Skynet Architect

Chapter 157 No Manhattan Part 9


When Zhao Jianjia heard the name, he had already left the mana space strangler, and took a step back from Si Fan's side.

"Is this a weapon bought on a trading platform? What is it for?"

There was nothing to hide, so Si Fan explained the function of this thing to Zhao Jianjia.

When I heard that a large area of ​​bug lairs in the universe had been wiped out in one go, no matter how calm Zhao Jianjia was, he was no longer calm.

She looked at this thing as if she saw a more interesting toy.

There was indescribable concentration in those eyes.

It made Si Fan a little jealous of this mana space strangler, he had never gotten such affectionate eyes.

But it's useless, his envy is useless, Zhao Jianjia can't wait to dismantle this thing now to see the structure inside.

The impatient look made Si Fan laugh.

"Okay, hurry up and unpack your baby, as long as there is no danger."

It is impossible for him to dismantle it, after all he can't, Zhao Jianjia is happy like a hardworking bird, looking at the huge mana space strangler has a feeling of excitement, the speed in his hand is not slow, and he can reach it. going to move.

Use your hands hard.

She knew how heavy it was.

It is not moving at all.

Si Fan watched from the side, full of smiles.


Uranus, the outskirts of this magical city, drove out for more than 70 miles. It used to be a huge farm, but now it is all deserted. There is a thick layer of volcanic ash on the ground. The watering of rainwater has also become fertile land.

Now, dots of weeds squeezed out from the soil, messy in the wind, and occasionally some trees have sprouted new branches. Even though it is late autumn, they are still striving for survival.

Such a wilderness is not completely wilderness. The buried road has been completely cleared out, and slopes have been dug on both sides of the road to ensure that the land on both sides that is already higher than the ground will not dump.

And walking along the road for a few kilometers, there is a fork in the road, which goes straight to a huge building complex in the distance.

Speaking of buildings, it looks more like an integrated industrial area. The whole area is separated. The most conspicuous area outside is not the working area, but the fire protection system.

There are not only fire trucks parked in the huge fire station, but also all kinds of fire fighting machinery and fire fighting aircraft.

Here, the fire rating is very high.

And around the fire station, you can see huge laboratories one by one.

It is completely the standard of the future laboratory. In the laboratory, there are many high-tech machines. The current research project of Si Fan's biological laboratory is different from the plan of the universe this time.

Molecular Mechanism Laboratory of Cell Apoptosis and Cancer Occurrence, this is the name of the laboratory in front of me, and the laboratory inside is probably one of the super-large laboratories.

Li Yigong can be said to be a world-renowned biologist. Dive into the research of cancer mechanism, all the attention is completely on the aspect of cancer.

Want to know why there is cancer.

For so many years, people have never discovered why they get cancer, and all the possibilities of cancer are just analyzed by big data.

When I arrived at this laboratory, it really looked very busy. In the huge laboratory, all kinds of large-scale laboratory machinery were placed here.

In the corner, there is also a separate room, in which there is a device that looks like a huge coffee machine.

Si Fan saw the name on it outside the door.

That's the name of the electron microscope, and the whole room is dedicated to this electron microscope. Obviously, the body temperature of the operator outside may affect the accuracy of this instrument.

Of course, there are still several dedicated electron microscopes outside, but the magnification is not so large.

at work,

There was an experimenter holding test tubes and putting them into the PCR machine next to them, as if they were cooking something in the water bath.

There are also experimenters running electrophoresis.

The entire laboratory is constantly carrying out experiments. The most advanced experiments are constantly groping in the infinite darkness, constantly trying their luck, and constantly following the ideas and slowly testing them with exhaustive methods.

There are a lot of people in the laboratory, ten groups of people each have their own direction, but the goal is the same, but the methods used are different.

When Si Fan came in, Li Yigong also greeted him.

He came over very excitedly.

"Mr. Si Fan, thank you, thank you for your large donation to the field of natural science." Li Yi's eyes were about to tear up when he saw Si Fan.

Scientists are short of money, more than anyone else in the world.

Ordinary people lack money in tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or millions.

But the lack of money for scientists is endless, and their requirements are always the most expensive in the world, too expensive.

One gram of californium costs 30 million US dollars, and its function is to cut off the malignant proliferation of cancer cells in the patient's body and directly kill cancer cells without causing harm to normal body cells.

This is simply the nemesis of cancer. Who can not be afraid of cancer? But if you want this level of treatment, other than those who stand at the top of the world, no one else can enjoy it.

If you have cancer, it only takes a few billion to cure it.

look? Humans can still treat cancer, but his cost is simply too expensive, and people simply have no cheap way to deal with it.

In the laboratory, Si Fan provided hundreds of grams of californium, which ensured that they could be treated successfully.

In the whole world, few people can enjoy such a luxury. Even in a country that pays for the universal medical insurance, only a few people can enjoy this special treatment in terms of special treatment.

In Li Yigong's laboratory, what he is looking for is the most basic understanding of why people get sick and get cancer.

In addition, there is a research group under it, which is specially used to study how to replace californium element for treatment.

In the entire huge laboratory site, there are seven cancer research groups. Except for Li Yigong, three of them are Nobel Prize winners, and the others are also big bosses at the level of Nobel Prize candidates.

All laboratories are in the competition stage, and each laboratory is a milestone announcement of results, and others can step on each other's shoulders to climb up.

In fact, this kind of model has been operated in this way in the basic disciplines all over the world. However, when it is specific in this field, there are also practical patents. Such patents are very expensive. of.

But now, Skynet Group will directly pay for all the clinical trial stages, and the patent period will be cut off directly.

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