Skynet Architect

Chapter 306 Don't Look Back

Si Fan shrugged and said in a low voice: "This is the inheritance of our Chinese culture, and it is also a product that will inevitably develop in our development. It is not something I thought of."

The fact that these words are true means that Si Fan thinks so. These are not his creations. They are all things that Huaxia's ancestors thought of, and they are all well-developed. Si Fan is just a crab eater.

But the crabs have already grown very plump.

The Red Queen is so close to Si Fan, showing the things he has done one by one in front of Si Fan. This is all done by him. The buildings and completed tasks appear randomly, but after completion The result surprised even the red queen.

He has accomplished a lot of development beyond the Red Queen's projections.

"It's really surprising. I didn't expect these strange things to exist, but their effects are really unparalleled." The Red Queen said in admiration.

Even Si Fan has to admit that all this is like a dream, it's too unbelievable, no one can guess Si Fan's today, and no one knows Si Fan's future.

The Red Queen didn't even know, he accompanied Si Fan to the glass.

Looking into the distance, the building in the middle of the place where the light shines has long been completed. They stand there, as if they have been there for a long time, and now there are some lights on the building shining into the sky.

Of course, this is not an ornament, but a navigation light. In the distance of this light, it is directly inserted into the volcanic ash in the distance. Only a beam of light in the volcanic ash in the distance can guide people to find this direction.

There are planes here, this is the key point, don't look at Visa City, it is outside the city, but there used to be a township airport here, and now it is possible to land planes there again, in this environment, the people who fly the planes only Can soar above the clouds until you get here, and then be guided by the light.

Of course, there is not much volcanic ash in the place where they landed, and the volcanic ash cannot affect the aircraft.

Only when taking off and landing, there should have been some small problems, but now with this light, there is no problem.

Looking at the distance, this light seems extra beautiful, in fact, waiting is also a kind of beauty.

It's just that the people around them don't seem to think so. They look at the distant city with greed in their eyes.

When they saw Si Fan looking at the city, they came closer.

"Brother, are you also going to West City to pan for gold?" They asked Si Fan.

Si Fan who asked this question was stunned. What is there to do in West City? This is a city that has just been built. What is needed is the company to settle in, and it is a small and medium-sized company, and then other businesses. Is the city still worth it? After development, there is no such thing as panning for gold. "

"Whisper City can still pan for gold? Is this a joke? This city has not been successfully built and is still in the fog. How can I make money?" Si Fan was really confused.

Now a few people laughed.

"Hahaha, who stipulated that a city cannot develop without commerce? Who stipulated that this city must have industry or something to develop? This is the concept of which century." They simply laughed wildly.

Leaning forward and back together with a smile, he looked at Si Fan provocatively in his eyes, and the pretending meaning was ready to come out.

Of course Si Fan likes to satisfy their self-esteem. He asked: "Then do you know that there are almost no residents here now? Of course you can apply to become citizens when you enter the city, but there is no opportunity to make money here."

He showed his ignorance, of course, it was because Si Fan was too lazy to expose them.

Sure enough, they heard Si Fan's words as if they heard a joke.

"Hahahahahahaha! You are wrong. Now that the country of America is in a disaster, there are more opportunities. We want to occupy the city area. The same policy as Uranus is adopted here. As long as you work here, you can use your work in advance. Loan a house." Said a young man in the middle.

Having said this, Si Fan became even more curious.

He knows this policy, it's all about squeezing and locking up the labor force.

Only in this way can the city develop. After all, few people will choose to fill the city desperately. They cannot satisfy their work and life here, and the living materials are quite expensive.

"Even if it's for the house, you shouldn't be in such a hurry? The first phase of the city's construction has just been completed, and the supporting facilities are not yet complete." Si Fan continued.

This made the little guys want to laugh even more.

"Whoever said that we came here purely for part-time jobs, part-time jobs will never be possible, we came here to sell cheap Chinese people." They didn't care about Si Fan's skin color at all.

They might even know Si Fan's nationality.

Now Si Fan's face turned dark, even a little angry.

What is a person who sells his own country, how abhorrent this is.

Si Fan was furious, and the Red Queen behind him whispered on Si Fan's shoulder: "Don't get angry, you don't know what they want to do."

The whispered reminder added fuel to the fire, but it was actually effective, and Si Fan calmed down quickly.

But the group of little guys on the opposite side were excited.

"Hahaha, you didn't expect it? Even if a group of Chinese people with tourist visas want to come to this city, they hope to have a place to live here. They bring a lot of money, just want to stay here, and Wei The mayor of West City promises that people of other nationalities can become citizens of West City if they dedicate enough time to the city for five years.” He said again.

This made Si Fan calm down. How valuable the nationality of the American country is. I knew it well when I was a student. This country has not declined. They are still very prosperous. There is last hope.

And business is still growing, it's just reaching a stage of stagnation

In the city of Visa City, it is quite attractive to be able to obtain the nationality of the United States.

Only Si Fan can't laugh or cry, the nationality of the American country is indeed very powerful, but the nationality of Huaxia is more important, and in Pingcheng and other cities, the development prospects are much better than those of the American country.

Ancheng is a place that people pursue and want to enter this city.

Then why do they still come to America.

Si Fan really doesn't understand, maybe the house flowers don't have the fragrance of wild flowers.

Si Fan, who was thinking about it, heard them say how profitable this business is, the rent is several times the price of leasing to others, and those Huaxia people are not eligible to apply for the task of housing, Huaxia people can only endure their exploitation . Then work for them. As Lao Mi, they are still beautiful.

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