Skynet Architect

Chapter 396: There Are Always New Targets (5)

"Not interested, not interested, you don't have to look at me with that kind of eyes, I am peace-loving, I never want to hurt anyone, hurry up and fix the car, let's go, this car can go." Anthony hurriedly urged.

The soldier nodded, "No problem, we can set off right away. We can guarantee that the fuel supply is sufficient, and we can also guarantee that the car has no problems. We have a professional maintenance team."

He pointed to a car behind him.

That's a maintenance car! ! ! !

What did he see,. This maintenance vehicle is a standard large truck with all kinds of maintenance equipment on it, and there is also a professional maintenance team waiting for maintenance.

What the hell is this shit, and now their car is not as good as the repaired car.

"I'll just take the maintenance car. This car doesn't seem safe." Anthony said.

But the soldiers were a little embarrassed.

"Our officer's order is that you can only take my car. If you take the maintenance car, all the drivers will be in the car, and then..." He pointed to the helicopter in the sky.

"It will directly blow up the vehicle."

Anthony was dumbfounded.


All he wants to say is cursing. If he can deeply understand the mystery of the Sichuan language, he will definitely have a sentence that he doesn't know if he should say it or not.

But he didn't know, as if resigned to his fate, "I knew Si Fan had no good intentions, but he underestimated me too much. I grew up in a slum..."


He didn't pay much attention to it just now, but now he suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong.

It didn't bother him that he didn't realize that his legs were gone, but when he wanted to get in the car, it would normally have all his legs folded so he could squeeze in.

But find out now.

"Fake! What's the situation? How can there be such a small car in the world!"

That's right, he couldn't get in, let alone break his back legs to the front, even if his legs were broken, he couldn't squeeze in.

In a daze for less than a second,

He turned around and roared angrily, "Damn it, are you kidding me? Do you really think I'm easy to mess with?"

The little soldier appeared again.

"Sir, have you made up your mind? I'm waiting to be shot anytime." There was still a little longing in his eyes.

Anthony was stunned, how come there are so many strange things in the world.

He could only question, "I can't even get in this car, it's just such a small place."

After he finished speaking, the little soldier came over to take a look. Then he said, "There should be no problem, but your butt is too big, you should try to get in first, and go in on your stomach."

Anthony looked at the small space, thinking about his lair hundreds of kilometers away, and finally had the urge to cry.

But he could only crawl in with his ass pouted.

It is impossible to give money. He knows how much the universe alloy can exchange for. He can get a spaceship that can fly, even though it is a civilian entertainment model.

Why use it just for a helicopter ride.

He felt that he was at a loss.

Just lay down like this, and crawled inside twice.

The little soldier behind him took three or four steps back, took two deep breaths, then ran up in three steps, and kicked Anthony's ass with a flying kick.

Powerful and accurate.

"Aw~~" With a voice, both of Anthony's eyes stared straight, and he jumped in a lot.

"What are you doing! Why are you kicking me!" Anthony screamed.

The soldier behind replied, "If you don't kick your feet twice, you can't get in. It's still a little bit close."

Without waiting for Anthony to answer after speaking, he kicked again.

"Touch!" This should be the end.

Because I can hear Anthony's feedback.

"Ah! My head! Damn, do you want my life?"

The little soldier looked at the body and buttocks that were all inside, and then at the eight legs stretched out, of which six were knife-legged, and two were too small for no idea what they were doing.

"You put your legs away, the door won't close," he said to Anthony.

Anthony is now stuck in the middle, even if he wants to come out and kill this kid, he can't do it.

"How could I put my legs away, this is not assembled, he grew up" Oops! "

There was an exclamation.

He was in pain, and the little soldier behind him didn't care about that, just broke Anthony's leg and stuffed it into the car.

Anthony yelled there, his voice hoarse.

But it's useless, people don't care, they broke the legs in a few times, and then closed the car door with a "bang!"

"Okay, this should be fine." He said reassuringly.

Anthony exclaimed, "Boy, I'm going to kill you, I'm going to kill you, those legs aren't the chopsticks of Si Fan's country, they didn't break like this, you're almost broken by me."

Now he's really stuffed, the back seat is full. The head can only be lowered to the position where the legs are placed in the back seat. Don't even think about straightening, and you can't even raise your head.

When the little soldier heard Anthony's words, he turned his head excitedly, "Are you finally thinking about it? Get rid of me quickly, so that my whole family can leave the disaster-stricken land of Africa and come to live in America."

That's right, he was a soldier from a war-torn small country in Africa, and he came back with the American soldiers who had taken refuge at that time, as a mercenary.

However, the salaries of these mercenaries are very low, and they don't need to fight, they are logistics personnel.

Now, he is driving for Anthony.

Full-time driver, 1,000 US dollars after delivery.


Anthony is so angry. Killing you is fulfilling you, I am not so stupid.

"Drive!" he yelled.

"The car needs to be repaired!" The little soldier's words nearly drove Anthony to death.

After was two hours of repairing the car. The little soldier didn't know if he would repair the car, so he kept messing around. Anyway, after two hours, the car finally lit up and he was able to leave.

Those maintenance soldiers just didn't come down to help. They stood there in the car and pointed out to the little soldiers, and it took half a day to drive the car out.

Anthony in the back seat is so depressed.

"I knew I wouldn't come in, it's fine to sit on the roof of the carport.

He recalled what he did just now, and felt that he was very stupid.

And it seems to be cheated.

right! He was tricked by this little soldier. He just wanted to complain, and then this guy told him to go in on his stomach.

He just wanted to try it himself, and he swore that he really wanted to try it.

The sad ending appeared, and the little soldier quickly stuffed it into the back seat of the car, like a can full of meat.

Then after two hours of inkblotting, the car finally started.

"Crap!" The car rushed out after getting off, and then... turned off the engine.


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