Skynet Architect

Chapter 2 Picking the Feet of the Vegetables

They have already prepared for an ambush here. This is a very narrow road nearby. The road is very muddy and very difficult to walk. Even migrating animals avoid it. Dream Novel Network ()

But this is during the period of migration in Africa. There is only such a road that humans can walk. The nature reserve is naturally a protected area, but after all, it is still a paradise for wild animals. There are so many animals here that it is dazzling. A group of 100,000 animals migrates, wild animals that can't finish running all day and night, they often fall behind and die during their migration.

But it never stopped, and the migration continued day and night.

The grasslands all over Africa are restless.

At this time, vehicles can only run smoothly on these very difficult roads.

Every convoy used to come from here.

Now, a new convoy is gradually approaching, this time the convoy is very large, there are dozens of oversized trucks, moving slowly on this land.

On the prairie, the grass is a full two meters high, and fortunately the truck is relatively large. Only vision.

This kind of grass covered a lot of things. When the car continued to move forward, suddenly, a lot of spikes sprayed out on the ground.

The run-flat tires are basic, there's grass everywhere and who knows what's underneath.

The sudden ejection of large spikes completely nailed the front car of the convoy there, and the spikes below pierced the run-flat tires. Although it will not make the car lose power, don't count on the basic progress. After continuing to rush forward, the ground is a muddy swamp.

This place is nothing short of a nightmare, surrounded by well-laid traps. Don't think about any real traffic here.

"Squeak!" When the front car started to stop, these lazy guys stared straight ahead, and took out their weapons from the most convenient position in their hands.

Everyone's weapons are different, but they are the ones they are most used to, and their usual state is also very good. They are the most violent mercenaries, and they are always invincible on the battlefield. For any battle.

Now, when confronted with dangerous battles, they will show their utmost courage.

This is a subconscious reaction that a soldier should have.

When the fight came, they were never ready to back down, like they are now.

They picked up the weapons in their hands.

"Brothers..." The boss Salamander looked at the brothers beside him, and said what he wanted to say most through the walkie-talkie, "Live."

The sound ends.

"Bang!" The car door opened.

He buckled his helmet on, all the equipment on his body was ready, took out a photo from his arms, and kissed it preciously.

Then put it in the car.

He didn't bring it with him, it was his most precious thing.

"Death!" With a roar, the whole person rushed down, he was the first to rush down, and almost at the same time, a soldier rushed down from each vehicle.

In the car, the roof suddenly opened, and soldiers came out one by one.

Rising up ahead are heavy machine guns.

Please, please, please don't underestimate this thing. This is really a great weapon in human history. The performance in the movie can't fully demonstrate the lethality of this weapon.

The 127mm machine gun he uses is absolutely brutal.

Several vehicles are slightly staggered to reveal the shooting angle, and the size of the vehicles is different, completely forming a different trajectory.

But the bravest one is always the captain, the guy named Salamander, jumping directly.

The weapon in his hand is the latest weapon manufactured by Skynet Group. It is a powerful rifle based on the an94 modification. The combat effectiveness of this thing is very exaggerated and the accuracy is also very high. More awesome equipment was also installed.

fully automatic aiming system,

When aiming, the firearm will automatically give a systematic human body distribution map, which can ensure that your bullet hits the target position accurately.

This kind of attack method of feeding things into its mouth is quite exaggerated, so that the Salamander who just went down pulled the grenade, and the target is the grass next to him. He needs an accurate area.

A crowd had just emerged when a shot was fired.

"Boom!" There was a sound.

Rifle grenades are always the first to strike. As the first weapon to attack, their main purpose is to cause confusion and instant panic to the opponent.

Even just causing some distraction of the other party's attention will do.

They don't have a target now, so let the target run out by itself.

The Salamander was working very well, a grenade passed by, and then began to use the door panel as a cover, quickly looking for the target.

There are shooting positions in the car, but they have to pull out the front line, simply avoiding in the car is to be attacked by weapons such as rpg.

The Salamander was the first, definitely not the last, and after the grenade was fired, more grenades were fired.

They responded immediately.

But on the other side, something is ready.

"Boom!" The ground shook and the mountains shook, and the movement was very loud.

But they are all directional, and the target is only the front vehicle. '

Obviously, they are for the things behind.

Something that doesn't know what it is.

They just want something, whatever it is.

So the power of this landmine is oriented, just to kill the car in front.

The Fire Lizard was directly blown away by the sudden explosion.

The simple thing is that this time the bomb was just to overturn the vehicle, there were no fragments at all, and it was not for hurting people, so he was fine.

It can only be said that it’s all right, the bleeding from the seven orifices is the basic operation, the whole person is flying a long way, dizzy, that is to say, after training, he is not unconscious, and the medicine he carries also gave himself an injection .

This thing is different from the previous needles, it is directly pierced into the body, and then the button is pressed, and it is directly pierced in.

It's all about letting the air pressure just push in most of the liquid medicine.

The salamander who took the drug no longer had a headache at all, but he also had no cover, and the people in the car were also uncomfortable.

They were all overturned, but not fatally.

I don't know if it was really hurting something to avoid taboo.

They should be fortunate, that is, they don't know what they want, so for things, the weapons used by these people are not particularly heavy.

When the flames sprayed, the heavy machine guns behind couldn't bear it anymore, and started shooting directly in the smoke.

This is the area they basically locked down just now.

As for whether it can hit the enemy.

The hit rate of this heavy machine gun is about one in a thousand.

But he was shot and almost killed.


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