Skynet Architect

Chapter 444 Seed

When it was placed on the deck, I looked at the tortoise carefully. His body was already deformed, and the carapace was very ugly. Gently cut the edge of the plastic on the turtle's carapace.

The plastic sleeve that has been deeply sunken into the flesh looks like it is used in the family, and I don't know what it is used for hanging. Now the whole sleeve is on it.

After the torture of time, the plastic on the outside has become much thinner, but the power of biological growth is good at moistening things silently. However, in the face of very tough plastic, the power of life has retreated.

It's really a retreat, the turtle is trapped by the tough plastic and can't recover at all.

This is nature's punishment and nature's wrath.

The tortoise can barely survive. The tortoise that has just cut the plastic seems to be unable to walk. It just wobbles and falls down at some point.

Looking at the turtle, Si Fan fiddled with it gently with his fingers.

He can no longer walk, and the function of retracting his head has also disappeared, so he can only curl his neck as much as possible, but the development of the tortoise shell and body no longer supports him to shrink his head, so now he can only look at Si Fan in a daze, as if It was a fierce look on his face. Anyway, Si Fan couldn't see that he was threatening at all, but he was so stupid.

"This is not the anger of nature at all, but the sins of human beings. They have to be responsible for what they do, and they have to pay for it." Si Fan said almost gritted his teeth.

Zhao Xile next to him clearly didn't understand Si Fan's thoughts. He looked at Si Fan's constant staring at the turtle, and seemed to find it meaningless. After a while, he turned to focus on other places.

Much more fun elsewhere.

This ship is rebuilt from an aircraft carrier, and the entertainment facilities inside are very complete. It is currently in the exploration stage and has not yet reached the formal cleaning stage. If the large-scale cleaning stage starts, there will be a few more people on board. At that time, the facilities in the ship will be more useful.

Most of the entertainment facilities that were originally complete have been demolished. After all, they were prepared for the combat personnel of a ship. Now there are only a few people on board, and the large entertainment rooms are all gone.

But originally there was a small entertainment room for military officers on this ship. Although the sparrow is small and complete, it has all kinds of facilities and is highly integrated. When it was dismantled, the super large entertainment room outside was demolished. The officer's lounge inside was not dismantled, but all the crew rested in the same place as the former officers.

The noise of the whole factory is loud in the hull,

But when the decoration is completed, the sound insulation effect is absolutely excellent, and they can entertain in it to their heart's content.

Of course Zhao Xile and the others like to stay here.

As for the outside environment, they have long been used to it.

No matter how shocking it is, they are not upper-class people, and they have never thought about the affairs of all human beings.

Not occupying a position but not pursuing politics, Zhao Xile's world is to make money to support his family, buy a house and marry a wife.

To him, life and death in this world is just a topic of conversation after dinner. Occasionally, when he encounters such a thing to comment on, he really needs to donate, and he may donate a few hundred yuan.

But let them dedicate all they have, let them give up their lives and devote themselves to the cause of purifying the environment.

They really don't choose.

After all, they still have lives.

And Si Fan must be responsible, the money that should be earned and the money that should not be earned have already been obtained, so he must be responsible, this is necessary, life is like this, and so are the rules.

He is making money for environmental protection, so he has to take the initiative to do this kind of thing, not to mention he has to do the same. The sea is always the last retreat for human beings. If the sea, which occupies 70% of the planet's area, is not clean, then this The self-salvation function of the planet's environment has gradually lost its effect.

Si Fan doesn't want this to happen, he longs for a cleaner world.

Standing on the bow of the boat, looking forward, there is an endless ocean, but the current ocean looks so bad, almost full of garbage, unlike the garbage island, the garbage here is floating and can move, garbage The island has been tangled together, but the garbage here keeps flowing, until one day, it is covered by the fishing net of the garbage island.

"If you really don't see it with your own eyes, who can believe it?" Si Fan muttered softly, and then looked at the garbage floating on the ocean, which was everywhere. It was different from the ocean he usually saw. This is a paradise for garbage.

Garbage is everywhere, as long as there are fishing nets, it is a small garbage island.

But they're still floating, waiting to merge with larger garbage islands to form actual garbage islands.

"Professor Hao, how far are we from the garbage island?" Si Fan asked.

Professor Hao is not in a good mood right now, but his answers are very touching.

"We are still more than ten hours away from the garbage island. I never thought about it. The radiation area of ​​the garbage is so large now. The last detection result is not like this. It is estimated that someone adjusted the data." Professor Hao said.

Si Fan almost scolded his mother angrily, the environmental pollution has reached a point where it must be dealt with urgently, but some people still turn a blind eye to it, and even let others not see it, and at this time there is still a lot of garbage being dumped directly into the ocean.

Wanton destruction of the environment.

The boat continued to move forward, and gradually approached the direction of the garbage island.

The four ships have not been purified for the time being. They have the ability to clean up, but obviously.

This rubbish will always have a place where it will meet, and it will be more efficient to sit there and wait for continuous purification.

But in the current environment, governance is a drop in the bucket, and new ones have just passed away after cleaning up.

It is better to manage directly at the end point to prevent further deterioration and continue to expand.

With such development, sooner or later a larger continental plate will appear. At that time, it is really too late to regret, and there is no chance to clean it up.

In more than ten hours, the arrival time will be in the second half of the night. Even if there are lights on the boat, it is not suitable for work.

Therefore, Si Fan informed that the speed of the ship can be appropriately reduced and sailed in the most cost-effective way.

This uses the power system of a military-grade aircraft carrier. The overall navigation is simply a luxury. An aircraft carrier with such a displacement consumes a lot of fuel to advance.

Si Fan knew it would be polluting, but he definitely couldn't get it with nuclear power, so he had to make do with it.

Time gradually entered the night, and Si Fan had already returned to the cabin.

However, his appetite is not very good.


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