Skynet Architect

Chapter 308 Untitled

Colin didn't care at all, still holding his bag, looking at Si Fan with contempt.

"What kind of fluff are you? How dare you call me, punish me, and fire me? What is a serious demerit? Is it a punishment for a primary school student? Are you kidding me?" Colin's words were like tongue twisters Sample.

Before Si Fan could answer him, he had already called.

"I tell you, these are useless. I don't care about the job. I don't care about your punishment. Isn't it just damage to the road? It doesn't matter, I will pay for the damage." He is very arrogant. Then he looked at Si Fan and said the last words.

"Looking at your appearance, you usually check our work. I guess you are our leader? Just want to hide it and not tell us? That is a dream. I will expose you now and tell you, I quit! You Don't even dream about firing me! Now I'm firing you!" His voice became louder and meaner as he spoke.

Looking at this guy, Si Fan's heart sank.

He thought that this guy would resign, but he didn't expect him to be so crazy. Don't give yourself the slightest retreat.

Although such behavior is simply adding fuel to the fire and adding a lot of color to Si Fan's plan, Si Fan is just unhappy, really very unhappy.

He hoped to see that Colin was smarter and really merciful. In this way, you can be softer when you make a move in the future.

But no, nothing, he looked at Si Fan.

"Si Bufan, I don't care who you are. Anyway, I have resigned now, and you can't control me anymore. As for the liquidated damages for resigning..." Before Colin could say anything, Si Fan had already explained to him.

"It was agreed when I signed the contract that not only would there be no liquidated damages when I resigned, but I would also get three months' salary."

This explanation made everyone's heart beat violently.

They almost screamed that they could really get out with three months' salary directly. They never thought about when this employer became a philanthropist.

But they didn't know that Si Fan had already prepared for them to leave. If they really left, it would not be Si Fan's loss, but their loss.

The others didn't say much, but Colin said ah.

"Okay, just use these three months' wages to compensate for the damaged road section, isn't it just compensation. I don't care, anyway, I am rich, I am a rich man." He shouted excitedly.

The others also seemed to know something, and looked at him with a bit of envy.

There is no way, if he really suddenly becomes rich, he can only look for luck outside the safe zone, and if he meets luck, it will be a blessing.

But Si Fan smiled.

"No, your salary cannot smooth out the damaged road section. According to the calculation, you have destroyed a total of 172 meters of road surface, and the construction price is 1.72 million US dollars. Please pay it. This is calculated according to the standard construction standard of the Sky Group and has not been calculated The price of solar roads." Si Fan explained slowly.

When the real price came out, Colin almost vomited blood.

"What? It costs 127 US dollars for a distance of more than 100 meters. Doesn't it cost 10,000 US dollars per meter? Why don't you grab it." He roared angrily.

Don't look at him thinking he is a local tyrant, but such a million dollars is an astronomical figure in his eyes. After all, he has no confidence in how much his diamonds can sell.

"This is our standard quotation. You can apply for any appraisal company to conduct an appraisal. If the appraisal price exceeds the quotation, we will provide all the appraisal fees, and we guarantee that you will not lose any money." Si Fanzhi said confidently.

Now Colin shut up, don't look at him as a rascal, but he is not a fool, Si Fan's words have much confidence.

"Si Bufan, you don't need to be arrogant, it's just money. I'll take care of it." He didn't have much confidence when he spoke, but when he thought of the box with all kinds of diamonds, he regained his confidence.

His diamonds are legal under the current circumstances, so there is no need to go through depreciation,

If it can be used directly, then what if these diamonds are enough for him to pay compensation.

It's just that he is still not reconciled, he is ready to find the best lawyer to sue this guy named Si Bufan, and by the way, the Liantian Group sued him.

He didn't bother to talk to Si Fan and the others at all, holding his pockets, looking at the building in front of him, as if thinking of something, he turned and left.

He walked very fast, and he disappeared after a while.

When Li Tiezhu looked at him, his eyes were full of envy. Why did Colin leave? Is it because he got rich? There must be something very valuable in the pocket just now.

This matter is very simple, and Li Tiezhu can easily understand that if he gets a very large sum of wealth, he may not be able to persist and not resign.

He could only look at Colin, and then look at the workers' building behind him, and waited for Colin to go far before saying: "Let's go, let's go to eat, what does it matter to us how much money other people make, what we earn is the only thing we earn." it is true."

He left immediately after speaking.

Old Liu was his loyal lackey, and of course he followed closely. Some other people watched Colin walk away, felt their hungry bellies again, and finally compromised and left.

Just let nature take its course and directly enter the Workers' Building.

The workers behind also returned to their homes.

Maybe this is their temporary extended family.

The group of guys were quite excited after going back, but now there is no topic at all.

No way, who told them that they should be able to enjoy it easily, but now there is a comparison. Colin suddenly became rich overnight, and then he was so different from them. The difference was only what he found in the ruins.

Of course, they all knew that anyone could go to this ruin, but it was up to them whether they could get something.

Several people whispered: "Grass! If Colin didn't have an excavator, how could he have this opportunity? He got it with a working machine."

Some people have negative emotions, such emotions are contagious, and gradually some people's heads become active.

Only people like Li Tiezhu can hold on.

After all, they work in sanitation and high-altitude operations, so they have no equipment.

It is precisely because of this that he can think more openly, and know his own requirements and needs better.

Looking at the tall building in front of him, he walked in.

"Life is, others are rich, I am not, but I am richer than I was yesterday. This is enough." He said something that seemed to be very philosophical, and entered the building.

The group of people were stunned, not knowing what he meant, only Si Fan smiled seriously outside.

It's really good to be better today than you were yesterday, right? Get rich overnight? Nothing, no matter how rich you are for three generations? nonexistent.

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