Skynet Architect

Chapter 229 Tokyo Bianliang City Nine

In just two days, the entire two acres of land was completely covered by iron fences, surrounded by very tight barbed wire, with a camera almost every five meters, closely monitoring the situation inside, and the new water and electricity that has been connected next to it The system is easy to use. The water meter and electric meter specially installed by Tianwang Group next to it are guaranteed to be national IS9001 certified and fully up to the standard. The water source inside has also passed the testing standard before supplying to ensure that they get high quality source of water.

Who said Skynet Group doesn't pay attention? Skynet Group is very particular.

The only thing is that they didn't mention half a word about the price they offered.

Now let alone the standard price of 150,000 mu, even if it is 100,000 mu, it will be 20,000 mu based on the value of the nearby land.

Love to sell or not to sell. The price of 10,000 a year is too high.

No interest in negotiating at all. The Skynet Group also isolated them and specially arranged for three people to monitor them 24 hours a day. Even though the annual salary of the three workers is more than 100,000 yuan, this is what the Skynet Group does.

Learn from past mistakes to avoid future ones, nothing more than that.

Xiaozhuang Village, this is the village above the ancient Kaifeng ancient city, and it is also the only village. After being washed by the Yellow River, it has become a wilderness, and people have rarely built towns here for so many years.

After all, when the Yellow River was flooding, it was still the bottom of a river, and it was only when the Yellow River diverted again that it was exposed.

A lesson from the past, a teacher for future generations.

No one dared to build a city here anymore. It was not until the bankruptcy of the Qing Dynasty that some people fled here, so the current village came into existence.

Xiaozhuang Village was not a particularly famous place.

Now some people here are paying attention, they look at this locked guy, it's just a joke.

Out-of-the-box concerns.

Gradually, some anchors have arrived nearby.

However, their arrival did not allow them to step into most of the village's land. Archaeological work is ongoing, large areas of land and houses are being gradually cleared in an orderly manner, and a large amount of soil has been piled up into hills.

However, these mountains are stacked in a very scientific way. When all the soil forms a mountain range, a dam can be effectively built here, and several peaks can be built.

These are very purposeful constructions, in order to create a man-made natural scenic spot.

Wouldn't it be a big loss if such a large project was purely for archaeological purposes? Skynet Group never hopes that anything in this world will become a purely public welfare.

This kind of thing is destined to not last long, it just looks good, and if anything gives him a chance to make a profit, there will be more people who push him.

Although this matter will be very difficult. But there are always more ways to solve difficulties than difficulties in this world.

And Jiang Yilong can easily and accurately target the location of this solution, and then solve the problem.

That's it.

It's like now, they've tied everything together and come up with a solution that can be solved and invested in here from the very beginning.

The man-made mountain peaks are like this, so are the man-made dams. There are even several resort hotel areas with river views not far from the ancient city nearby. The modern facilities guarantee perfect integration, so that people can fully devote themselves to this journey.

In China, Hanfu is hot now, and it is sweeping the country. The costumes of the Song Dynasty have always pursued perfection. In this future city, Skynet Group has even prepared an immersive tourism plan. People who travel here must wear Hanfu and ancient costumes. .

It doesn't matter which dynasty you belong to, but it must be in ancient clothes, and modern clothes are not allowed.

Here is to enjoy a taste of ancient times.

It's good to feel that kind of wholehearted devotion.

This is the future plan of Kaifeng City,

In the huge archaeological project, adding economic elements, there is no place where you can make money. When these archaeological things also have income, their motivation and driving force will be very huge.

This is to let the economy clear the way for the purpose and let itself pass unimpeded.

When the wealth is gathered to a huge extent, when everyone wants to get the final result for the benefit, the difficulty in the middle is no longer difficult.

After the overall acquisition of the archaeological work in Kaifeng, bidding for the later projects after the archaeological excavation has already begun. All the projects can be subcontracted, and Skynet Group will provide the overall design and supervision.

This is a way to ensure quality, and after the Skynet Group withdraws from the specific construction, it gives others some profits and allows them to work better.

Skynet Group has gradually transformed from a basic pure construction company, just like those real estate companies in China.

The only difference is that Skynet Group never gives those cheating things.

Starting from the most basic advances, there is no one who refuses to settle the payment. It is always a cash transaction. If you do not provide bank acceptance and acceptance of commercial bills, it is simply a hooligan.

Bank acceptance is relatively reliable, at least you can get the money, and after a few months to half a year or a year, you can get your money in the bank.

This payment is the payment method that Party A's enterprise gives the bank a certain proportion of the down payment, and the bank guarantees that the money can be received on the due date. The risk is borne by the bank.

But this period of time is considered useless. If you want to get the money immediately, you can only discount it, and if you give the interest fee, they will give you the money.

Although it is just playing hooligans and delaying Party B's cash flow, there is a villain more disgusting than hooligans is the commercial bill, which is the acceptance bill directly issued by the company, and the money will be directly deducted from Party A's account after it expires.

If there is no money in the account, hehe, then you have to go to Party A to ask for it, which is simply disgusting.

Commercial bills are generally not discounted by the seller. Only fools discount it.

Other than that, the cheating guy gave you the house directly, so you can sell it. It's usually a corner.

For these projects now, Skynet Group is giving the best support policies.

It is not support for construction, nor is it more money.

There is only one support policy.

That is cash.

The best real estate development policy in the world, no need to pay more money, just give cash, as long as the money is paid on schedule, they can continue the construction, and there will be no risk of breaking the capital chain. There is no need to go to usury to borrow money to pass the test.

For them, this is the safest way, and they are willing to make less money.

And now, the bidding will start soon.

As for the nail household of a certain villager in Xiaozhuang Village who was carrying it there. It seemed to be forgotten for a while.

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