Skynet Architect

Chapter 228 Tokyo Bianliang City Eight

The University of Michigan, this is an Ivy League university, the benchmark of universities in the United States, and it is the dream of many young people to enter this school.

A university diploma is only a stepping stone to the future work unit, and one's own ability is the step to get promoted to the pinnacle of life in the future.

It's all fucking fart, you can't even get in without this stepping stone, a good education is an important consideration when you get promoted.

If you are a student who graduated from the University of Michigan, congratulations, you have the ticket to enter the world's top 500 companies, and your future development depends on your own ability.

This ticket is unknown to many people who have never owned it. They are eager for this opportunity, but they are not even qualified for an interview.

Today, the mainstream of this university is the elites of the United States, followed by talents from all over the world. They are the real elites, and being able to enter here proves everything.

As for the postgraduates and doctoral students here, they are all the elite among the elites, and it is impossible for ordinary companies to recruit them.

This is a ladder leading to heaven.

But today, in the auditorium of this school, there were no empty seats, and an unknown number of students stood beside them quietly waiting for the person who came to the school to give a speech today.

The noisy voice covered half of the sky, and people excitedly talked about the people who came today.

They want to hear the voice from the top of the world, and they want to hear a real top person tell their experience.

Therefore, today is a grand ceremony here, and even students from many other universities in the United States find the opportunity to come here to listen to a course that is not considered a lecture.

After all, the lectures of previous professors were purposeful, but today’s lectures have no purpose, and the theme is very simple. The world’s environmental protection giants will chat with you.

That's right, just chatting.

This kind of opportunity is very rare. A meal with the stock god may cost you a million dollars, but with Si Fan...don't be kidding, he doesn't need this reputation, and he doesn't show himself in ordinary places.

But you can never ignore that there is such a person passing by in your life.

Quiet, the clock struck one o'clock in the afternoon, the auditorium of the University of Michigan was very quiet, no one spoke much, they quietly waited for today's protagonist to appear.

Some guys who couldn't get tickets asked their friends to broadcast live.

Who knew, this live broadcast would also become a live broadcast on the Internet.

They are waiting for today's protagonist.

The bell rang, people were quiet, and a figure slowly walked to the center on the rostrum.

No one introduced him, but everyone knew who this guy was.

The richest guy in the world.

It was quiet, no one spoke, Si Fan took the first step when the bell rang, and stood in front of the microphone when the bell rang.

I don't have the vulgar hobby of trying wheat, because the main reason for the behavior of testing wheat is to make people quiet and listen to him, so I deliberately make a howl.

The students are quiet now. So Si Fan doesn't have so many bad tastes. ;

"In the past few days, this is the second time for me to stand on such a large rostrum. To be honest, this matter is very tiring."

Everyone was a little surprised at the first sentence, but such a statement made people feel relieved.

It's like a normal chat.

"Just a few days ago, on behalf of the Skynet Group, I announced that the electricity bills all over the world will be free, and everyone will not need to spend money on electricity resources in the future."

"When the reporter told the story to people all over the world, what do you think happened?"

He asked the question, and immediately some students raised their hands.

They are also curious, but they have guesses in their hearts.

There are also some people who are really thinking, and they silently consider what will happen.

A student was named by Si Fan. He stood up and asked, "They praise your selflessness? Your contribution to the world?"

This is a student in his early twenties,

Still very immature, the answer he answered represented the thoughts of most people.

But Si Fan shook his head.

"No, the calls I received were all kinds of condemnations. Can you imagine? When I unconditionally did something that benefited the whole world, the first thing I encountered was condemnation."

Everyone was dumbfounded, but some people knew the reason, and they also wanted to talk.

Si Fan didn't give them a chance to answer, because Si Fan said the answer.

"Yes, it's very simple, it's what you think."

"When I do this, everyone can benefit, and everyone thinks it's normal and I should do it, but a small number of people, a small number of people whose interests have been harmed, don't think so."

"The number of calls I've gotten the most since the beginning are not compliments, but accusations that I didn't tell them ahead of time and didn't let those power plants escape this crisis."

"Some people told me that I destroyed trillions of dollars of assets around the world and turned them into waste." Si Fan talked eloquently.

Those students also listened, listening to Si Fan's complaints, there was only one theme he said, when you do good things, when everyone benefits, then what you do will be regarded as good by most people. As it should be.

And when what you do hurts a small number of people, they hate you to the bone and put the responsibility on you.

The students listened slowly, and slowly asked Si Fan about the difficulties in this area.

But in fact, Si Fan didn't have many difficulties.

The start was very favorable, and people quickly put themselves into it, let them start the discussion, and then Si Fan talked about the real core.

And this core was proposed by others.

"Mr. Si Fan, may I ask if your company is profitable in the environmental protection industry? Shouldn't environmental protection be a public welfare cause? Shouldn't protecting the environment be something everyone does?" In this oriental aesthetic, this girl is still very beautiful.

Si Fan on the stage could answer almost without thinking.

"No, all philanthropy should have its own development path. In the end, if it is purely paid by others, it will not be able to develop and grow. The same is true for environmental protection. Human beings are profit-driven animals. If they cannot make profits, if they cannot give others To bring in profit, to bring in what he needs, there is no incentive."

"The same is true for environmental protection. This industry needs to solve the garbage disposal, air pollution, and water pollution of people all over the world. Among these difficulties, it needs huge profits to support and develop. This is actually what we humans give ourselves. Find a solution."

Si Fan began to talk eloquently.

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