Birds of fright do not exist. There are almost no living things in the border area of ​​Uranus except for tenacious humans. As long as animals that need to breathe have been completely pitted to death by volcanic ash, only small insects are still alive. The way is different from that of mammals, and it can survive in a relatively relaxed way.

Even earthworms can survive in soil.

Lives always find their way of being.

A group of huge expedition vehicles rushed over the heads of these creatures. There were no vehicles on the highway at this time. The expedition vehicle at the front was completely different from other vehicles. This vehicle has undergone strict modifications. , the entire body is streamlined, the tires below are all enlarged versions, and there are multiple detectors in front of the car, which will send out an alarm as long as it encounters vehicles and obstacles, and has a powerful lighting function, mainly to lead the team go ahead.

All vehicles are connected to each other based on infrared rays. Each of their vehicles is constantly sensing each other with infrared rays, and there are GPS positioning and other connection methods between each vehicle to ensure that the vehicles are connected to each other. It is sensitive.

Only in this way can they continue to move forward smoothly.

The cruising speed of each car is also strictly required, and the speed must not be reduced or increased.

The car was moving forward quickly, a group of expedition vehicles were moving very fast, and the air quality was getting worse and worse. The air seemed to be filled with the smell of sulfur, and the ground no longer mattered. A group of vehicles were shuttled among the volcanic ash.

This is a completely uncleaned area, and it has gradually changed into another scene.

Because there is darkness in front of them, everyone can only chat with each other.

Si Fan was looking at the documents he wanted in the car, and what he was looking at was the picture of the plane going to the core area to take pictures. Belonging to a very high level of confidentiality.

Because this picture was shot with the latest stealth fighter jet in the United States, the level of confidentiality is very high.

Is it because Si Fan got it, or because he wanted to go to the center of the super volcano in Yellowstone Park, so that he could know the core data.

"So exaggerated? The temperature reached more than 300 degrees?" Si Fan said in a low voice.

He is the only human in the car, the driver is a Terminator, and the bodyguard is a T800 awesome comrade, that's enough, he can speak freely.

No one interrupted. Si Fan looked carefully, even if the temperature is high, the concentration of sulfur gas is frighteningly high, because the value of this sulfur can kill any creature that needs to breathe.

This is hell, a lifeless hell, when life comes to an end, it is hell for human beings.

The environment he saw was already another world. This place is not suitable for human habitation, and there is no possibility of survival. The temperature is more than 300 degrees all year round, there is no sunlight, and there is no water. The whole earth begins to crack, leaving only gravel and magma is flowing.

The ground is continuously flowing vertically and horizontally, forming a river of lava.

It seems that this is another piece of time and space, and it obeys another kind of rules.

The volcano is still erupting, boiling almost all the time, but there is no large-scale eruption, which is gentle for the Yellowstone Super Volcano. The magma is like hot oil in a hot pot, and it will always splash outside. , as long as the whole pot of hot oil is not tilted out, it can be tolerated.

It's just that the temperature is a little scary. It's a high temperature of several hundred degrees. When it gets close to here, the temperature has already risen.

They didn't feel it when they were far away, but after driving for more than an hour, they began to feel it. The outdoor temperature reached more than 50 degrees. It is very uncomfortable for people to be in this environment, and the temperature increases while driving.

The sound of the air conditioner in the car is hysterical like an asthma patient, so the people in the car can feel a little bit of coolness.

It is impossible to be comfortable, but it is not uncomfortable after all.

The environment in Si Fan's car is the best, he is enjoying a suitable temperature, but some of the other security vehicles in this team are always kept at high temperature,

That is the security team of Skynet Group. The fuel of these vehicles is kept as much as possible, and the materials that can be carried are also very rich.

While they were passing, another squad was also in action. They were dredging the railway and trying to repair the railway.

Such a group of people need materials to survive here, and they have to deal with these.

Si Fan and the others can be said to have gone deep into the tiger's den, and a group of people began to expand forward frantically.

That's the Yellowstone supervolcano.

The roads are getting more and more difficult to walk. The vertical and horizontal roads are full of ravines, and it is impossible to get through. In this environment, everyone has to detour, and the vehicles in front continue to move forward, bypassing the road.

The people behind are also advancing, they can't see anything, they don't know anything, they just know that the temperature is starting to rise.

And Si Fan could see from the car that there was a crack in the ground next to him, and there was such a small crack in between. Ordinary people wouldn't care what was inside, but Si Fan's surveillance video showed that there was just a crack underneath. At a position of more than 100 meters, fiery red magma is already flowing. The gurgling magma is slowly flowing, and the groundwater has already evaporated.

This is a scorching land. The tires of this car are resistant to high temperatures, so they can still hold on. However, plastic products can be seen nearby, and almost all of them have shrunk.

The temperature is too high for humans to set foot here.

But Si Fan has never been in the habit of talking too much, he just passed by here silently, and then continued to pass by silently, never talking, never doing other troublesome things, telling others about these things will cause panic, Si Fan can Not that thought.

Let him do simple things simply, why bother to make more troubles.

When the car passed by here, it slowly approached the Yellowstone Park super volcano, and could see the distant volcano through the equipment.

The scorching volcano is like a lit candle, and the lava is the melted wax oil, which is constantly flowing, forming streams and lakes. Anyway, it is going to the distance along the volcano, to the lower terrain.

The original underground water veins have been tossed by magma for a long time, and a large amount of water has evaporated, and the ones that have not evaporated are blocked. Magma is such an overbearing thing.

In the transmission of the images, Si Fan saw the birthplace of the disaster, the legendary origin of the disaster.

Yellowstone Park is a super volcano, and it is at the core, and they are rushing there at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour. The increase in temperature means that the outdoor temperature will increase by one degree every two minutes.

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