Skynet Architect

Chapter 454: Comprehensive Preparations for War

Thinking of the consequences, Xu Zeyang's face also turned black. He knew too well what this kind of pollution represented. It could even turn a city into a dead city, and make millions of people die silently. In the end, they didn't even know how they died.

If this happened to Dong Chuang, Xu Zeyang would be dug out and whipped if he was really dead.

"Check it out, check it out thoroughly, every factory has been checked out for me." He gave an order.

The younger brothers are obviously excited, they will be promoted and get rich today, these factories will be pulled out, and they will be heroes. Environmental heroes.

Not to mention how active they are one by one. More importantly, they have strength. Everyone can go to the heavily armed soldiers behind them to cooperate. It is definitely a very thorough cooperation. Anyone who dares to resist will be defeated. .

They just want to investigate and deal with all illegal sewage discharges.

It's just that the local law is too friendly to those who violate the regulations and discharge pollutants. The maximum penalty for illegal pollutant discharge is 500,000 yuan, and rectification is ordered.

They have no sense of the amount of sewage they discharge, and you can fine them whatever you want, which is too little for them.

And the equipment is owned by others, as long as it is started.

It's just that I usually don't want to start it.

These are all pitfalls.

So for such a hob meat company, they also have a headache. Today, they will definitely investigate and deal with it. As for what to do in the future, they will simply pick their picks. The protagonist is not them. What are they tossing? The obvious protagonist is the Skynet Group. It all depends on how the Skynet Group investigates and deals with it.

Si Fan would not give them any face.

A few people are still not doing well. When it was determined that the illegal sewage discharge was confirmed, these people went crazy. They really wanted to quickly settle the matter in front of them, get rid of these guys, and get all the evidence of these people's illegal sewage discharge.

Hundreds of thousands of compensation? Pooh! Don’t you look at what kind of company Skynet Group is and what kind of strength they are. Anyone who offends will die in the end without a burial, and you want to end it with hundreds of thousands? dream.

They are usually pissed off by these companies when they are outside. It is normal to wait for a few weeks when they usually check. Emissions are allowed, whether you exceed the standard or not.

So you can't check people.

Usually, sewage is everywhere and the environment is harsh. If they can't find the problems of the company, they will become blamers. They don't know what it's like to be scolded outside all day long.

Well now, finally feel elated.

"Brother, I will leave the evidence of the plasticizing plant first, and we will see you later." When leaving, the staff of the environmental protection department said to their colleagues.

The main personnel have already determined that this is the transfer at the thermal power plant, so they rushed to the thermal power plant.

But Si Fan is already using his own global positioning method.

It's against the rules, but it doesn't matter anymore.

When the satellite positioning picture arrived in Si Fan's mobile phone and displayed on the public civilian map, he actually found an unexpected surprise.

These guys have been under their noses all along.

"Jiang Yilong, let you have a good time today, take five soldiers to catch these people back." Si Fan tapped lightly on his phone.

Almost at the same time, Jiang Yilong's cell phone vibrated.

The Mediterranean uncle patted his forehead and took out his cell phone from his pocket with his left hand.

She used a pink mobile phone case with a girlish heart, touched it lightly, and the internal software of Skynet Group was displayed on the mobile phone. No need to click, the direct interface displayed the target, and the position 1700 meters ahead was the position of the target.

He looked at the target, looked at everyone's positioning, and smiled.

With your mobile phone, aren't you announcing your location? If you want to see your whereabouts every day, you can watch you, if you want to catch you, you can catch you.

Si Fan gave the position, gave the location, and he brought five terminators, even a fool can complete the task.

"I'm leaving, boss, be careful." He said, and then rushed directly to the opposite building.

Just opposite the office building across the two factory buildings.

The speed is very fast, and the speed of the Terminator is even faster, following behind like a shadow.

The tall building is right in front of you, and several people are preparing to return to their factories to take charge of the overall situation, especially the thermal power plant, which must hurry up to allow the sewage to continue.

Several factories are all in a mess, the normal production process is all required to slow down production, and those that need to use high-temperature technology, each factory is trying to slow down the work efficiency as much as possible.

And chemical factories are even more embarrassing. They must ensure a certain temperature to manufacture products. As long as the catalyst is put in to produce a chemical reaction, it must be kept at a very harsh temperature for a certain period of time. The process of this chemical reaction, many It is necessary to continuously discharge sewage.

This sewage is not a good thing.

Since the temperature must be guaranteed, the discharge of sewage cannot be stopped.

A large amount of water was released, and the materials in the reactor were tens of millions at every turn. They did not dare to stop work, so they had to bite the bullet and discharge. The factory's own sewage treatment system was also activated urgently, and they needed to discharge sewage.

As long as the sewage treatment system is activated, it can guarantee normal work.

That's what they thought.

The factory also became busy, with one radish and one pit, no one could leave, and if there was a problem if they left, it might explode.

They don't make fun of their own lives.

Everyone worked intensely, and the result was that no one came to stop the people who came to investigate the water samples and set off the signal to float.

And so the work unfolded.

And in the main office, when a group of bosses came out of the office building in a hurry, they bumped into Jiang Yilong head-on.

With no chance to resist, a group of Terminators opened fire.

It's very simple, their free time is terminated in this way, not only the issue of assets, they will also be punished by Si Fan.

subject to international sanctions.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shines on the earth and all life welcomes a new day, the light is warm and warm.

A group of busy people came one after another non-stop. Some of them were equipped with equipment like long guns and short cannons, and some had cameras around their necks. A few anxious ones even rushed over in pajamas with recording pens, but they had work badges representing their identities hanging around their necks.


In the morning, the reporters were the first to arrive at this area, and there was a lot of response. It can be said that Si Fan is here. His every move is news, not to mention the situation this time, which was actively invited by the Skynet Group.

They want to announce that they are assisting the local authorities to detect, monitor, apprehend and punish a group of unscrupulous businessmen who secretly discharge sewage and pose a fatal threat to the people.

This time, they will not only be subject to national sanctions, but also international sanctions.

Double sanctions of money and person.

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