Skynet Architect

Chapter 389 It's time to show real skills (10)

As the bugs were caught one by one, the entire aircraft was gradually cut out.

At this time, I can already feel the disgust of this aircraft. The huge aircraft seems to be a reproductive machine, and there are a lot of special liquids in it, which constitute the main part of the entire body. It is also the source of strength for the whole body.

The gradually disassembled body made people a little frightened, because the gradual malice on the body revealed an outline, a frightening outline.

The whole body is dismantled into pieces, and the inside of the body is like a huge honeycomb. Every node is a place where bugs are born. It is conceivable that they are wandering in the universe, and they are constantly looking for targets in the universe.

When the last worm was dug out, Si Fan stopped the Terminator.

"Stop, dissect the bugs to see if they are still alive." Si Fan gave the order.

The Terminator raised his hand and struck at the bug, raising his knife and dropping it.

The corpse was dissected, and it was found that what was in the eyes was not the flesh of animals or insects, but an indescribable tissue. This thing looked disgusting, like small crystals, flowing inside.

As for whether it is active or not, it doesn't matter at all.

When the Terminator cut open, he had already begun to struggle unconsciously, and the sharp needles were jingling on the Terminator's hand.

Very harsh, one can imagine the power of this thing.

This is still one of those bugs.

After struggling for more than ten minutes, Si Fan finally lost his patience, and directly ordered the Terminator to tear up the body and keep all its tissues.

"Can this bug let us do some research? We are very interested in this mysterious black tissue fluid." Catherine said first.

Of course, Si Fan agreed.

"Okay, there are thousands of worms produced this time, you can check it now." After Si Fan finished speaking, the Terminator also finished all the steps at this time, and the whole worm was disintegrated into a pile of minced meat.

Everything is ready, the outer seal is also being opened, this time the opening only releases a very small gap from below, and the Terminator comes out of the middle.

At this second, Catherine rushed to the Terminator t800 almost excitedly,

The eyes stare unblinkingly.

They are in the direction they came out just now, in the direction of the laboratory.

About six or seven hundred meters away, from the position of the spacecraft to the position they are watching now, the distance in between is a buffer zone to prevent problems.

After the Terminator came out, the box containing the bugs was sealed by 12 layers of powerful alloys and boxes made of various materials.

This is where Area 51 was originally used to seal high-risk items, including radioactive items, and now it's just for bugs.

Thousands of worms are loaded here, all of which are desperately compacted.

Anyway, this kind of bugs are very strong, unbelievably strong, their bodies can be called steel and iron bones, even if they are forced into it, it doesn't matter.

The whole box is full of this stuff. And what the Terminator delivered on a tray was the worm that had been almost chopped into meat sauce.

However, unlike the creatures on Earth, this bug is still glued together even if it becomes meat sauce, as if it is still a whole.

Slowly approaching, Si Fan felt something was wrong.

In his hard thinking.

These bugs can be said to be very honest in the aircraft, and they will not move when they are pulled out, only struggling when death comes, which can be called a model of waiting for death among bugs.

But why they never move.

It would be nonsense to say that they are dead, because they still have the nature of life.

I don't know if it is a living species, but they are still moving, just when they are dying.

This shows that they are all alive, but why don't they move?

Gradually, Si Fan already had a guess, and all these were connected.

"Mr. President, Roger, what do you think is the connection between this bug and this alien? They seem to be different from our human cognition. These bugs are still alive, but they are motionless, as if they are vegetative, no, they should be It's like a plant bug."

"Then is it possible that they are a whole at all, as long as the alien and this bug are integrated, they will have a soul. Can these bugs be like limbs to the alien, as if Our human hands are the same." Si Fan asked.

This question was deafening, and the two of them seemed to have unlocked a new world in an instant. Then he looked at Catherine in horror.

This Catherine is going to be close to the worm. Although she has been cut into pieces, but... But who knows what he will look like in the end, whether he can turn into a worm again.

Who knows.

The two of them roared loudly.

"Catherine beware."

The sound spread far and wide in the room, and then there was an echo. Catherine turned her head in confusion, but he was already very close to the bug.

And the Terminator keeps going.

Moving forward, he was already approaching Catherine, and behind him was the direction of the laboratory.

At this time, I suddenly saw that the bug seemed to become active in an instant, and began to struggle crazily. Fortunately, his body had already been torn into pieces, and his body twisted wildly. Catherine was stunned, and she seemed to have lost consciousness. .

Then suddenly a sharp thorn claw came over.

When she couldn't react at all, it directly pierced her cheek, piercing the entire right cheek.

Then it seems to continue to struggle.

Catherine sat down in horror and began to release her stress with piercing screams.

At this time, Si Fan also gave the order.

"Terminator, protect Catherine."

After the order was over, the Terminator quickly clasped all the corpses of the bugs on his body, and then pulled out the constantly stirring spikes stuck in Catherine's mouth.

Then hold it in your hand.

Even so, the bug is still struggling, struggling.

Catherine was so frightened that she lost consciousness and just screamed, with blood flowing continuously. Roger wanted to get closer, but was held back by Si Fan.

As for Mr. President, he is the smartest, directly calling for support.

"Take the bug away from the laboratory area, and other Terminator will surround the aliens, ready to attack at any time." The order was issued, and the Terminator faithfully carried out the order. Ten Terminator quickly surrounded the laboratory, but the Terminator t800 Has stepped back near the lab.

At this time, the insects seemed to have gradually lost their activity, and gradually stopped struggling.

But what Si Fan was looking at was the laboratory.

He was sure that he had just seen a red light flash and then disappeared.

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