Skynet Architect

Chapter 398: There Are Always New Targets (7)

Regardless of what Anthony thought, the little soldier was still reminiscing, and he seemed to remember something at this moment.

"If you talk about the competition, it's really thrilling. When I leave behind more than 20 little kids, they will cry and dislike me for being too old. Why don't they say they are too young?"

Anthony felt even more wrong.

At this time, the little soldier finally started to complain.

"Little Tony Fake squid knows how to cry. A 13-year-old kid knows what is a man's romance and what is a car skill! He will cry to his father, and the car will keep driving to the side of the road. Tire crashed, did he think it was a bumper car? Playing with these kids is really boring, but in pursuit of my dream of speed, my hair is blown on end."

After a period of complaints, Anthony suddenly discovered, what.

He shouted in horror: "Fake, Fake, what the hell kind of F1 car are you driving? It's obviously a go-kart."

The little soldier was taken aback for a moment, as if he was really thinking carefully.

Now it was all right, the car bumped even more, and the ground was full of small gravels, and he didn't dodge at all. Just rushed over.

After a while, he suddenly realized.

"That's right, it seems that they call this relatively entry-level F1 car."

Anthony in the back was left with a miserable howl.

"No! What is this... ah!"

This time was really miserable, the little soldier's gas pedal directly hit the stone in the middle of the road, and the whole car flew into the air.

Then, Anthony sadly experienced what is called a trapeze again.

Antony, tearful, was on the verge of crying. And crying very rhythmically. Interrupted for almost a few seconds, occasionally accompanied by intermittent continuous tremors.

This is the little soldier who rubbed against something

There is a helicopter overhead, which is very spiritual.

The soldiers on the helicopter looked at the car, and a soldier with a heavy machine gun ready to prevent Anthony from escaping said to the people next to him: "The guy down here probably doesn't know how to drive, you watch the car drive,

I can walk in a straight line, can't hide from any stones, and the car is bumpy like it's about to jump up. Is it really too hard to drive to the end? "

Another soldier looked at the car and snorted coldly.

"Hmph, if this car can arrive, it will be a ghost. Our superiors didn't order us to try our best to find out if there is a model of the same model. If not, then a smaller one will do." He laughed when he said it. died.

Suddenly, the helicopter was full of laughter.

"The officer is really too bad, this guy Anthony is afraid that he will be played to death."

But the fireman with the heavy machine gun said: "It's better to play dead. If it weren't for the order from the superior to not allow the attack, and fear that the other party will retaliate against the civilians, I would have killed him a long time ago. Look at him, he is a monster." He said Saying so.

Can Anthony hear you.

He can hear so much. After being transformed by aliens, his physical function is very good now, but he is not in the mood to care so much now. His only thought now is to let himself be quiet, so fucking quiet .

But I can't calm down!

The journey is hundreds of kilometers, and there is no rest area, no gas station, and there is no gas in the middle to call for support. The maintenance vehicles next to them are waiting for refueling and tire replacement at any time. Their cars can run thousands of kilometers.

Provided the car is not damaged. could it not be broken.

After walking more than 100 kilometers, the tire blew up and almost killed Anthony. Fortunately, he had strong vitality and survived.

Then the car engine often has problems, and it can only stop and go on the road, making frequent faults and frequent maintenance.

It took a day, and I didn't even run 300 kilometers. If it was a normal car, it would have arrived long ago.

But at night, the car was finally overwhelmed.

On the expressway, the car slowly began to slow down, slowly began to slide, and the thick steam continued to radiate.

The car really couldn't go anymore, and the smoke from it told them the final outcome.

They are really dead.

At this time, Anthony lost all thought of complaining, his head was stuck inside and he couldn't get out, so he could only helplessly talk to the person in front of him.

"How about it, can't you drive the car? Hurry up and get it out of me. You took my money, so you should change my car now? I'm asking for a better car. I'm the customer, and the customer is Does God know?"

Anthony continued to pouted and growled.

The soldiers outside looked at him.

"Okay, got it, we've already prepared a spare vehicle, so hurry up and get in the car!" they said.

This car is not easy to get. I found a car exhibition hall and finally got it out. The exhibition hall was half buried. It was very difficult to get it out, and then I had to go inside again. Fill gasoline and engine oil to ensure that the car can run.

This wasted a lot of time, but now it can be used.

The car is well maintained. Although it is not filled with oil, there is never a lot of oil for maintenance.

It's just ready to be opened now.

As for Anthony.

"Get it out for me, I can't get out, who came here for me." Anthony yelled hysterically.

The little soldier came over excitedly.

"Have you thought about it? Are you angry? Are you angry? You kill me, you kill me, and my whole family will thank you." He said excitedly.

Anthony completely shut up, there is a guy who doesn't want you to kill him all the time making noise around him, he really doesn't want to kill this kid, otherwise he will definitely be compensated by Si Fan.

He knew that Si Fan would not kill him, but correspondingly, it was not necessary to go to the laboratory to make a fuss, once Si Fan felt it was necessary.

That would be terrible.

Si Fan will definitely not dislike him and take him away without enough interests to drive him.

That's what he thought, and now...he decided to endure it.

Although he doesn't know what it means to be a hero who doesn't suffer from immediate losses.

The little soldier outside watched it for a long time, but this guy just didn't kill him, so he regretted it in the end.

"I just want to give my family a chance to go out of Africa, why is it so difficult, you have to make it difficult for me." The little soldier was a little depressed, and then walked to the side.

Someone had prepared it long ago, and the other maintenance teams took the cutting machine and simply cut the car body as fragile as paper.

Easy and simple, the entire car shell was removed.

Then nine soldiers worked hard and pulled Anthony out of the car abruptly.

At this time, Anthony, how can it be a miserable word.

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