Skynet Architect

Chapter 443: The Source

Cleaning up Calzaghe was as easy as swat a fly, without any challenge, the car stopped slightly in front.

A gun was thrown up. As for Calzaghe, he was tied up in a bound posture that can only be seen in island art movies, and he was thrown in that small room. Whoever meets him will rescue him. .

Si Fan and his car left Sunset Town and really drove to the volcanic area ahead.

Not too far away, they have actually been living near the volcano. Looking to the left, there is a huge volcano, marked No. 2, and the crater above it has been sealed off. This volcano is so spectacular, sealed off by a huge metal cage The volcano, let the volcano become a melting pot, and let people see the greatness of human beings.

But they didn't know that this crater cost Si Fan tens of billions of funds. They didn't know that the value of these metals was at least dozens of times that amount.

This is an astronomical figure, and now it has become the shackles that imprison the volcano.

This kind of equipment is also a very large number in this era, but it is used to imprison volcanoes, and there are dozens of such volcanoes.

And the amount of investment in larger volcanoes is even greater.

Such an investment is not something that ordinary people dare to throw away, but the rate of return.

Only two words, huh, huh.

This great volcano looks very beautiful, because it makes people feel distressed.

A person without a dream would not do this, because he loves money; a person without a dream would not do this, because he simply does not have the ability.

Si Fan did it, and it was good.

"Look, this volcano was sealed by the Skynet Group, and it is now generating a steady stream of kinetic energy. It is said that there will be a very large industrial power plant, accompanied by a large number of high-energy-consuming factories densely gathered here. "She was introducing that as a tour guide, she was conscientious, but the eyes of Tang Na and Jiang Yilong were a little weird.

This volcano is to attract investment in a large number of high-energy-consuming factories.

This is also forced. Factories with small energy consumption can use the energy equipment provided by Skynet Group, and medium-sized factories can also use special versions. Only those factories with super large energy consumption, they really can’t Use free, now facing high electricity bills.

The final fate of these factories is here.

As for the hydropower plants in some countries, it may support their continued development, but the cost is far from the electricity here.

Why is thermal power unavoidable? That's because there are not many places suitable for hydropower, and the cost is too high for them to afford.

The energy generated is also corresponding to ordinary civilian electricity.

Now that civil electricity has been liberated by Si Fan, the nuclear power and the power of nature have begun to come into play.

These forces are used there. That must be obvious, of course it is used on these big power consumers, they are the gap of power.

Si Fan used this position.

The energy generated by the huge volcano is simply crazy. The continuous volcanic power is definitely the most powerful natural force, constantly generating firepower and generating electricity.

This is almost exactly the same as a thermal power plant, except that the active volcanoes are turned into power plants.

Another one, the voltage of these power plants is unstable, and the electricity generated is also unstable.

These all need breakthroughs. Skynet Group uses a lot of resources and manpower to start solving this matter. When the number of people increases to a certain level, they will be able to achieve what ordinary people cannot do.

They completed the construction of the volcano's power plant, so each of these volcanoes is a power plant, and it is also a device that provides kinetic energy to the manufacturing plant.

These are Si Fan's biggest dreams.

The construction of the whole city is the hope of the future.

The car moved forward gradually. Vivian continued the introduction.

"This will be the best place to build the factory. Unfortunately, we don't have the capital and ability. If we have the capital, we may become rich." She is still very playful.

At this time, Si Fan seemed to recall a sentence from a local tycoon in the country.

"Well, there is a saying in our country that I can tell you." Si Fan said as soon as he thought about it.

Vivian looked at Si Fan with curious big eyes, she wanted to know.

Si Fan thought about it carefully, and then said: "That's what he said, if you stand in the wind, pigs can fly. At the right time, the right place, and the most right thing, anyone has the possibility of success .”

At the end, Si Fan added another sentence.

Vivienne became even more excited when she heard this.

There is nothing wrong with that.

Vivian, who was standing here, was stunned.

The car ran fast, and soon it had already left this area and arrived at another volcanic area.

This area is very close to their destination.

"The volcano we are going to is just ahead. It is a very huge active volcano, second only to the super volcano in Yellowstone Park in the center. What is brewing in the huge volcano is the gold we are waiting for."

"This is a volcano with a lot of gold, as long as you get here, you can find gold."

When it comes to gold, almost no one is not excited, except for Si Fan and the others, they are all rich people, of course, Jiang Yilong is not counted, his salary is very high now, but compared with Si Fan and the others, he is really not rich people.

Even Donna can't compare to him. When he was working in the company, he had futures stocks, and in the end he bought a lot of stocks. Now he is already a little rich woman, not to mention she has a good father.

The rich second generation Bai Fumei is serious.

The car continued to move forward, and when they approached the volcano of their destination, they could feel the greatness of the volcano. Never before has such a stalwart volcano been so shocking.

The huge volcano seems to have existed here since ancient times, and will exist forever.

The flowing flames are constantly brewing, forming rivers of lava underground.

The volcanic magma that erupts irregularly every month contains a large amount of gold, which makes all human beings crazy.

It is true that there is gold in the ground.

"This volcano is really not small." Si Fan looked at the huge volcano. When the car approached, you could feel that it was really a mountain.

The mountain was very steep, and the eruption of volcanic magma made the volcano higher and higher. The crater became a towering giant, and the magma below converged into rivers, forming rivers, and then slowly condensed.

Outside the river, there are layers of corrugated ground.

It's just that the periphery of the ground has already been destroyed a lot.

Without large machinery, human beings are also the most industrious ants. ()

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