Skynet Architect

Chapter 355 Maybe Not Good (4)

As early as a few years ago, Skynet World has gradually become the network that everyone on this planet pays most attention to. People like to come to this world to play. The games here are completely real, and even have simple pain and touch , As for the sense of smell and taste, it is very sensitive, and you can already taste the delicacies that you can't enjoy at ordinary times.

The unsatisfactory things in life become relatively complete in this virtual world, so they seem to be enjoying this wonderful life and enjoying the virtual world. Talk about pollution, talk about the hard work outside, some people just smile.

Because their lives are good, they have enjoyed a lot here, but outside, they are not very satisfying.

They seem to have forgotten the outside world, and many people choose to escape, but will the Skynet Group let them go?

When Si Fan started the live broadcast, he was waiting for people to enter this world, no matter how many people have to pass 100,000 before starting work, otherwise the live broadcast would be useless.

In the Skynet world, there are more than one billion users who are online at the same time, and there are also office workers, and they don't come to their own live broadcast.

"Holding the grass, isn't this disrespecting me?" Si Fan almost vomited blood when he saw the number of people in the live broadcast room, and all the advertisements were put out. Next to him was a mentally handicapped puzzle game called Super Doudou. Millions of advertising fees, now hundreds of thousands of people eat Doudou on the platform every day.

That's right, it's Pac-Man, but one side chases and the other eats Pac-Man.

It's just such a boring game that became popular.

And what about Si Fan! He publishes the advertisement on the most important page, and publishes his own news on the most important section. He wants to let more people know that the sea is being tortured by human beings. He wants to let more people know that nature is collapsing. edge.

However, the result is ridiculous. His efforts are useless now, and it can even be said to be a tragedy, because only a few hundred people have entered this world for more than ten minutes, and more people come in after seeing the advertisement. Just left, they didn't have the slightest nostalgia.

At best some environmentalists come in and take the record.

When Si Fan saw these people, he really wanted them to stay, but the final result was very embarrassing. These guys who usually call themselves environmentalists took pictures and wrote articles here, but when they finished writing Afterwards, the people had already left, and Si Fan had the right to track them. When he looked back, he saw them log in to his account on the public platform and began to publicize his knowledge, as if he really participated in some environmental protection organization. It's really affectionate, but you really care about it.

These guys are here to collect traffic, and it seems that environmental protection has become a means for them to collect traffic.

Of course, there are still a lot of real environmentalists, and their number is increasing, and each of them appears here independently, and these real environmentalists make friends with each other, so everyone has a look.

As for cleaning up the environment here, they have never thought about it, this is a virtual environment, why do they need to clean up?

But I am more concerned about everyone's environmental index.

These people wanted to determine their environment index, and then, they all began to see Si Fan. The image of Si Fan was standing here, motionless, and it seemed that they were not in the same space as them.

At this time, Si Fan looked at the live broadcast room with a small number of people, and he already had a solution.

"Aren't you not coming? Then let you come." Si Fan directly ordered the little bald head to change all the game settings.

Of course, it's just an order, and the Skynet system is more responsible.

Suddenly, all the worlds in the game in the entire Skynet world suddenly seemed to have turned into garbage dumps.

Zheng Hai is a loyal fan of a role-playing game in the world of Skynet. He spends several hours fighting in the game every day.

All games are only for entertainment, the only thing local tyrants can do is to lead more younger brothers, their entertainment mode is different, they are lord mode, everyone's game experience is different.

All civilian players get the greatest fairness, and you will never bully them.

Moreover, this is the only holographic game, which also leads to the fact that there are a lot of civilian players in the game. They are the protagonists of this game, and they dominate the game.

And Zheng Hai struggled every day in the game, so he only ate takeaway food every day and didn't exercise much every day.

There is only one such result, his tragic weight gain, and the house is also very dirty, these have little effect on him, as for the environmental index that has already exceeded the standard, he doesn't care too much.

On this day, this sunny day, Zheng Hai overlooked the entire Norland Canyon in the game, aimed the longbow in his right hand at the BOSS Hydra in the canyon, and breathed slowly to ensure the highest fighting state .

Everything is ready, and he is ready to shoot.

At this moment, suddenly, a plastic bag floated past his eyes. This plastic bag fluttered very strangely.

"What the hell! Where did the plastic bags come from?" Zheng Hai was very curious, this is a magical game, why there are plastic bags in the game.

The magical world in the game is a magical world, there is no plastic, how can there be plastic bags.

He waved his hand to drive him away.

"Get out!" He waved his hand lightly, but his right hand pierced through the plastic bag.

For a long time, Zheng Hai didn't figure it out. At this moment, he saw that plastic bags seemed to be falling from the sky, and there were all kinds of garbage on the ground, and that BOSS was actually put on his head by a huge plastic bag. .

Now he almost collapsed.

What's the situation.

"Ding Dong, you have a system message." The system message appears.

Zheng Hai, who thought he was hallucinating just now, realized that it was a system problem.

He quickly opened it.

In the next second, he almost scolded his mother.

"What the hell, people with a high environmental index need to be punished. Today's garbage island cleanup plan must be present, otherwise they will be baptized by the highest level of garbage within three days, and currently it is the lowest level!"

Zheng Hai's face turned black, what's going on, if this is the case, he looked at the boss, all the weak points were blocked by the plastic bag.

Distressed, he was depressed to death.

"I just said that all the advertisements have been replaced by garbage dumps. It turns out that the boss of Skynet is going to live broadcast, so I can't do it if I don't go. Mom's flattering men, is it so obvious that flattering is so obvious, no one will watch it Force others to go." He wanted to cry but had no tears.

The little bald head is inexplicably responsible.

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