Skynet Architect

Chapter 413 I think it's okay

Anthony's tragic torture by the little soldiers has become inevitable, but it's just how much he will be tortured.

On the other side, Si Fandang ended his passionate love with Zhao Jianjia, and he had already started to prepare for the next thing.

There are still many days to be tired of being together, but the next thing is still very urgent.

Because he found that all the tasks seemed to be completed explosively.

In the previous development, several cities that have already completed the task have already been completed, but now, it seems that a reminder has been given suddenly, and this reminder is completely different.

At this time, the environment of the Shanghai city has become full of birds and flowers, and the originally restless city has gradually stabilized. The city's motor nerves are perfectly mobilized, and people begin to yearn for a sporty life and a healthy life.

Just in the center of the city, a huge park is being built. This park can be regarded as a small area. The original commercial area of ​​the entire city became this park after it was abolished, and it slowly expanded to the present. The huge park covers an area of ​​more than 3000 mu.

This is not any other place, this is Shanghai, the city center of Shanghai.

You can imagine how expensive this park is.

Now, the entire park has been built, and a huge metal building like a bird's nest in the center is slowly being installed.

At this second, a red light spread out.

No one can see this light, but at this moment, it seems that the air is fresh.

"Ding Dong, congratulations on completing the series of missions in the Magic City, you will get... the system is in disorder."

"Ding Dong, you will gain power, whether to accumulate the rewards of the Magic City series of tasks."

Si Fan is sleeping, there is no one around him, he is just a fake single who sleeps by himself.

"What the hell is this? Huh?" Si Fan seemed to hear something in a daze, and then subconsciously confirmed it.

"Sure." Then went to bed again.

In the system, the figure of the Red Queen can be seen, and he is working hard to change this task.

"The task has changed,

Changes must be made immediately, their time is running out. "The little face of the red queen was very nervous, constantly trying to change something.

But in fact it may not be easy to use.

This system is gradually dimmed, and the rewards of the missions have also begun to accumulate.

The construction of the entire magic city has been completed.

In the eyes of the red queen, a new device appeared in front of him, slowly appearing in Si Fan's bedroom.

The world is now magnetic, the magnetic field can generate electricity, and people can use it.

But they still only use the usual level of life, and there is no top-level support for industry.

This is the biggest problem with energy.

In front of him, a box about two meters high appeared, with a series of drawings on it.

It is impressively written on the blueprint, high-power electric energy receiver.

That's right, this is the super-high-power version of the receiver, which can be used by the super-large instruments and machinery in the world.

In the future, other energy sources will gradually fade out of the earth's world.

The electric energy in the earth's magnetic field should actually be limited, but in the process of constantly sorting out the magnetic field, a large amount of electric energy is gradually generated.

Although they can't make ends meet, it mainly depends on how many large receivers Si Fan provides.

Si Fan didn't know anymore, he was in a daze.

But at this time, another direction, as if by coincidence, also moved.

In Atlantis, Dragon Soul Automobile Factory, a fiery red new car finally came off the production line. The streamlined appearance of this car is so graceful, like a sexy girl. The light yellow lines on his body are So smooth.

The most exaggerated is the car's engine.

This is a super electric sports car.

That's right, this is the most powerful electric sports car, all of which use motors for movement, and the batteries on the car's body are no longer so huge. They use the technology of Skynet Group, which can continuously Replenish electric energy from the atmospheric magnetic field, and with the efforts of the students of Jixia Academy, they finally succeeded in manufacturing a fast-absorbing power device. As long as the battery is not too big, it can continuously replenish electric energy without considering the use of electricity. problems, because they can easily solve the problem of electrical energy.

In any place, in any area, there will never be a power outage, nor will there be a lack of energy.

This is a car that doesn't need to be charged anymore.

And the speed of the car can finally be close to the speed of the usual fuel sports car. When this car appears, the fuel car can almost enter the garbage dump of history.

They can only wait for the new king to ascend the throne.

The development of Atlantis has already been completed, and at this moment, a ray of light flashed across Atlantis.

The task of the city is fully accomplished.

In Si Fan's bedroom, another light flashed.

"Ding Dong, congratulations on completing the Atlantis series of missions, you will get... the system is in disorder."

"Ding Dong, you will gain power, whether to accumulate the rewards of the Atlantis series of missions."

At night, another voice disturbed the clear dream, and Si Fan was already helpless.

"Yes yes yes!" he roared angrily. The head regained clarity for a second, and then.

Falling asleep again, who hasn't lost his temper, who hasn't been petulant, who hasn't woken up yet.

Si Fan is very angry when he wakes up.

In the system, the red queen looked happy.

She worked hard to change the program again, and each system component became an area that she could control, and then changed the task and changed the formation.

And input all the things she got from sleeping for so long into the system in one go.

Looking at the almost completed system, the Red Queen quietly disappeared.

Maybe...she won't be back for a while, or maybe she's doing something.

At this time, the system is constantly changing and changing. Finally, new tasks slowly appeared.

Of course, Si Fan is sleeping now, he doesn't know.

After the task of Atlantis was completed, rays of light reappeared, and there were more things in Si Fan's bedroom again.

These things look so extraordinary, even with a bit of super sci-fi color.

Because in front of you is a very thin spacesuit.

Ordinary astronauts' clothes are heavy, but Si Fan's suit is estimated to not weigh much in total, so it can be easily put on.

And when this was turned on, the magnetic field in the world began to shift a little bit.

Under the space suit, there is a very small box, about the size of a palm, black and very ordinary.

But what was written in his instruction manual and blueprints was an electromagnetic supplement.

This is obviously to supplement the electric energy of the atmospheric magnetic field.

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