Skynet Architect

Chapter 390 Announcement

Quiet laboratory, corpses of dead aliens, everything seems to be silent, needles can be heard, and I don’t know if the black corpses use the same adjective as the pale wounds on the earth.

Maybe it's dark?


When Si Fan was looking at the corpse of the alien, he was still thinking wildly, which meant that the situation might not be as tense as people thought.

Slowly approaching step by step, white sweat has begun to ooze from the fine hair on his hands.

This is not fear, but nervousness, and the aliens in front of him make people nervous.

His performance just now was too intrusive, they were almost sure that the alien should be dead, who knew that he could manipulate the corpse of this bug to react so strongly just now.

The reaction was beyond imagination, a ball of meat sauce, struggling crazily.

What is he struggling with, what is the principle?

One by one, mysteries linger on their heads, and they want to explore, but some dare not.

His Excellency the President who retreated silently, Xiao Hei asked softly: "Si Fan, this alien must be sealed up. No research is as important as life. If it doesn't work, it will be destroyed."

He can see it, anyway, it has been given to Si Fan.

Regarding this, Si Fan curled his lips, waved his hands and said, "Don't worry, my Excellency President, I promise to deal with it clearly for you. The alien is already in our hands. How can we make him heal?"

This is true, Anthony Sifan is alive and kicking, not to mention this disabled guy.

To appease Your Excellency, it is inevitable to be close to this alien. The Terminator T800 has found a new container for those bugs. These minced meat can also be lethal. How unbelievable, Si Fan has already Decided to study it carefully.

Maybe there is a holy medicine for beauty and beauty that can be researched out.

With this in mind, Si Fan is even more motivated to deal with the alien.

The terminators surrounded the corpse and approached step by step. At this time, the very ordinary corpse they looked at seemed to be in some unusual danger.

The murderous intent just now means that the cargo may not be dead.

Just this bug can start to struggle as soon as it gets close,

There must be some unusual reason for that.

Approaching the past, the Terminator beside him was already there, they didn't care so much, and began to check in detail after approaching.

Only at this time can they show their superiority as terminators, constantly check and eliminate dangers, so that Si Fan can get close, and the terminator T800 is a good comrade, he will clean up the bugs that have been solved , and then came alone to approach the alien.

Gradually, Si Fan could see the inside of this guy.

Or his connotation.

It turned out that this guy also had that kind of viscous liquid in his body, which was constantly surging and shining with starlight.

Different from the creatures on earth, in the system of aliens, it seems that this liquid is the real consciousness of aliens, and everything else is the carrier.

Looking at the data provided by the Terminator, I was shocked for a while.

Thank goodness I didn't fall into this pit.

If he really brings all the bugs close, and this thing drives all the bugs, Si Fan can't guarantee whether he can escape alive. The fighting power of this bug is too strong in an instant. of combat effectiveness. Can survive in the universe.

"Kill this guy completely, but if his threat can be eliminated, the highest priority order is to control this guy." Si Fan issued an order.

The most understandable of the Terminator is the T800.

Who made him a guardian terminator with advanced intelligence, while the other terminators were just construction workers.

The Terminator T800 approached the opponent, and suddenly stabbed it with a dagger at the position where the intact body was close to the ground.

Xiao Hei and Catherine could no longer stop Si Fan.

In fact, they are also afraid of being in danger.

Easily pack all your liquids in one bottle.

This is a crystal clear liquid, shining with inexplicable brilliance.

The intoxicating light is full of mystery, and this is the most brilliant thing I have ever seen on this alien.

Si Fan stopped at a distance of more than ten meters, and put all the terminators in sealed bottles, and then slowly sealed them up in several layers.

The alien is now an empty shell, and the whole body is eventually filled with those fluids.

Who would have thought that these extraterrestrial beings are so disgusting that there are so many layers of life. The outermost one should be their spacecraft flying in space, while the inner sea urchins are their bodies, and this liquid is their real body.

Life on earth is really different from them, no one knows how survivable this thing is.

After sealing it up, Si Fan felt relieved.

Looking back at a few people is very helpless.

But at this time she was not well, her face was covered with blood, and the medical staff had simply sealed the wound for her.

However, you must know that she is a beautiful woman, but now she has been disfigured.

Sitting there depressed. She is like a puppet that has lost its soul.

No one said anything, it was an accident, and it was expected, dealing with various mysterious incidents of contact with aliens every day, who would know when they would lose their lives?

It is a pity that a beautiful woman with a beautiful face has two lingering scars on her face since then.

"Hurry up and send Catherine to the hospital as quickly as possible. There is no problem in temporarily storing this thing." Si Fan didn't say what it was, because the medical team had already arrived.

However, they did not treat Catherine immediately, but quickly sprayed various disinfectants. The doctor who came over gave Catherine a sedative first, and when she calmed down, the stretcher was carried away.

Si Fan was dumbfounded when he saw it, and then he was relieved.

Mom sells batches, what the hell, don't care about human life.

Seeing more than a dozen medical staff throw Catherine into the stretcher very skillfully, the one who trot all the way disappeared.

It's not much of a surprise to anyone.

He just watched her being taken away indifferently.

Seeming to see Si Fan's curiosity, Roger whispered from the side: "Principal, no matter if there is any injury or influence in Area 51, including physical discomfort, it must be isolated. Report it in time to avoid any accidents, just like Resident Evil in the movie."

"It's hard to happen in other places, but in Area 51, the probability rises sharply." He explained in a low voice. ;

What Si Fan heard was that his scalp was numb,

So indifferent, so indifferent, so ordinary.

This is an episode of their lives, or rather, this is their daily life.


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