As the sun sets, the huge worker's building in West City shines brightly under the setting sun. There is no light pollution. The light is scattered and then sprinkled on the ground again.

It was a beautiful day with a gentle breeze but no drizzle.

When the commuter cars entered the parking lot of the Workers' Building from a distance without haste, the entire Workers' Building came alive.

Li Tiezhu was the first to jump out of the car. His clothes were already soaked in sweat, and his eyes were really hesitant, as if he was a little lost. If he really stepped on the ground of this worker's building, it was really tears. They are all coming down.

"This is the end of the day's work." He sighed a little confused.

Followed by a large group of workers, they are also a little tired, a little confused, and a little hesitant.

"Brother, this should be the end of our day's work, right? It's really tiring to say that you're tired, but you don't have as much working time as we thought. What are you doing with your time now?"

His question made others suspicious too. Shouldn't they be made to work to death with such a high salary? Everyone is really tired now, but compared with the previous work, it is still a little bit worse.

Lao Liu, who was behind, just came down at this time, looked at Li Tiezhu with doubts, and hurriedly pulled him in.

"Old Li, food is more important than the sky. Why do you think so much? You bring so many tools to work here. If the work efficiency is still as low as before, the person who invented the tools will die."

Sometimes an unintentional sentence is the truth. These tools are developed to improve their work efficiency. They are definitely good things, but they don't know all the functions of these things at all for the time being.

In this city, people's life becomes very easy because of the help of tools.

A group of people are still very happy.

"With this work intensity, it won't be a problem for another two hours. I thought it would take half my life." Someone complained.

This resonated with many people. They were all very motivated. To earn one or two thousand yuan a day was simply a dream.

For those who do business, this number may not be a big deal, but for those who have always been coolies, this is an astronomical figure.

I used to earn three to four hundred yuan on a construction site, which was a lot of money, and the calluses on my hands were thick.

But now, wages have increased by five or six times, but the level of fatigue has been reduced to a very low level.

Li Tiezhu's heart was already in his stomach, and he yawned easily, or he was ready for dinner, and he had to see what he could do later.

To be honest, he is still not used to being here, after all, it was just his first day here.

He was relaxed, and other people also slowly began to relax. During the quiet time, everyone is a co-worker, and there is no intrigue and conflict of interests. No one can be promoted. Everyone has an equal status, so it is gone. Intriguing desires, all that's left for them is to play together.

It became very harmonious. Among the crowd, there must be one person who is looked up to, and that is Si Bufan.

That guy who looks very young and has a lot of shit luck, everyone's job is coolie, only he is the job of inspection, that is, supervising everyone's work, so they are all looking for Si Bufan.

This guy is enough to get their attention.

Finally someone found something wrong.

"Si Bufan doesn't seem to be here, why isn't he with us?" someone said.

Now they also started to look for other familiar people, this time it was good, really did not find Si Bufan, even Colin in this crowd was also found, this guy also disappeared. .

While they were discussing whether to ask about the specific situation, a car drove over from outside.

The appearance of this car has attracted a lot of attention. They really don't have a car themselves.

I don't know if I can buy a car here.

After all, this is the country of the United States. If you have a second-hand car, it seems that you can get it for tens of thousands of dollars.

Some of the people hired by the competition are relatively relaxed, so they can think about buying a car.

After all, cars in the US are cheap.

This car is not Si Fan's car. The driver is a fat man who has all the conditions that a US policeman should have. The car approached slowly and then stopped. The fat man in the car also picked up a guy.

Now everyone can see that this guy is Colin.

He was downcast now, as if he had been beaten by frost, and he was a little confused standing at the door of the car.

"Is this one of yours? Do you have brains, do you have IQ? He drove all the construction vehicles on the road, and was arrested when he was arrested. Fortunately, the damage was not very large when he was arrested, otherwise he would have been sentenced. Let's go." The fat policeman carried him to the front of the crowd, then uncuffed him and handed him over to Li Tiezhu in the crowd.

Maybe it was because Li Tiezhu was in the center of the crowd.

Li Tiezhu was very embarrassed. He picked up Colin and checked that he was not injured at all, so he was relieved.

The policeman on the opposite side looked at Colin, then at these people, and finally threw a bag over.

"This is what you picked up from the outside, and I will return it to you now, but if you use public equipment to cause damage to public transportation facilities, you will be issued a ticket. Waiting for the ticket from the evaluation department, you are prohibited from leaving West City during this period. After speaking, the fat policeman gave Colin a contemptuous look, then turned and left.

This look is full of disdain.

Colin didn't care, he hugged the bag on the ground like a treasure, for fear of any accident.

Looking carefully at the plastic bag outside, there is a seal on the bag, which is intact now.

After seeing this, he was relieved. This is the seal used by the police in West City, and it will not be opened after it is sealed.

It was because of this that he didn't unseal the bag, but just hugged it and was about to leave.

The fat policeman on the opposite side looked at his foolish appearance, and shouted loudly: "Remember to pay the fine, you boy, or you won't be able to get out for the rest of your life."

Colin didn't even look back, he just yelled: "Fuck, I'm rich, and I still care about that. How much can you fine? I'll pay double."

At this moment, he seemed to have transformed into the world's largest local tycoon, Si Fan, and then arrogantly took his bag to leave.

Right behind him, a car with the word "inspection" on it stopped at the door, and Si Fan got out of the car. As soon as he got off, he pointed to Colin and said, "Colin, your job evaluation today is Extremely bad, make a major demerit, if this happens again, you will be expelled."

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