Skynet Architect

Chapter 410 Where does the gate of Uranus open?

They just got off the high-speed rail, and they were a little terrified on the ultra-high-speed high-speed rail with a speed of 400 kilometers per hour. After getting off the train, their legs were soft when walking on the road. Walking on the streets of Uranus, they For the first time, I felt the charm of this city.

"This is a vibrant city, but it's a bit more ingenious and less free and vigorous." In the crowd, Karin didn't seem to like this feeling very much.

These mechanical people feel the same way.

"It's like entering a mass-production workshop, and there are similar things everywhere," said another.

Karin didn't care too much, they were in machinery, not architecture, but they didn't know why Si Fan, who specialized in architecture, deprived the creativity of art.

It's just that what they don't know is that this city is put together quickly after all, and there are always things that are not satisfactory.

For example, in the construction of this city, although he has tried his best to make all the buildings have souls, the indelible overall style requirements of Uranus have limited the vigorous creativity here.

Although, the creativity is still there, but the efficiency limits some whimsy.

Many buildings are actually just pictures of cats and tigers, and the brilliance of spirituality only bursts out occasionally.

Karin looked up at the city. There are tall buildings everywhere. It seems that skyscrapers have become a standard configuration. In fact, this is not in line with their aesthetics and living habits. They like buildings that are not very tall, and they like the relaxed atmosphere. emotional appeal, and the pressure of high-rise buildings is very huge.

"It seems a little restless here, maybe it's because there are too many reinforced concrete in the city?" Karin frowned, but he also knew that his purpose was not to live here.

Other scientists are not interested in seeing this. They are not very interested in what Uranus is like.

When entering this city, their hearts are already on the volcano, which is a volcano that is almost invisible in the distance, and it is the holy mountain in their hearts.

There can be born the best mechanical parts in the world, and they need those parts to realize their vision.

The parts they sourced from all over the world simply did not meet their requirements.

The structure of the part is too complicated and the result is that the error is very large.

In many cases, the error of a part is very small, but when hundreds of parts are put together, they collapse and find that they cannot carry out normal production at all.

But the current structure must go through the conduction and even multiple control of dozens of parts.

The design of the seven-axis linkage has been gradually abandoned by them. The universal machine tool is the goal of their design. It does not need many axes, and the error is close to 0. But after the universal, it will directly promote to the next era. .

The only thing is that a series of requirements such as wear resistance and precision of parts are very high, and there must be no error at all.

This is almost impossible, so they designed it, but they couldn't make it.

This time I came to Uranus to try to solve the problem of these parts.

If they can be resolved, they will create a new era.

They firmly believe.

Entering the next era in the mechanical field will be extremely crazy, that is to create more excellent products and greatly improve all fields of the world.

Any field is inseparable from machinery, and human beings have long been inseparable from machinery.

They were very excited, very excited,

But in Uranus, they felt for the first time that it was not easy to get this opportunity.

After getting out of the car, they had already started looking for ways to cooperate.

I contacted the Skynet Group through the research office, but the other party directly refused any cooperation. All the factories in the whole are assigned fixed jobs, and they will never accept outside orders.

They are also very helpless. Today, they are sincerely looking for the cooperation of Skynet Group. After several consultations, Skynet Group decided to listen to their ideas.

They didn't know who was going to hear their thoughts, but everyone came anyway.

You can see their attention.

"Kate, there are still more than six hours before the time we agreed on. We can go to the hotel to settle down first, then have a meal and rest for a while, wait until four hours later, then meet and discuss for half an hour, and then go directly ’” Karim ordered his assistant.

Everyone else is the main research and development team, but this Kate is responsible for everyone's basic necessities. There are no persuasive talents, they are pure scientific research institutions.

Everyone is ready to get in the car.

Carter, who was in charge of the itinerary, had already prepared it. He took out his phone, found a software and pressed it lightly.

"Everyone, please wait a moment, our rental vehicle will arrive soon." There is no special vehicle for the hotel, so there is no need to show the hotel's thoughtful service.

There are a lot of public vehicles in the whole city.

When he pressed it, he saw a car slowly approaching more than 200 meters away in the GPS navigation.

It was slow at first, probably in the parking lot.

It took close to a minute in the same place, but then, it was surprising. This car can be said to be running fast on the road, and it has arrived nearby in a few minutes.

He looked up, and suddenly, a black medium-sized commercial vehicle suddenly stopped on the road in front of them, and then the door opened automatically.

Several people looked at each other.

"This should be our car, Teacher Karin, please go first!" He asked Karin to get on first, and the group of people behind slowly approached.

This car looks like a medium-sized car from a distance, but in fact there is no problem with seating more than a dozen people. It can be regarded as a medium-sized extreme commercial car. It is different from the normal seven or eight seats. It is also a bit like a minibus, but it is more compact. comfortable.

This is a vehicle specially prepared for Uranus.


After everyone got into the car, they found that there was no driver's seat at all. There were only seats in this car, and the driver's seat was the passenger's seat.

They were a little surprised.

"Skynet Group's automatic equipment field is really powerful. This car can drive automatically. I'm afraid there is no such thing as a driver here?" They were only amazed.

After all, they are all experts in the field of automation. Automated cars and automated machinery are nothing more than different operating mechanisms, but in the final analysis they are still in the field of automation.

They can imagine.

When the last person got on the bus, Kate clicked Confirm to get on the bus and confirmed the number of passengers.

When he has selected all the options and clicks to start.

Close the door and start the car in one go. Destination, Ouranos City Hotel.

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