Anthony was injured and became the charge of the battlefield, and countless terminators rushed out from all directions.

They are the sum of all the terminators in the United States.

The ones who charged at the front were not the guys preparing for melee combat, but a group of terminators who made a special trip for long-distance combat. The terminators who lowered their bodies charged at an astonishing speed.

What flying man Bolt, in front of them, is a useless person, and his explosive speed surpasses the fastest sports car in an instant.

In a few seconds, a group of terminators were instantly in place at the scheduled shooting location ahead, and the huge firearms on their backs were placed on the ground like tree branches in a blink of an eye.

The firearm was assembled in an instant, and when it was pressed down, a thicker bracket rose from the ground, just to clamp the entire gun body.

The body of the gun is stable, the muzzle is aimed at the swarm, and the trigger is different from ordinary humans.

Firearms were invented to adapt to human beings. When the Terminator uses firearms, it is completely different.

Some parts of automatic fire are simply not there. But when the Terminator's two legs are supported on the ground, his hands have been integrated with the firearm, and the fire support barrel is continuously opened behind him, and there are additional shooting mechanisms on the ground connected together.

This is the weapon that Zhuang Zhou specially prepared for the Terminator.

All fire control is on the Terminator.

It seems like a long time, but it's only two seconds on the battlefield.

The Terminator lay on the ground and connected to the guns on the ground.

Then came the monstrous artillery fire.

It can no longer be described as a gun. Who has seen a 20mm caliber gun that can fire in rapid succession.

The pouring ammunition was stored in the huge underground arsenal, and the bullet casings flew in the sky and rolled up yellow sand on the ground where they fell red.

Crazy shooting, precise strafing.

Who can calculate accurately like a Terminator, and use a cannon to strike precisely like a hang. In the center of the swarm, which is the position near Anthony, every insect is precisely struck.

What is the effect of tens of thousands of machine guns aiming at a ground and shooting at the same time?

That is a crazy attack density,

The dust and sand on the ground spread to the end of the sky, and even the long-lasting volcanic ash was blown away a lot.

Anthony in the desert was bombarded by the torrent of steel and there was nothing left.

All the nearby bugs were precisely killed, and bugs kept rushing over and pounced on the front.

Just stare at Anthony's position in the middle and shoot.

Stare at the middle position infinitely and shoot, and those bugs will come up one after another to block the eye.

Never has it been so shocking.

Standing in the company's office, Si Fan watched the scene in front of him, as if he was on the battlefield in person, his mood was surging, and his whole body trembled a little.

"Kill, kill, kill!" Si Fan looked at the spot in the middle with red eyes.

As long as Anthony is dead, everything is over, what kind of bug, without him, a guy with a system, is just a waste waiting to be killed.

Si Fan stared at the middle. '

The Terminator fired at maximum force.

There has never been such a crazy shooting, never in the history of mankind.

There has never been an enemy with such a strong defense.

Anthony suddenly yelled in the swarm: "Si Fan, it must be you, it must be you, only you have this ability, I should have known it a long time ago, you should have come to assassinate me a long time ago, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. "

He roared loudly, and he wanted to escape frantically.

The bugs around are constantly gathering, constantly desperately blocking the eyes.

This crazy attack lasted for a long time.

In the distance, more Terminators charged onto the battlefield.

This long-range firepower has lasted long enough, and the consumption of bullets and barrels is already terrifying.

And the bugs around Anthony were consumed in large quantities.

The bug corpses in the middle have become a wall.

The bullet penetrated the bug, but failed to kill the bug.

On the ground in the middle there was a mountain of worm entities.

At this time, those insects that looked like big cockroaches arrived behind, and they piled up in the center of the insects to form a wall of insects.

Si Fan in the office was staring into the distance, he could already see Anthony behind the worm wall, curled up in the corner like a poor guy.

But when these cockroach-like bugs arrived, Anthony seemed to gain confidence.

"Hahahahaha!" Anthony's laughter came again.

And Si Fan could already see the situation on the battlefield. The Terminator's bullets were almost ready to hit, and the missiles behind them finally started bombing.

The reason for not bombing just now was because the machine guns on the battlefield were all over the sky and could not penetrate at all.

At this second, all the missiles were launched.

All missiles carry out devastating strikes.

Just to get rid of Anthony.

At this moment Anthony spoke again.

"Si Fan, you can't kill me, there's no way, go and see your country, I'm going to take action!" He roared loudly.

And at this time, the bugs on the ground gradually got up, and they actually got up gradually.

The torn apart bugs didn't seem to be fatal at all.

The penetrating wound is useless to the bugs, they still have a long time to survive, and at this time they desperately want to block Anthony.

And the black cockroach-like bug in the middle suddenly smothered Anthony, and the wings on his body flapped quickly.

Anthony hid in it, not knowing what he was doing.

The fighting goes on, the shooting goes on.

Only the Terminator in the back really started to move forward.

It was a really overwhelming attack, and they rushed over with all kinds of melee weapons.

Unlike long-range strikes, there are even more insect swarms that need to be broken through for melee attacks. It was a surprise attack just now, which prevented the insects from supporting them.

And the real bug swarm outside is even more numerous.

For a frontal attack, you have to really face it head-on to see who can kill the opponent.

Si Fan watched all this, and he was also looking for news that his country was attacked.

I don't know the news of the old nest, but the front line is not very good.

The attack of a canopy of missiles, a full billions of dollars went in, but the effect was not very thick.

The rumbling missiles hit Anthony's body overwhelmingly, and the cockroach-like bugs resisted all of them.

Si Fan was dumbfounded as he watched, even the missiles could not kill this cockroach-like bug.

It doesn't even hurt.

On the ground, the yellow sand was blown away, and a huge crater tens of meters deep is here. The ground has already crystallized, crystal clear, and it seems very beautiful.

But Si Fan, who was watching, was already shuddering, because the situation on the ground was completely two extremes.

Two frightening extremes.

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