In just ten minutes, the temperature outside the car has reached about 70 degrees, and the car is still holding on. This adventure car is specially customized, not to mention the high temperature of tens of degrees, even the high temperature of 300 to 500 degrees can be difficult Persistence, the most fearful thing is their supply problem. The supply of the entire fleet consumes an astonishing amount every day. The effectiveness of the compressor's hysterical work is not so reliable. The cool breeze brought by it has also become not so easy.

To put it bluntly, this air conditioner relies on refrigerants for cooling. It also needs to have its own operating space and its own cooling range. Here are all industrial-grade air conditioners, and the car air conditioner is basically useless.

When the temperature reaches this point, people can no longer feel any kindness, and the skin begins to secrete sweat quickly. Even if the temperature in the compartment is less than 30 degrees, they still feel uncomfortable.

Peter in the car was one of the first to feel it. The car he was sitting in was different from others. He was using a car with poor cooling performance, because this car was used for data collection. Most of the equipment in the car is to ensure the operation of the equipment, so the operating temperature is relatively high.

He feels very thirsty now, there are six full buckets of mineral water at his feet, this mineral water is a square bucket, if you want to drink, you don't pour it, but insert a valve into it, and then start Drinking, the main function of this square bucket is to save space, you can put more buckets to put more things, every inch of space is utilized to the limit.

Even simple drinking water is sealed very well. Peter installed the water valve on the barreled water, and then took a glass of warm water.

The water is really at room temperature. He opened a small refrigerator next to him, took out a cup of low-temperature drinking water from it, and put the cup in again. This was reserved for a while to drink, and then he was looking at the data, here The data is very detailed, he can see all the data he wants to see, carefully analyze each data, and he begins to get the temperature he has to face.

This temperature is very exaggerated. Every temperature value and every air humidity data are very precious, and every data represents the data they will challenge in the future.

Looking at these data, Peter is already having some headaches, but he knows that the next step is to get close to the volcano, and even use it near the super volcano in Yellowstone Park, so there must be more exaggerated data support, that is to say, what they need Not just the materials and foundations we have now;

They want to challenge a new era.

Peter is challenging, and Si Fan is even more challenging. Unlike Peter who is looking at the data, what he is looking at is more realistic and terrifying. What he sees is the world in front of him, which is not too far away from Uranus , and not too close, this place that was once called Yellowstone Park has become a purgatory on earth.

Si Fan looked at the place in front of him, and there was a sea of ​​red flames in the distance. The flames seemed to be surging, and the sparks in the air turned into fire dragons, and they began to float up and down with the occasional wind.

The wind seemed to be rippling, but when the wind passed, the flames had already risen to a height of more than ten meters, and then swept down.

Lava flows, and what flows on the ground is no longer streams, but lava. Ordinary land cannot exist at all, only volcanic rocks formed by lava condensation, and there are countless cracks on the nearby ground. The deepest part of the cracks is the crater It is, and it is a tributary of the crater. The magma inside is constantly transpiring below, and then continues to flow. It may also accumulate strength here and wait for the eruption.

There are even more volcanoes in the back. These volcanoes are row upon row and can be seen everywhere. There are very few roads on the ground, and the speed of the expedition vehicle entering here can no longer be increased.

Here, Si Fan tried his best to find the way forward. He carefully looked at the driving road, and then at the destination. The destination must be the inner area of ​​the Yellowstone Park super volcano.

But Si Fan's ambition is even greater. In his heart, the super volcano in Yellowstone Park will be tamed sooner or later. They just need to keep occupying the high points here.

Si Fan quickly chose the volcano to conquer nearby, and this volcano will be the No. 1 crater of Uranus.

It is also the No. 1 volcano base.

In the scope of the super volcano in Yellowstone Park, Si Fan named it No. 1 volcano.

This volcano can already be said to be a super huge volcano nearby.

Within five kilometers away from the volcano, there is already a piece of scorched earth nearby. There is no living space at all. The moisture in the air has been much less, it can be said to be almost non-existent. The underground pipes have all evaporated.

The temperature in the vicinity has even risen to a high temperature of 300 degrees, which can turn any water flow into steam.

The magma in the criss-crossing paths flows slowly, continuously flowing from nearby to far away.

Just looking at it like this, he seemed to see the future of this scorched earth.

"I really want to know what will happen here in the future." Si Fan said to himself, of course this place will not become what he imagined, and this place will not become so beautiful.

"The earth is so cracked that it is now like this. How can people survive? It's really a challenge. The system hasn't given a reminder for a long time. It seems that it's time for people to release their wisdom." Si Fan said , looking at the place in front of him.

Slowly walking forward, beads of sweat began to appear on his body. It was already close to 200 degrees outside. This temperature made it impossible for people to survive, and they would even die if they were outside for a few minutes.

The temperature in the car was also thirty degrees, everyone was desperately drinking ice water, and then turned on the air conditioner to blow the room to cool down.

Looking hysterically at the data in hand, they tried their best to analyze every report. If they want to know the data needed here, they could have directly taken the data to the front line.

But in order to get better data, I want to experiment with the limits of previous equipment here, so they all came here.

Of course, the share of the show is more.

They all need a visit.

Only Si Fan really wanted to come here to see what it was like.

When all of them arrived at the center here, several hours had passed. Near the crater of Volcano No. 1, everyone could see the enhanced version of the lounge that had been prepared earlier, in the underground The lounge, which is still usable at a depth of several hundred meters, has also changed its appearance.

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