals.

Strengthening the soul will transform one's own spiritual power, and the power in the body will be easier to control.

Strengthening the body is to make one's own body stronger, able to withstand extremely large energy, so that oneself can obtain the strongest foundation.

Strengthening the power of one's own attributes is the most important link. All ancient giants must work hard in this realm to be able to fully release their own power.

As for the cultivation of one's own destiny weapons and great avenues, it is to make one's own strength stronger, whether it is in combat and cultivation, it will have an extremely huge influence.

Of course, the costs of cultivating these two levels of heaven are completely different from before.

The methods that need to be operated are extremely precious, even among the major forces, few people can spread it to the outside world. "

After a short pause, Ouyang Cheng mainly continued.

"The order of practice of these five levels of heaven is not important, but under normal circumstances, the body and soul will be practiced first.

And their own strength and natal soldiers will be placed at a later position.

As for the path of the great road, it will be placed in the final state, so as not to be unable to bear its own strength and eventually lead to the collapse of the body.

Of course, if you think that you are a talented person with strength that is beyond ordinary people's imagination, then you can also choose by yourself. "

City Lord Ouyang said very indifferently, and didn't care too much about the sequence of cultivation in the five heavens.

For him, if he is not a true genius, even if he is practicing indiscriminately, he will eventually bring himself trouble.

Even a genius with enough strength can practice these five levels at the same time, so that his strength can be improved by leaps and bounds.

In a very short period of time, a terrifying and powerful aura continued to spread in the void, and the power emitted was also converging towards Ye Feng's body.

The various forces in the body are constantly operating, and Ye Feng also has a certain understanding of his future road construction.

The Great God Ding Pill Method and Chaos Zhen Gang Jue that he controls respectively correspond to the cultivation of the body and the power of the original source.

Even the Ten Thousand Spirits God Technique for cultivating the soul has been inherited from City Lord Ouyang.

As for his own destiny, Ye Feng has not been completely determined.

But it is nothing more than the holy magic spear, the **** of good fortune sword, or the Huntian Spirit Orb.

The first two are okay, Ye Feng always has a way to control them, but the quality of the Sky Spirit Orb is too high, even Ye Feng has no absolute certainty.

But it is precisely because the quality of the Huntian Spirit Orb is too high that Ye Feng's control of this magic weapon has an unimaginable improvement.

As long as he relied on the power of the Huntian Spirit Orb, Ye Feng would be able to guarantee that in this Heavenly Pass, the power he could exert was definitely the most powerful.

The original power in the body is still running continuously, and the aura that comes out has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach.

City Lord Ouyang nodded with satisfaction when seeing such a scene. He didn't seem to expect that Ye Feng would be able to comprehend these truths in such a short period of time.

With this insight, Ye Feng's own power of divine consciousness is also growing crazily, and it seems that it is possible to condense the ninth divine mind crystal at any time.

Seeing this scene, City Lord Ouyang was also quite surprised.

At this moment, the power of Divine Sense radiated by Ye Feng was not worse than that of some ancient giants who practiced Divine Sense, and the original aura controlled in his body reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people.

The incomparably powerful power of divine consciousness continuously exudes a terrifying aura of coercion in the void, and it has reached an absolutely terrifying point.

These terrifying divine thoughts are constantly operating in the void, which also causes changes in the surrounding space.

"I didn't expect your kid to have such a talent, if so, then I will help you again."

City Lord Ouyang was also aware of the changes, and he already released some extremely powerful auras when he stretched out his hand.

These breaths contain the power of pure divine consciousness, which constantly oscillates in the void, exuding mysterious law fluctuations.

What Ye Feng didn't know was that City Lord Ouyang had also practiced the technique of Wanling Divine Art, and his divine power had reached an extremely powerful level.

Moreover, unlike Ye Feng, City Lord Ouyang didn't covet other powerful effects, to perceive the original power between the various heavens and the earth.

Instead, he brought his pure divine consciousness to the extreme, condensing nine extremely powerful divine crystals.

Although he didn't have the extremely powerful perception power of Ye Feng, he could resonate with the entire world, allowing his own strength to explode in a short period of time.

But at this moment, the spiritual power he could exert was far beyond what Ye Feng could imagine.

It was with such a huge power of divine consciousness that City Lord Ouyang was able to release the divine aura under his control and guide Ye Feng to the final step of cultivating the Ten Thousand Spirits Divine Art.

In this short period of time, the power of Divine Sense in Ye Feng's body has begun to continuously roll, and the aura that comes out has reached a level that ordinary people can't imagine.

It seems that the power of the ninth divine mind can be cultivated at any time.

With Ye Feng's continuous cultivation, the satisfied expression in City Lord Ouyang's eyes became purer.

Seeing that Ye Feng had completely entered the state, he didn't bother too much, and left this space directly.

"Father, Ye Feng..."

Seeing City Lord Ouyang coming out, Ouyang Yanshuang immediately stepped forward cautiously and tentatively asked.

At this moment, City Lord Ouyang also clearly felt the nervousness emanating from his daughter's body, as if he cared very much about Ye Feng.

"Okay, that kid is indeed a bit capable, and his talent is not low.

Your dad, I still like him, so I passed on him something casually.

It is impossible for him to come out in a short time, so you can consolidate your own cultivation with peace of mind. "

City Lord Ouyang looked at his daughter very spoiled and said.

Of course, his tolerance for Ye Feng is so high, and he has a certain relationship with Ouyang Yanshuang.

Now that Ouyang Yanshuang's cultivation has reached a limit, it is possible to follow her master to practice more advanced techniques.

At that time, there was not a strong enough person to protect him, and City Lord Ouyang was also a little uneasy.

On the contrary, the posture shown by Ye Feng at this moment was indeed beyond imagination, and even the power he realized was much stronger than Ouyang Yanshuang.

And it was obvious that Ye Feng was not a person in the Sky Swallowing Demon Realm.

Although he didn't know where he came from, it would be a good choice to let Ye Feng protect Ouyang Yanshuang for a period of time.

"However, Ye Feng's cultivation base has improved extremely quickly. If you don't work harder, he will most likely surpass you completely.

At that time, he might not be able to see you as a little ancient giant. "

Hearing these words from City Lord Ouyang, Ouyang Yanshuang's face instantly turned red, and said a little bit irritably.

"Father, what are you talking about?"

City Lord Ouyang laughed.

"Little girl film, do you think your father I know nothing? Your attitude towards Ye Feng is obviously different.

But I have also thought about it, this guy is not a person from the Devouring Demon Realm, and it is not bad for the people around him.

Even to say that his cultivation base and talent are good, if you two can really get together, it will be a huge help for you. "

Speaking of this, City Lord Ouyang's tone has become a lot heavier.

"You kid is not the same as other strong people. After all, you are not a person in the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Realm, and it is impossible to completely adapt to the environment here.

In the end, you still have to go outside. At that time, it is impossible for your father to guard you all the time.

It would be a good thing for you to have a friend like Ye Feng. "

Hearing such words, Ouyang Yanshuang's face also became a little strange, as if he didn't expect City Lord Ouyang to say such words.


"Don't talk about it if you do. If you don't work hard, you really won't be able to catch up with him."

Ouyang Yanshuang's words were interrupted by the city lord, and his figure disappeared in this space.

At this moment, the aura radiating from the void also reached a very weird point, as if the entire Sky-Swallowing City was constantly changing.

The figure of City Lord Ouyang appeared in the depths of the void again, and the power in his body was constantly surging, as if it might burst out at any time.

"Damn it, time is running out."

Perceiving the power changes in his body, City Lord Ouyang's face also became a little ugly.

It seems to mean that he is under immense pressure at the moment, and he wants to crush his whole body completely at any time.

The power of his own origin is constantly surging, and the terrifying aura that exudes has reached an extremely terrifying point, and any kind of attribute power is madly shuttled in his body.

The pressure on City Lord Ouyang caused by these energies is also extremely huge, even if his body is completely melted into the void.

Even the space where Swallowing Heaven City is located is releasing tremendous pressure, as if it is possible to crush his body completely at any time.

"Time is really running out."

That is to say, in the depths of the space at this moment, an incomparably powerful aura burst out again, and many more powerful men appeared in front of City Lord Ouyang.

"City Lord Ouyang has not been seen for a long time."

At this moment, a group of strong men appeared in front of City Lord Ouyang, and the terrifying aura exuding in their bodies had become one piece.

"Call that person out."

Someone said that an extremely powerful force of coercion was released at this moment, and the continuous impact of the entire void, the terrible power that it radiated, reached an unacceptable point.

"What do you mean?"

Only at this moment, City Lord Ouyang's face became extremely gloomy.

The power in the body is even more likely to explode at any time, and it will completely destroy everything in the world.

An extremely powerful swallowing force was released from his body, swallowing all the energy between heaven and earth into his body.

At this moment, City Lord Ouyang's body became extremely tall, and the aura that he radiated was violent to the point that an ordinary person could not imagine, and he rushed toward the opponent fiercely.

These people are also the guardians where the tower of trial is located.

Based on the previous judgment, he directly approached City Lord Ouyang, and wanted to find the trace of Ye Feng from him.

At this moment, their powers were connected together, directly resisting the terrifying aura exuded by City Lord Ouyang, and immediately blocked that powerful force.

At this moment, the face of City Lord Ouyang became extremely angry, the original power in his body surged crazily, and the terrifying aura exuding reached a point where an ordinary person could not get up.

"You are so courageous, you dare to ask me in my domain, who gave you the courage."

Seeing his extremely violent oppressive power burst out before, it was directly directed at those people to suppress it fiercely.

"Is it because I have been too soft over the years, making you forget my name?

Do you really remember how the name Tuntian came from? "

In an instant, the extremely terrifying force of oppression exploded, directly suppressing the bodies of everyone present, and the strength in their bodies was lost at an extremely fast speed, and was snatched away by the City Lord.

Such a terrifying sight also completely changed the complexion of everyone present, and the original power in the body was lost at an extremely fast speed.

The eyes of many people released an extremely terrifying brilliance, as if the power in the body had begun to completely collapse.

"Things that do not live or die, you dare to provoke me."

As soon as City Lord Ouyang spoke, he had already released the aura in his body again, crushing towards those people at an extremely fast speed.

At this moment, an extremely bright light was released, directly resisting the oppressive power released by City Lord Ouyang.

"Senior, why is this?

We just want to explore the whereabouts of a person, and we don't mean to be an enemy of you. U U Reading

As long as you tell me where Ye Feng is, nothing has happened to us. "

At this moment, Liming Xiuyan walked out of the void, exuding an extremely pure aura in his body, directly blocking the terrifying power of City Lord Ouyang.

Seeing this young woman, City Lord Ouyang's face also softened a bit, but he did not restrain his oppressive power.

"People of the Liming family, think you can stop me? Or do you mean that your family wants to go to war with me."

The attitude displayed by City Lord Ouyang, as always domineering, the aura that it exudes has reached a point that ordinary people can't reach, and this made the woman's face a little pale.

"No, I have more important things. I want to communicate with seniors. As for Ye Feng, I believe you will give him to me."

With an inexplicable smile on the woman's face, she took out a token.

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