Skynet Architect

Chapter 354 Maybe Not Good (Part 3)

The moment of dawn is beautiful in any picture, because it is the light that breaks through the world and makes the world bright again. Gives people hope.

Even on the battlefield, the second the light appears, people want to stop fighting for a second, so that everyone can enjoy the beauty of the light.

Only here, when the sun shines on the earth, what it reflects is bleak and tragic, but there is no beauty, and the wind around seems to have a smell of decay. But in fact, there is really not much smell, because these garbage are not short-term domestic garbage, those that can be degraded quickly have been slowly decomposed, leaving only garbage that is difficult to decompose.

But it definitely doesn't make people feel good here, and everything that comes into view is full of garbage.

"Mr. Si Fan, do you think we are still moving forward? It shouldn't be easy ahead." This is what Zhao Xile said to Si Fan.

Behind them, Si Fan and Zhao Jianjia stood on the deck, looking at the sunlight ahead from a distance.

His gaze was only on the deck, and the sunlight at this time had his original charm. Si Fan, who was holding Zhao Jianjia in his arms, was enjoying this rare and wonderful time. While he was enjoying it, Zhao Xile in front had already started screaming.

Si Fan and Zhao Jianjia smiled at each other, and then walked forward together.

It was in a dream just now, and I lied to myself.

Going forward now, you can already see the ocean.

It’s just that the current ocean doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Their boats seem to have broken through the shackles of the earth and rushed into the land. Life is trampled. There are also crabs, various snails and small fish here, large fish Humans dare not come in at all, so a large number of small fish live here.

But they also died in great numbers. The garbage shelters them. It looks like a huge sea monster in the ocean. Fish can't tell what it is. They just know that this huge garbage island is like a monster, so they won't come over.

And small marine life is struggling to survive here.

However, toxins will still be slowly released from these garbage. After arriving here, Professor Hao no longer tests microplastics in the ocean, because microplastics are everywhere, and what floats in the ocean is not only plastic, but also various kinds of plastic. All kinds of rubbish are everywhere, and even medical waste is piled up here.

It was shocking to watch.

Si Fan and Zhao Jianjia walked to the front slowly, seeing the rubbish everywhere was really uncomfortable.

"Zhao Xile, tell the camera team that we will clean up the garbage live, and let the people outside see how much garbage there is, and let the aerial filming team also prepare." Si Fan ordered.

In this era, live streaming is a very useful thing, very intuitive and authentic.

The only difference is that when you broadcast live, the authenticity is very high, and it is easy to make people feel substituting in the interaction at any time.

What's more, the live broadcast in Skynet World of Skynet Group is almost equal to live broadcast.

After all the equipment was set up, Si Fan picked up the satellite phone and made a call.

"Little bald head, connect me to the live broadcast room, turn on the live broadcast mode, and place advertisements in the Skynet world so that more people can see it."

After a few instructions, the little bald man code-named Satan tapped the keyboard lightly in the headquarters, and the live broadcast room that had been prepared earlier was activated. When the signal connection was completed, he could already see the holographic scene in front of his eyes.

That's right, it's absolutely holographic. All the photography equipment and aerial shooting equipment are constantly constructing the surrounding holographic scene.

The picture from every angle is a material, like a continuous jigsaw puzzle, slowly connecting the whole picture to complete.

"The degree of completion is 72, and there is a lack of vision pictures." The little bald man said from the opposite side.

Said to the other side, all the cameramen on Si Fan's side received the task, and they all had computers in their hands, which showed what was missing, and the person in charge of shooting in that area began to supplement the images.

Because of the electrical energy provided by Si Fan, the current drone is no longer charging for two hours and shooting for five minutes.


The drone hovered continuously in the sky. Slowly add image data.

In the world of Skynet, a huge picture was gradually constructed. The center of this picture was their four aircraft carriers, and then the nearby garbage island.

This garbage island is almost fixed, and the bottom is almost close to the land.

The huge garbage island has become a huge picture, and the range extending several kilometers outside is the scope of the garbage island.

The entire shooting process took more than ten minutes. The drone supplemented the missing data at close range, and it was completed slowly. The aircraft carrier was also moving slowly, and the subsequent pictures were also supplemented.

When the data reached 100%, the little bald head said to Si Fan again on the phone.

"Boss, the close-range data has been collected, and the second phase of data collection is ready."

His notice is obviously very useful, and Si Fan is waiting for his words. As soon as the first phase of data is completed, the official live broadcast can begin.

The scenery is just right, the sun is shining brightly, there is no wind on the sea, it starts to be hot in the early morning, and the deck starts to feel a little hot. The reason is that the previous aircraft landing platform is gone, and it has become a tower factory. The huge factory entrance is on the aircraft carrier. On the side, there is an opening, and there is a huge garbage transportation platform, which can be temporarily built below the garbage transportation platform, and then directly transported to the ship.

Now, none of them have been built yet, and the platform can be built in three hours, so there is no need to worry about it.

When everything was settled, Si Fan waved his hand, and all the cameramen disembarked to prepare for the second phase of work, going down from the side wing of the aircraft carrier.

They have to take a small speedboat for long-distance shooting work, and this work lasts for a long time. From the time the boat stopped, a total of two years were used to build the entire garbage dump, and the changes here will not be the same. It will be photographed, so what they want to photograph is to be photographed in a spiral order, from near to far, and slowly radiate out.

The figure of the cameraman gradually faded away. They were going to start the second phase of work a few hundred meters away. Si Fan and the others were also going to start the live broadcast. It is ready, and the advertising can start at any time. When everything is ready, it means that everyone has already started to get ready, enter the state and start the live broadcast.

"Get ready, all machines are ready, everyone is ready!" Si Fan shouted.

All eyes were on him.


No need to talk nonsense, after Si Fan started, the whole team started to move, and the live broadcast was about to start.

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