Skynet Architect

Chapter 445: Machines Are Useless

The cabin restaurant of the Constellation is not a very big place, but it is very delicate. It can be said that although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. It has everything from a self-service restaurant to a self-service drink area. If you want to drink coffee, you can also brew or cook it yourself. .

It's impossible to get someone to help. They don't need to bring so many people. There is only one chef. Although the chef's cooking skills are good, they are not particularly delicious.

It can only be regarded as average, the only reason why he can work as a chef on this ship is because he has studied miscellaneous.

That's right, frying, frying, frying, stewing, Brazil, Myanmar, France, Spain, India, as long as he can name the cuisines, he can cook some.

Although it is not so authentic, there are enough roadside stalls.

That's enough. It is undoubtedly very satisfying to be able to eat the taste of hometown outside.

So he got on the boat. The staple food at noon today was still steak. Since he arrived on the boat, there seemed to be very few green leafy vegetables.

The bad food is second to none, but Si Fan has no appetite.

As if he could see it, Professor Hao persuaded him: "Actually, what happened to the seabird just now has happened frequently in recent years, so you don't have to worry about it. It's almost to the garbage island, and it's very difficult for creatures to survive here."

Si Fan nodded: "I know, but I just feel a little uncomfortable. A very ordinary seabird died while flying. It's shocking! It's shocking."

He suppressed his senses again and again, and then tried his best to let himself eat.

Don’t even think about meat. What he has on his plate now is a mix of corn kernels, carrots, and green beans plus a small salad. This is all he has. Even so, he still feels a little hard to swallow.

Everyone was silent and ate in silence. The dinner in the evening was not bad. Let everyone have a good rest. We will start working tomorrow.

After eating, everyone left, and only Si Fan finished his meal in silence, and then went to the deck outside.

There was a board on the ground, and on the board there was a dead body of a bird that had been disemboweled.

Most of this garbage is in the form of plastic bags.

Si Fan didn't need to guess, this thing ate plastic bags as aquatic plants.

"It's really no way!" Si Fan said in a low voice.

Finally tidied up and threw the bird directly into the sea.

There is no problem with throwing this thing into the sea. It is just the dead body of the bird. As for the plastic, it all re-enters the sea with the waves.

Although they have a garbage treatment plant on board, the small plastic is still difficult to deal with.

The second he threw it out, he suddenly reacted.

In fact, people have already developed the habit of throwing garbage, and they throw everything into the sea on the boat. After all, there is really no place to deal with it on the boat.

There will be no sanitation workers to clean up for you.

Seeing the bird carcass flying down, Si Fan's heart also sank.

He has already consciously reminded himself to protect the environment, but in fact, when something really happens, he will subconsciously destroy the environment.

What about others?

Billions of people are billions of pollution sources, and the amount of garbage discarded by each person in a day is enough to fill a city.

This is distributed over the earth, so it doesn't feel like it.

But they are all subtly polluting the environment.

"I don't know when we can really stop the pollution." Si Fanchou's gray hair was about to come out.

Suddenly, Si Fan was hugged with both hands behind him.

He didn't worry too much, he knew that the Terminator had been silently protecting himself, and the one who could hug him now must be a very close person.

Sure enough, Zhao Jianjia's voice sounded behind him: "Actually, you don't have to pay too much attention to it. Garbage pollution has existed decades ago, and it is getting worse. It has nothing to do with you. If there is no Skynet Group, the environment will be even worse. not good."

She was comforting Si Fan.

The two stood silently on the boat, seeing nothing but hearing the small sound of the boat breaking through the water.

All around except water is rubbish, they have already reached the land of rubbish.

A few hours ago, it was actually within the scope of the garbage island, but it can't be completely regarded as a garbage island, because the water here is still flowing, the garbage is still flowing, and the real garbage island has solidified, and the whole island is really The only thing is that the garbage is entangled, and it is already very firm, and there is no solid ground below, nor rocks.

It is a huge complex of gravel, garbage, and metal garbage dragged by countless fishing nets.

It looks like a floating island, but it is slowly sinking, and it does not know when it will border the land below.

Then slowly it really becomes an island.

This is quite possible.

Just thinking about this possibility made Si Fan feel cold.

If this place becomes a garbage island, it may continue to expand, and people will continue to transform the materials on the land, slowly turning them into daily necessities, and then turning them into garbage and being abandoned, gradually forming a huge garbage island.

In fact, this island is formed by the tireless efforts of all human beings. Everyone has worked hard to have the current scale.

fear. The scale of this horror is shocking.

Even though it was dark, Si Fan had gradually seen the garbage island.

Garbage is everywhere, plastic bags are the most floating in the sea.

Plastic bags of every color dotted the ocean into shattered rubbish heaps that slowly engulfed the four boats.

It's like a death sentence.

When I got here, except for the water source I carried, the water source purified on the boat was undrinkable, and it was not suitable for daily use.

It's not that the water purifier is not easy to use, but that it can't pass the psychological level.

Fortunately, enough fresh water for living has been prepared on board, and they can live a stable life for several months.

This is an aircraft carrier operating at sea, and purification systems and water storage are obviously necessary.

The night is always very long, and the stench is gone. If there is a stench, it will be fine. Like the stench from the garbage dump, most of the time it is a substance that can be quickly decomposed.

But now, the vicinity of this garbage island is full of indecomposable substances.

These substances are more uncomfortable.

In the morning, the first ray of sunlight shines on the sea. It should have been magnificent and broad-minded, but here, near the garbage island, it doesn't feel so good.

It's even uncomfortable, very uncomfortable, making people feel like they're about to explode.

As far as the eye can see, there is only a white world illuminated by the fiery red sun.

White trash world!


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