Life in Uranus is still very good. People can at least see the dawn of tomorrow, know what they should do tomorrow, and know that they have hope, but there are always some people who can’t get these, and people who can’t get it Generally most.

Uranus now just hopes that he can get more talents, concentrate the world's elite power, and restore the country as soon as possible.

But in a very free country, that's original sin.

The Skynet Group seems to have become the target of public criticism overnight, or the entire United States is guilty.

Because Skynet Group is a company, everyone can understand the behavior of a company. In addition, Skynet Group has done a good job. He never said that no one will be allowed to come. You can enter, but it takes a few years of hard work.

Many of them understand it, and many of them don't.

But some things are too much, because those people who were elected by the ballots they voted in the past have deprived them of their rights and taken everything from them. Second time hurt.

So they are angry.

In the ruins of New York's safe zone, corpses were scattered all over the place. People pulled out the corpses and burned them collectively. At this time, there is nothing for you to find relatives. After all, most people are dead, and there are few relatives. Everyone has their own household registration, and they can be buried directly according to their names.

Because there is no better location, all of them are buried among the peaks, which are mountain peaks, and each of them occupies the size of an urn. All the urns are next to each other, and they are inserted on the side of the urn There is a slate on which their biographies are written, or some official introductions.

In this respect they are still doing very well.

It's just that when people survive, when there are always people alive, they find the difference, they find out that they are treated differently, and they go crazy.

In this land of the United States, after the madness, instead of rushing back and forth with their own guns to retaliate against people, there is a group of people who protest with big signs.

In the New York Safety Zone, there is a temporary official department, which is responsible for the operation of the entire city. Now they are surrounded, and groups of people outside them are holding huge signs and shouting loudly.

In a nearby restaurant, Old Bob was sitting here eating lunch, and the crowds outside seemed to have little to do with them.

He looked at these curiously, and then at these signs.

"What are they protesting? Can't they enter Uranus?" Old Bob asked suspiciously.

He came out of Uranus to New York not to play, but to pick up the son of his relatives to Uranus. Now everyone who wants to settle down has a quota, and he gave his quota to his nephew.

As for why so many people are needed, the main reason is that there are more high-end talents in the city, but no one is doing the basic work, and there are no waiters in the restaurant.

It is a benefit for city dwellers.

This old Bob was waiting.

The owner of the restaurant is a very talkative middle-aged uncle, he is sitting next to him, looking at those people.

Not to mention that foreigners don’t watch the excitement, they are more entertaining than anyone else. The boss looked at the excitement and said: “These people are not because they can’t get in Uranus, they hope to get in, but the current introduction conditions make them don’t want to. Join, they don't want to queue up for a few months to be a coolie for three years."

The boss was telling the truth, and old Bob knew what was going on at the time.

"Are they complaining that New York's safe zone is not safe? Do you want Skynet Group to undertake the construction?" Old Bob told the truth

The owner of the coffee shop smiled wryly: "This is New York. The original American Center, even if Skynet Group continues to build it, they will not let them manage it. It's useless."

Old Bob knows too well what the conduct of the American country is,

But people outside will put a lot of pressure on them.

It is really super pressure. These are all votes, and they are also taxpayers. They still have rights in the United States.

Looking at the chaotic situation, he could only sigh.

If it weren't for Si Fan, if it wasn't for the Skynet Group, and if it wasn't for Uranus, their situation would not be much better than this.

Now those rich people want to continue to donate, but they are powerless. Because it doesn't help in many cases, they set their sights on Skynet Group, wanting to find a new way, and they also asked Skynet Group to undertake the construction.

But they know more than ordinary people. Skynet Group can build one city and two cities. It is impossible for him to build all the cities in the United States. This is unreliable, so we can only take it slowly, but The public will not understand it, and in their eyes what they cannot get is unfair.

So people all over the street are protesting.

In the front is a group of black guys, they are the most energetic, their faces are shiny, and they stand in the middle of the crowd and speak very loudly.

One can tell at a glance that they are the leaders, or they are indispensable for this kind of thing.

A young man in the crowd yelled loudly: "We want a home, we want a house, we want New York, we want our old life, and we want Skynet Group to build our home."

He yelled loudly, and the people behind were also yelling, so they didn't care, they just knew it was the best thing, and as for whether they could get it, that wasn't something they had to consider.

They are only there for their own benefit.

They can be crazy. The shouts in the crowd are very loud. A few leaders roar loudly, which also drives the rhythm of others. What they shout has practical meaning. Otherwise, tens of thousands of people shout at the same time. It's more messy than a vegetable market.

The people in the office are also having a hard time. In the past, there were hundreds of people in the demonstrations, but now it is better. There are tens of thousands of people, and close to 100,000 people are shouting loudly here, which is simply scary.

Several officials sat here and listened to the chaotic and noisy voices outside, which gave them a headache.

One of the guys in the crowd has gray hair, but his wise eyes can still be seen.

He sat here silently listening to the following words.

"You should know that if we don't act, they will no longer support us, and we should indeed implement something to appease the people." He said after a long time.

The others suddenly smiled wryly: "What else can I do? Go to Si Fan, let him appease the people, and then promise something."

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