Skynet Architect

Chapter 3 What is this

Just relying on intensive shooting, the bullets became the horns of death, and began to shoot at the grass on the opposite side in a large area. The situation does not exist.

The bullets are definitely not armor-piercing bullets. When they skipped over the grass, all the ground was ejected, and it fell all over the sky. There was no grass or anything.

The lethality of this grenade is still very exaggerated. Of course, it is not the power of the explosion, but the ability to clean up weeds. Many weeds have been blown down, and people can gradually be seen.

The machine guns began to fire as if the bullets were free. They all fired hundreds of bullets a minute every three or four seconds.

It's like a movie show, turn on the machine gun and shoot for ten minutes, and then the gun barrel will turn red, that's a bragging, it will turn red in ten seconds.

In a minute, the barrel is useless, and it's all melted.

So now their shooting method is the most scientific, fast shooting, stop and continue.

It's not blindly shooting, but looking for targets.

As long as the attack is within the target range, fill the quality with quantity.

What's more, their weapons also have an auxiliary system. All enemies are marked in the electronic sight, and there is also a firearm assist, which can ensure the relative stability and rebound of the firearm.

Ballistic corrections are very reliable.

So their weapons are very powerful.

Several people started shooting. Others are not kidding.

Several people in the car had already started attacking.

Their means of attack are different.

When the brothers above start shooting, their fighting style is more direct.

These guys just push the button and drive the car in slow motion.

This is to speed up dodging attacks at any time.

There is no way, when facing high-intensity attacks, you must dodge to a certain extent.

And all the equipment under the armor has been activated, all for the countermeasures in the face of attacks.

When everything is ready, all switches are activated. They started pressing the final buttons.

"Bang bang!" A series of voices sounded, and then gradually disappeared.

It just disappeared, and suddenly it was quiet, and there were only things like incendiary bombs in the sky.

But these incendiary bombs are not incendiary.

After spraying out, it exploded quickly.

They cover a very large area, much larger than incendiary bombs, and they don't cause fires.

The blue frost gradually spread.

The liquid nitrogen bomb, a weapon that seemed less useful than an incendiary bomb, instantly began to spread.

And it's not particularly cold. They are constantly proliferating. The temperature in the air dropped a lot in an instant.

At this moment, there were a lot of red dots in the sights of everyone's guns.

The machine guns started firing heavily.

And the lying salamander is the fiercest.

He flew out, a very long distance, this distance ensures that he is not with others, and the target of the attack is not him, and his AN94 revision still has detection software.

The results speak for themselves.

Very exaggerated, I started spraying directly.

The bullets are literally spraying, and after aiming at the enemy, you shoot.

All targets are too obvious, and body temperature is the biggest target of exposure.

If it was an incendiary bomb just now, it would make it very hot here, and many people would be burned to death.

But one thing is very disgusting. If they have equipment or really hide, the damage they cause is still not as large as expected.

But the current situation is very bad. The temperature nearby is starting to drop, but their body temperature is almost constant, and they can be easily distinguished. It is useless for you to lie on your stomach. Just start staring at the target and start killing.

Simple and easy.

Especially for Salamanders, there is simply no easier target.

They were attacking, but they were obviously not ordinary people, because there was a big ant in the middle.

Although transparent, he is still very cruel.

When these soldiers were slaughtering those monkeys, their fighting methods were too rough, as long as the whole team dodged the initial attack, it would not be a problem, but this bug was not.

Just as they were cleaning, all of a sudden.

"Crunch!" With a sound, the cars behind were split in half.

Even if the car can't drive.

Because the Salamander was on the other side, he was hiding in the grass that was not affected for the time being, and he saw this scene.

A few bugs suddenly rushed out from the ground. These bugs are completely different from the praying mantis played by Anthony before. These bugs are really a kind of ferocious bugs. Their state is different from other bugs, and their size is even smaller. Not as big as Anthony's, but their attack power is very exaggerated.

These insects look somewhat similar to praying mantis insects, but without a head, they only have two huge knife feet, which are used for attacking, and four legs are used for walking.

Without the hairy legs of a praying mantis, there are only things like air sacs one by one,

It seems to be very inconvenient to fight on the earth, but in fact the combat power is still very domineering.

Just such a thing, suddenly ejected the knife foot, smashing the vehicles behind in an instant.

Such an action caught Captain Salamander a little unexpectedly.

After a moment of stupefaction, the bugs had already approached their other vehicles.

This speed is really fast, like a lightning-like car, a car is wiped out.

Human beings don't seem to be the target at all in front of their eyes. Their target is this huge vehicle.

The Salamander was stunned, what was going on.

The people in the car didn't respond for a while, and the people who saw it opened fire immediately.

The car was broken, but the machine gun was not, and a soldier who fell at a perfect angle directly pulled the trigger.

He didn't need to aim, the three or four bugs in front of him completely blocked his sight.

And this time he is not afraid of exploding, after all he is ready to die.

Just pull the trigger.

"Da da da!" The light of the bullets sprayed wildly, and the ammunition belt behind him was continuously replenished. These are fixed in the car body, and they can still be fired continuously. Anyway, there is no damage.

All the attacks like this were poured on the bugs.

This time, it is really damaged. The 12.7mm bullet is not a joke, and it is not as rubbish as it is shown in TV dramas. A normal human being can shatter it with one bullet, let alone attacking like this now.

But when they attacked, they were surprised to find that when the bullet hit the bug, it instantly caused a lot of tearing damage.

There is damage. But it was not as imagined. In a few seconds, a lot of bullets were fired. Hundreds of bullets tore the bug to pieces.

But he waved a knife. It was also doomed to the death of the soldier.

And the Flame Lizard, who was about to tear apart, gritted his teeth at this moment and dared not make a sound.

He knew that he had to be alive to see the report to headquarters. Even the real-time monitoring cameras have been pointed at the bugs. Skynet Architect

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