The headquarters of the Uranus Sky Group, there is no grand display, and it does not give people the feeling of awarding awards. Everything is very ordinary. At this time, a fiery red car drove quickly from the direction of the airport, the body was painted very bright

A koi jumping out seems to come out at any time. please()

At the gate of the company, a huge fountain is spraying beautiful water splashes, and the artificial fountains costing millions of dollars are spraying out different scenes according to the design, and preparations have been made since noon, if there is no preparation in advance.

That's impossible, now that the glaring sunlight is shining on the mist spraying in the sky, several layers of rainbows are gradually sprinkled in the sky, hanging in the sky, it seems to be the gate of the rainbow, and a koi formed by intertwined water flows vividly .

This requires a little imagination, after all, it is made up of countless water flows, and it needs a very good angle.

The front is a very good angle, and Zhiyuan is still quite nervous in the car. After more than ten hours of flying by herself, she finally stepped on this fertile soil. After passing through the thick black volcanic ash layer, she entered to the living area.

Uranus, a dreamy name, a dreamy place, the kite is really like a kite that has fallen off the string, landed in this city, and went straight to Uranus' sky headquarters in that seemingly exaggerated luxury car.

The car approached, and what I saw in front of my eyes was a scene that made people's eyes full of tears. The sky was full of colorful rainbows, forming a rainbow gate in the sky, and the fish were swimming in the sky nimbly.

This is the scene of the jet of water, the extra lines in the sky are like splashes of water, and the dance in the sky is a koi composed of water, drawing a circle in the sky, and then slowly falling down.

This fall, it shattered into splashes, and after that, new koi fish jumped out and continued to cross the dragon gate.

The performance was still going on, and the real Miss Koi Zhiyuan walked out of the gate of Tian Group slowly, and took a picture of what she saw with her mobile phone, and then passed it on.

People have walked past.

This seems to be specially reserved for her. After walking under the rainbow, it seems to have crossed the rainbow gate. The clouds and rain have cleared a bit, and there is no rain on the body, only the layers of the rainbow. When the light is divided, it seems to have reached the door of the rainbow.

Slowly, step by step approaching the door.

I took a video and sent it to the place. I was still in a good mood. Girl Zhiyuan walked to the innermost place step by step.

"This is Tian Group.

"She looked up at the towering buildings, and only then could she feel the greatness of human beings, the local tyrants of the Tian Group.

Such a high-rise building only took a few months to complete, which can be said to be very exaggerated, but the construction standards and quality are excellent, which shows that the technology of Tiantian Group is simply amazing.

She looked at the tall building and walked in.

Everything seems to be different.

In the clean and tidy lobby, a road paved with flowers led her to the direction she should go. The videographer next to her was already ready to take the position. When she just entered, she started to take pictures. This is a comprehensive holographic shooting, from all angles. It is possible to use the sky world to get up close and personal.

"Here, am I going to the front to receive the prize?" She asked the staff around her.

The staff member nodded: "That's right, let's go inside and go to a large conference room there, where we will present the awards."

Walking along the road, gradually watching a man or woman coming out of here, they are very beautifully dressed, clean, not particularly expensive, only the breeze is blowing.

"Hi, I'm the general manager of St. William. On behalf of St. William, I would like to pay tribute to Miss Koi Paper Kite and give you our gift." It's completely different from the monkey crown like the real estate agency.

Every movement and every move of his has its own rules.

A small action is so attractive.

Zhi Yuan was stunned, she belatedly accepted a card handed over by the other party.

This card was shown to the camera for more than a second before it was delivered, so people could see clearly that everything that was given away was written on this side.

It's for advertising, how can they be stingy with products.

What's more, the effectiveness of this advertisement has far exceeded the previous expectations, and it has pushed the lifelong plan to the public.

He is the best in marketing and the most successful, and now he has basically occupied the entire market.

On the day of their wedding, countless girls want a supreme card.

That's all.

How can you be unhappy if you sell goods that have been sold for ten years in one day.

Going forward, it is the introduction of various brands. This is a very simple direct marketing. It can even be said to be shameless. It is to tell you that they have sponsored. '

It's worth the money, otherwise it's just a list, wouldn't it be distressing.

They even prepared a party and held it in China. There is no way, the only way to achieve the best effect, and to celebrate the festival by the way.

Si Fan didn't care about him, he was waiting for the award in the lobby.

This girl was lucky when she was still early, and she was able to get this reward. It is estimated that there will be this koi event every year in the future, but the rewards will be very different.

Only Zhiyuan girl got what she wanted.

Si Fan really wanted to see how this girl was feeling now.

Of course, the kite is in a happy mood. When she received gifts from more than a dozen brands, she was already trembling, and more and more things were given to it. , there are still such roads.

After all kinds of big brands are over, they will receive various big gift packages according to dozens of dozens. This kind of road, no matter how much you really walk, you will be happy.

The cameraman's follow-up photos happened to capture her happiest scene, which was when she just received the supreme card from St. William.

This photo is destined to be passed down to the world.

Zhiyuan at the back gradually calmed down and began to enter this meeting room.

When she saw this, she was even more surprised. There were people donating just now, but at this time, there was no one else at all. There was a table in the middle with mineral water on the seat, and a young man was sitting here. She waited for him with a smile on her face.

Zhiyuan walked over in embarrassment, she didn't know what to say.

"Okay, girl, as the happiest person in the world at this moment, I know you have a lot to say, but it doesn't matter."

"Now, all the gifts of these documents are yours, and... I will give you another gift, the gift of longevity."

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