Nervous waiting is always anxious, especially waiting for something you have been waiting for for a long time. The super-large combined module directly transported from the smelting workshop looks like a skyscraper. The weight is only a dozen tons, and it still emits a little heat.

There is no high temperature of thousands of degrees, and now it is forty or fifty degrees. Standing next to it is still deeply shocked

More than ten meters high and seven or eight meters wide, it looks like Tetris, but in fact it is definitely not that simple inside, this is an absolute ancestor's craftsmanship.

Mortise and tenon construction is definitely one of the strongest ways, and it's all seamless.

When Si Fan looked at this huge workpiece, he knew that his preparations for emergency construction were finally about to be completed. This is a pioneering work. He is opening up history, or every second of his life is a piece of history. start.

The huge building in front of you is slowly being produced.

Si Fan has built a corresponding construction factory before, but that is not enough. Today's smelting relies on the aftermath of the world's largest active volcano.

It's a pity that in Si Fan's eyes, the alloy structure smelted in this huge furnace can only be said to be average, because he looks so rough.

"What's the temperature now, can we get close?" Si Fan said, the scorching temperature can reach a high temperature of thousands of degrees. Getting close is courting death, and people simply cannot bear this temperature.

Now that the temperature has dropped, Si Fan doesn't want his meat to stick to it and become a teppanyaki.

"Report to the boss, the temperature of the workpiece is now 27 degrees, which is suitable." The operator gave Si Fan the temperature.

With the specific temperature, Si Fan leaned over to look at the super-large construction of the mortise and tenon structure.

Looking at it carefully, it is difficult to tell what it is, but Si Fan knows that this is the connecting part of a super fixed frame, and it is also one of the things that Si Fan made himself work hard this time.

A city without its own character will be destroyed, so what is Uranus now? He is a city in the sky, but he is also a city of hell. Now it doesn't look like hell at all, it is simply a corner of heaven.

In fact, Si Fan has already made preparations long ago, just waiting for everything to be ready now, or to have the basic construction conditions.

There is now.

The application on the volcano is related to this super factory area.

The entire factory area is on the other side of this branch of the Yellowstone Park super volcano. If this side is the beautiful city of Uranus, then a super huge factory area is being built on the other side.

This is the super factory area built with the world's most advanced technology. Each location has a specific division, and it is bound to suppress the price of the product to the lowest level. This is their purpose.

As for the workers in the factory, in Si Fan's mind, the world should not have too many workers in terms of production. They should use their talents in other fields instead of being an ordinary machine on the assembly line. It's just a mechanical job.

Even if it is cheaper to use labor than to use machinery, it should not be. People should have their own dignity.

Si Fan thought this way, and he did the same. The huge plain and hilly area covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers became the core of this super factory area, and then the core area was a basin, which did not exist before. , but because of the continuous erosion of the volcano, and walking in one direction, a pit appeared.

It may still be very inconvenient here in normal times, but before the basin is completely sealed off, Si Fan has already solved the problem of the volcano, so the seal will be gone.

It became a place like a gourd mouth, with an area of ​​hundreds of square kilometers, and it became an internal area. Because of its closedness, it must not be transported in large quantities, so it became a supporting factory area. Working laboratory area.

A research and development city within a city is being built here.

This is the place where any industry creates research and development. Only developers can survive. No matter from software development or hardware development, they all come here. Patent protection, and then you can commission production in outside factories.

These super factories are crowd-funded, so none of them are the bosses of these factories, orders are also entrusted, and many investors get profits together.

Dividends are distributed at the end of the year, which is a common practice and the basis for the operation of this factory.

With these foundations, a super city can be provided, a Uranus in mind, the legendary city in the sky, the legendary world where hell and heaven coexist.

Looking at the construction, Si Fan found that the mortise and tenon structure looks very simple, and it is very reliable to use, but the force generated is not enough to achieve great strength, and the shape of the workpiece is relatively complicated.

Among them, Si Fan is the least worried. He now has a super powerful forging factory, using a volcano as a power source, and using the world's largest volcano as a future super power source for forging.

This is a world-class initiative.

Wait, wait for the workpiece to come out completely.

In his eyes, this workpiece only has the appearance of a blank, but it is already the shape of the workpiece directly, and the tolerance left is still very large.

The huge connecting piece in front of him is a long, curved workpiece. Si Fan knows that there are hundreds of thousands of such parts in his design, and the manufacture of the workpiece every day is a very huge project.

Looking at the century-old project now, it cannot be described, but after the final result, the processing speed will be happy, and it can really be reduced to a few decades.

Si Fan looked at the workpiece and nodded silently.

"Arrange the automatic transport system to the forging factory." Si Fan ordered, and the operator clicked a few times.

I saw the car started to transport, and gradually moved away from the factory.

In terms of performance, Si Fan is not worried. The ratio of the materials inside is also in accordance with the optimal ratio of the current laboratory, and the installation position is also an auxiliary position, not a position directly subjected to force.

The most important core components require later new materials.

Now it is just a slow structure, and then slowly produce functions.

Si Fan now wants to know the Terminator's formula.

such a pity. No chance.

Looking at the huge workpiece, Si Fan was still very happy, and he quietly waited for the successful production of the first workpiece.

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