Skynet Architect

Chapter 397: There Are Always New Targets (6)

"Fuck, where did you learn to drive? Who is your teacher, did he let you drive like this?" Anthony, whose back seat was stuffed like a canned meat, stuffed his head into the gap.

The little soldier suffocated the accelerator while driving.

"Um, this is different from what I drove when I was learning to drive." The little soldier carefully identified the controls of the car. Try to start the fire again.

"Well, the officer told me just now that the two strands of wires should be disassembled and twisted together." The little soldier strictly followed the instructions of the officer.

"Buzzing buzzing" the car started, and the qq that had been around for more than ten years started again, and continued to move forward. The little soldier pushed the gear directly to the fifth gear.

"Buzz! Crack!"

Suffocated again.

Anthony in the back is going crazy.

"Can you drive, can you drive!" If you drive like this, it will probably run out of battery within a few hours.

The little soldier looked at the car in a daze.

"That's not right, it's different from my usual driving."

The little soldier who tried hard to think about his driving skills recalled carefully, but this time he didn't start directly in fifth gear.

Went to the first gear.

The car started and hit the road again.

Anthony at the back felt that the car was driving like a tractor, the accelerator was booming, and the car just couldn't pick up the speed.

He knew it by the sound.

"Facker, will you change gears, step on the clutch to shift to second gear, and then hit the accelerator to the end and you go to first gear, are you kidding me?" He was about to go crazy.

The little soldier in front obviously didn't have a good temper either.

"You know how to drive, you come to drive, you don't even have a leg, you open a six cake!" The Chinese culture is extensive and profound. Obviously, mahjong has spread to Africa, and the little soldier fully understands the essence of mahjong.

Now Anthony really shut up, he really can't drive by himself, he really has no legs, this matter is quite heartbreaking.

Just for a while,

The little soldier has already learned to drive a little bit, but the driving skills are really terrible. After the disaster, the road is not so easy to drive. The chassis of this QQ car itself is not high, and it is very difficult to drive on this road.

Anthony was bumping in the back, because he was a novice, and his driving skills at this time made people cry, and Anthony was so moved that he almost vomited.

Just doing this, tossing like this, after ten minutes, the speed of the car was raised to fifth gear, and it was officially started, the speed of the car was fast and slow, and the brakes were often kicked, the car was thrown far away, and then slowed down. He drove slowly, fortunately there was no one else, he tossed about the eight rows of lanes casually, but he didn't play himself to death.

Anthony’s car is full of tears. Even if he becomes a monster, he now has a system and can talk to aliens, but he is also a creature with the most basic characteristics of a creature.

He gets motion sickness, he gets nauseous, and now he's driving backwards, with hundreds of kilometers left.

The little soldier is just a novice on the road, he can toss about the road freely, and the eight-row lane can be played by him. As a novice on the road, he is happy, and everyone hopes to have a road with no one to enjoy driving.

The speed of the car is at the bottom, and it has passed 150 miles, and it is impossible to go up. The speed of 150 makes the QQ a little bit floating. The speed is so fast, but it really makes the little soldier feel good. He He kept yelling "Woooo!" in his mouth, like a child.

At this time, the speed of the car increased, not to mention how safe it is on the road without people.

Anthony felt relieved, he broke out in a cold sweat.

Anthony finally breathed a sigh of relief, then wondered who handed over such an apprentice.

"Brother, who did you learn your driving skills from and how long have you been practicing..." He is still in shock.

The little soldier proudly said, "Of course it's Diesel, and there's Statham. By the way, there's also Johnson recently. Their driving skills are all top-notch in the world."

Anthony was thinking about who these three people were, and why he was so familiar.

Suddenly, he remembered that the three people his mother sold were all Hollywood superstars, and their speed series movies were very fraudulent, but none of them could teach an ordinary soldier to drive.

Most importantly, can this guy really drive?

While thinking about it, he broke out in a cold sweat, Si Fan is not a good person.

If you really send a recruit who has never driven a car.

Holding the grass, this is entirely possible, he is willing to accept five tons of cosmic alloy.

Absolutely not reconciled, and thinking about what he said to himself when he left, there was a bit of unreliability in it.

No, it's too unreliable.

Anthony asked with some trepidation, "You didn't watch it on TV, did you? You've never driven a car before?"

At this time, the little soldier happened to be driving to the point of excitement, so he answered directly.

"I've driven it, how could it be possible that I haven't driven it before, how could the officer find someone who has no experience to drive, I'm an old driver, I've driven with our officer so many times, I can't count them all."

This sentence finally reassured Anthony a little. Maybe he was driving an automatic transmission. He had never tried a manual transmission car. This is normal, very normal.

He comforted himself like this.

When the little soldier talked about his driving experience, he was also very excited and began to speak slowly.

"I drive under the tutelage of a master. When I drive, I am the best in the car. Everyone is left behind by me. I think I am the real car." The little soldier said that he was very excited to drive.

He didn't expect Anthony to kill him anymore, he just wanted to show off his driving skills.

Maybe or better, I can still drive myself.

Anthony sounds very weird.

But the little soldier kept talking no matter how he felt.

"When I was learning to drive, I drove a car that was much more handsome than this car. It seemed to be called F1 or something. The chassis of the car was very low, and it was very exciting to drive. Every time I drove, the coach specially asked me to pay attention to safety. I only drove two cars in total. It’s enough to do laps, but I can’t drive too many laps, I guess I’m afraid of running out of gas.”

The more I talk, the happier I am.

Anthony was confused when he heard it. It sounded like he was driving F1, but it didn't seem like it.

No, how can there be an F1 driver who drives so well.

Confused, the little soldier continued talking again.

"At that time, I was the vp of the audience, and I was the most dazzling superstar. Our chief's son, Tony, was dumped half a circle by me, so he could only hug his head and cry by himself."

Anthony was confused again, how big is their chief, the child won't lose the game and cry, it's such a big game.

"Our venue is called professional, and the protective facilities are excellent."

Anthony continued to be confused, protective equipment? The protective facilities around the f1 track are not particularly safe. With such a high speed, the protection is barely protected. The probability of accidental death is still very high. Even Senna died on the field in the rain.


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