Skynet Architect

Chapter 158: Without Manhattan

The lonely palace is not popular, the rooms are out of place, the walls are out of place, and a tall iron gate completely encloses the courtyard.

Abstract graffiti were painted on the gate with colorful sprays. I don't know which neuropathy sprayed it out. Anyway, in all likelihood, the little fat man's despicable artistic cells are at work.

"Mr. Si Fan, this is the residence arranged by His Majesty the King. Please do whatever you want. If you have anything to do, please tell us directly. We will wait for your order outside." The waiter said to Si Fan.

He nodded and waved his hand to indicate that the waiter can leave. This place is really weird. Such a single room will definitely not be liked by their country, but it has been kept until now. It may be because of cultural relics and other issues. Could be other issues too.

Si Fan chose to go in and have a look.

It is normal for no one to be by their side, they can be sure that Si Fan will be safe.

Entering it, entering another world, just now is a foreign country, and walking inside actually has a feeling of returning to the hometown. Maybe when it was built back then, the people who were captured here wanted to feel comfortable.

At that time, the counselors of the Sui Dynasty were like clouds, the fierce generals were like rain, and the elite soldiers and strong generals were really quite powerful. The three expeditions to Goguryeo used a lot of resources, and they were all defeated in the expedition in the end. The logistics resources failed to meet their goals. , the real history is buried in the long river of history, and it is impossible to know what happened that year.

But it can be guessed that Emperor Sui Yang was really talented and broad-minded, and he was definitely not the idiot Li Shimin whitewashed and smeared in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Because although the name of Emperor Sui Yang has been characterized as a faint emperor, what he did will definitely benefit today.

Although he is not familiar with history, Si Fan also knows that it was he who established the imperial examination system, established the imperial examination system, established the imperial examination system, restored the education system of Guozijian, Taixue, and Zhouxue, and established the capital in Luoyang to reduce the influence of the Guanlong Group , of course, in the end, Li Shi, the spokesperson of the Guanlong Group, successfully replaced and established the Tang Dynasty.

During his reign, it took only five years to expand the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, and the foundation for the future development of Dingding Tianxia for 500 years. He was omnipotent in martial arts and martial arts. He cleaned up the nearby ministries of the Sui Dynasty and laid the foundation for many initiatives of future generations.

Such a hero, of course, was very popular back then and made people chase after him. The people have even entered the stage of preparing to continue to recuperate.

It can be said that the Huanghuang Tang Dynasty was definitely set by Emperor Sui Yang.

From Si Fan's point of view, this guy is simply a irascible traveler, his vision can travel through a hundred years, and he can sort out the world in a very orderly manner.

Walking here, you can see that the houses are all in the architectural style of the late Sui Dynasty, very grand, and even very domineering.

Going deep into the long river of history, the blue bricks on the ground must be the best batch in the world at that time, and they are still intact. The chiseled patterns on the walls can vaguely see the deterrent power of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. .

The three conquests did not make Goguryeo succumb, nor did they destroy the country, but the deterrence was enough. These people were not tortured, and were even enshrined properly, waiting for some conditions to be exchanged when the country is really destroyed one day. .

At least save your life.

As for the Romance of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it is only a deduction and cannot be taken seriously.

Spare the outer wall and walk into the mansion, the word Da Sui at the door is mighty and domineering.

Walking in is a huge martial arts arena. It can be said that there are all kinds of swords, guns, swords and halberds. On the martial arts arena here, the weapon racks are still full of weapons. There are various types of stone locks on the ground. This is the ancient version Dumbbells, a small martial arts arena, it doesn't look big, but in fact there is no problem in doing basic exercises, as long as you don't practice riding skills.

There are two corridors next to it, which can be entered.

The Martial arts arena is very wide at the front, and it may not be without the idea of ​​deterring the Goguryeo people outside. At this time, force is the most suitable time to use.

Being imprisoned may be more comfortable than the Goguryeo emperor at that time, and the food is more delicious.

This was the Great Sui Dynasty at that time. Walking here, you can clearly feel the majesty of these eight sides. The murals on the walls are how the Great Sui Dynasty attacked Goguryeo.

Of course, this is just one of the themes. The Sui Dynasty attacked many places at that time.

All are promoting the Wenzhiwugong of the Sui Dynasty.

Seeing that Si Fan seemed to be in that era, talking about the general trend of the world with those civil servants and generals, talking about car rockets with Emperor Sui Yang, to see if he is a time traveler.

It's a pity that time will not turn back. What Si Fan sees when he enters it is only the memory of the year, and what he walks is only a piece of ruins.

The house is always just a carrier of memory. He walked slowly and strolled around.

There are many things to see, many to remember, and very little to leave behind.

After all, that dynasty is gone, and it was slowly wiped out under the martial arts of His Majesty Li Er.

Si Fan mainly wanted to rest here, and in the innermost room, Si Fan found his place to live.

This is a very nicely furnished room.

It can be seen that this place has been absolutely modernly decorated, with lights, network cables, computers, and even TVs and flush toilets. It is simply a modern family.

Everything that should be there.

Sitting gently on the ancient bed, enjoying the modern woolen products, the label on it shows that it is a standard Swiss product.

All good stuff.

Looking at the room quietly, and lying down slowly, Si Fan's eyes looked at the bed, which should be a woman's bed.

Si Fan judged.

He has studied ancient architecture and knows what kind of people sleep on what kind of bed.

The women here should be distinguished, but they don't live in the most important room. It shows that his identity has not been seen through. This is a small stove opened by those craftsmen, so that this place fits his identity.

Looking at this, Si Fan sighed slightly.

He knew that he had come to a place bearing history again. There is a soul here, but this soul is different from the soul of the previous buildings. Those buildings struggled in the long river of history, constantly trying to exert their abilities, creating legendary attractions one by one, and even miracles in some places.

But this building here is different.

He just wants to keep a woman, a woman who is not very beautiful.

She is very gentle, she quietly seems to have not died here, and is still living here.

It can be seen that he is a ghost, but she is really just a memory, or a basis for survival.

She stayed only to leave some writing, or a lonely prophecy.

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