Skynet Architect

Chapter 411 The Only Machine Tool

Inside the car, several people were a little curious. It's not that they haven't seen a self-driving vehicle, and some of them have even studied it in depth. Even if they are not experts in the field, machinery always belongs to the same family. The reason is the same, except The things of the Skynet Group confuse them.

It is said that it is produced by Dragon Soul Company. If they can understand the word Zhong Er in depth, then in their eyes, this car name is enough for Zhong Er, but the most important thing is the connotation.

They didn't have any talent for naming. All the machine tools didn't have detailed names, but all had various numbers. It's conceivable how much they attached importance to this aspect.

In the car, several people have already started a lively discussion.

"This time we hope to get the metal that meets the required performance. The requirements for the new p1 cardan axis machine tool are definitely the best among the machine tool designs we have completed. As long as we can succeed, a new era of ultra-high precision will come." Karin It's still hard to hide his excitement, even if he is an authority in the field of automation all his life, he can't restrain his excitement.

This is an opportunity to usher in a new era and put your name on Shi Ce.

The word ultra-high precision has been used many times, and it has been used since decades ago, but the standard is different. The ultra-high precision he requires is almost close to zero error, which is absolute accuracy. If the requirements can be met, The industry will enter a new era in the future.

By car, the speed to the hotel is very fast, and speeding on the highway will not waste too much time.

Uranus City Hotel, the best hotel in this city, none of them, he is very stalwart, enough to be praised sincerely, the huge hotel is like a palace, adapting to the aesthetic concept of every Westerner, the huge Roman columns make people only look up.

In the hotel, there are not many service personnel, but it can still make you feel honorable.

They had no way of knowing what the hotel looked like when they got off the car at the entrance of the hotel. They just knew that they seemed to have entered the temple, and of course it was the check-in procedure.

The whole process also let them know more and more about the city of Uranus, this great city.

The negotiation time is at 3:30 in the afternoon. In the headquarters of Uranus, a meeting room for the negotiation has already been prepared. Here it is.

Si Fan in the office next to him carefully looked at the information in his hand, which showed the opponent's strength.

"Professor Karin, one of the greatest automation experts in the world, the most professional production laboratory of high-precision machine tools, their job is to produce equipment for manufacturing machine tools. With sufficient professional knowledge and design capabilities, the chief designer Karin Known as a master dragged down by the times." Si Fan looked at the simplest information, followed by the various awards he had received, and there were too many of these things. There are thousands of them, which can be said to be very insane.

With such a Taishan Beidou, Si Fan found it funny where he got stuck at the end, because he was not stuck or restricted by his own thinking, but was pitted by the metal smelting process of this era and the most primitive materials.

He couldn't find suitable materials to complete his fantasy. He had manufactured this equipment before, and the system had been written, and all of them were verified to be usable, but the accuracy was not even as good as ordinary machine tools on the market.

The biggest problem is cumulative tolerance.

This cannot be solved at all. The tolerances of the manufactured parts are already very large. Even if the finely crafted parts are really finished, the machine will not work after only one or two uses.

The cumulative tolerance is too large again.

The various performances of the manufacturing machines make them all collapse.

The mentality was all blown up, and I had predicted it when I was making the machine tool, but I didn't expect it to be so disgusting.

That's not one or two parts, not a dozen, but the cumulative tolerances of hundreds of parts, and that's a very complex machine tool, and that's the only way to get to a gimbal machine that can cut in close to 360 degrees of rotation , to make the required parts.

This requirement is simply too high, but it is not necessarily impossible to complete it.

Of course, the requirements for fixtures are also very huge. The current clamping requires a stable clamping with a large friction surface, but if new materials can be used to help, the effect will be better.

Si Fan, a layman, knows these things, and Cosmic Metal can do this almost perfectly. He is very much looking forward to meeting these researchers. Their knowledge has been accumulated for decades, and they are experienced inside.

And their designs are very complicated, not the creativity of the little hairy kids in Jixia Academy, what they do is different from these down-to-earth professors.

Theirs is creativity, an idea, and what the professors do is a detailed and huge project, making a machine tool in the most complicated way, and repeating a detail hundreds of times with the most processes, so that slowly Hardened works.

Si Fan waited, and the time was slowly approaching.

Boom boom boom!

A knock on the door of the office interrupted Si Fan's train of thought, and he looked up at the secretary at the door.

This is not Donna, but another secretary.

She said to Si Fan in a sweet voice: "Chairman, your guest has arrived and is waiting for you in the conference room at any time."

He came to inform, and Si Fan was already ready, so he nodded.

"Go out, I'll be right there." After agreeing, Si Fan waved her to go out.

After the door closed, Si Fan straightened his tie and collar, took a sip of water, and set off.

He has to have a good talk with these professors. It is very important whether he can fool them all over and join his camp.

After tidying up meticulously, he walked out of the office and went straight to the conference room.

The small meeting room, it is said to be small, in fact, it is really not very small after entering it. The meeting room is about fifty or sixty square meters in size. There is a pure white curtain on the far wall, and Professor Karin is playing on it. In the ppt prepared by us, they are very open and honest, showing the main functions and goals achieved, and explaining the main structure inside.

There is no specific structure.

Their experimental machine also has a manufacturing video. This is the first video, and it is also the one with a relatively small cumulative tolerance.

Naturally, it was the only time they produced a workpiece of acceptable size.

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