The battlefield has been preset, and the final battle is waiting. Niubi on the hillside uses optical telescopes to continuously search for targets around.

This is a very patient job, because no one knows when Anthony will retreat, and he may even stay for a long time.

I don't know what Anthony looks like, they are very confused.

Don't know the target, just know that they are looking for a target that is not the same as a bug.

According to Liam's news, this Anthony may not be in human form now, so the current Terminator is looking for a target.

For five or six days, if it was an ordinary human sniper, their mental state would not be particularly good, but the Terminator is not, as long as they have electricity, this thing can be charged at any time, a few The Terminator brought supplies, which were the charging equipment of the Skynet Group, which could be charged at any time.

At 3:30 in the afternoon on the sixth day, don’t count on the sun. There is a hazy golden circle in the sky. I don't know what it is.

Just below, a group of bugs gradually appeared.

This is an army, an army formed by worms, these worms are all over the sky, they never know how many kilometers away they slowly appear, and gradually gather together.

Si Fan, who no longer pays attention to it, is now working on the most important design with his head down. This is the industrial heart of the United States, but when he was working, the Skynet system suddenly gave a reminder.

Si Fan, who was working on his stomach, carefully adjusted every detail. He had never done mechanical design before. These designs were made by the children of Jixia Academy and some hired professors. What Si Fan needed to do was to perfect these things. Embedded into your own design, let these become a huge whole.

Architects are now also urban designers.

Each module became a place for him to display his talents at will.

But the sound of the system made him stop.

"Is the battle about to start?" Si Fan stopped his hands and looked ahead.

The screen that no one else can see is displayed again. What is in front of me is a huge screen, and then it changes slowly, and the surroundings change. After that, Si Fan is displayed on the top of a low mountain surrounded by cliffs. The mighty swarm of bugs looked like hundreds of thousands of bugs.

It is no longer a team of several hundred, and there are some different bugs in the team.

It is no longer the kind of mining bug that Si Fan knows, the bug with the sickle legs of a praying mantis.

It's a kind of guy like a dung beetle. They seem to be carrying heavy loads, and they all carry a lot of supplies. These are cubes that seem to be covered with asphalt, and they are just carried behind their backs.

In the center of the swarm, there are a few special bugs. The most central one is a weird bug with eight sickle legs. It is said that he is weird because his body is exactly the same as that of a human, except that his lower body is gone, like a spider. lower body.

Looking at it makes people shudder, and the most disgusting thing is that while he was walking, he slowly dripped cocoons one by one, and turned into a small bug in a few seconds.

The bug kept running beside him, and was pulled up by the bugs behind him and placed on his body.

As the team advances, there are more and more bugs like this.

I don't know how they grow, anyway, there are really a lot of small bugs.

Si Fan just looked at it like this, he couldn't do anything, and he couldn't give orders, he had to let the team fight by themselves. (First release, domain name (remember_3

He is not a fighting genius.

"The battle has begun, wait for the good news." Si Fan said.

Niubi is constantly aiming, calculating shooting data, and calculating the opponent's trajectory. 33 Update the fastest computer terminal:/

In the system, this speed is very fast.

He's waiting for the best shooting spot. Slowly approach, slowly approach the best place.

That's near the mouth of the canyon.

There is the most stable area, the ground is flatter.

Niubi is always ready to snipe in this position.

three meters.

two meters.

one meter.

In an instant, Anthony's body overlapped with the intended target, and in just 0.01 seconds, he pulled the trigger.

There was no gunshot, and no one else knew what the gun was. How could Si Fan not know? This is a super high-speed particle gun, the technology in it is 100 times higher

This is serious particle beam attack.

When the trigger was pulled, a particle beam of almost invisible color was cast out.

An attack at the speed of light is much faster than a bullet.

The head of the opponent that the attack arrives in an instant and attacks directly.

No one on Anthony's body knew where the key point was, so they could only attack the head directly.

After the instant shooting ended, he didn't stop, but directly moved the muzzle of the gun, nodded slightly, then aimed again, and shot again.

This is to prevent Anthony from being killed.

Anthony, who was in the distance, was moving forward, and his mind was full of how to occupy this planet and make the next plan.

Then suddenly a pain in the abdomen.

His eyes twitched, which was painful and psychologically disgusting.

Anyone who has a strong man suddenly becomes a reproductive machine will feel better about not having the power of a man anymore.

He's starting to freak out now.

After the pain passed, he moved on and continued to think about construction.

That's what distracts.

At this moment, he suddenly seemed to feel a little danger.

Subconsciously, he used his mind to order the guards around him to approach him.

It was such an order that saved his life.

Before the particle beam in the distance was launched, the guard bug had already approached Anthony, almost completely blocking Anthony.

When the particle beam attacked, it instantly killed a guard.

But when the penetrating particle beam attacked Anthony again, its lethality had been reduced too much.

Anthony howled loudly: "Ahhhh!"

The shrill screams made people's eardrums hurt. It was not only the screams of humans, but also the infrasonic sound of insects.

But it's useless for the terminator, and the second shot will come soon

All the guard bugs around here rushed over and used them as shields.

But the speed of this shot was still fast, and it attacked Anthony's body in an instant.

This is the only gap where all the guards don't reach their positions.

He was caught.

"Hey!" There were bursts of burning, followed by piercing wounds, which was very terrifying, but the surrounding guards had already blocked the gap. 33 starters

At this second, no one can attack Anthony.

Looking at the screen, Si Fan knew that the battle could officially begin. The assassination was unsuccessful, but Anthony was severely injured.

The team started to move, and Si Fan's heart sank.

Anthony isn't fully human anymore, and there must be a reason for that, he wasn't a robot after all.

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