Excited Liam stared ahead, where the enemy was, the blood of the bugs was splashing everywhere, floating in the air, the Terminator's weapons had gradually increased, and the battle array was reorganized, and the array moved forward, moving forward. If thunder.

Liam stood behind and took aim, regardless of the bloody wind in front of him. The direction of the gun was aimed at a bug. He had already opened his bloody mouth. This time should be the best time to shoot.

But Liam didn't shoot, he was still aiming, looking for an opportunity.

Liam on the battlefield has a crazy expression and a crazy mood, but his body is calm. His hands are cold, and his gun is cold, but the bullets are about to be hot.

Eyes like torches, locked on the target.

Pulling the trigger is just a subconscious action. This action has been tempered and integrated into the bone marrow. When the bug gnaws off the Terminator's head and raises its head slightly, the bullet is fired within 0.01 seconds.

There is not too much sound, it is as if the sound is muted, and the bullets go out first.

This is a super bullet customized by Skynet Group. It has strong penetrating power and does not have the effect of a dum bullet. After hitting the target, it will quickly penetrate the shell of the bug and attack the internal tissue.

This is their main attack method, and Liam and the others possess such attack capabilities. After staring for a long time, aiming at the target, in Liam's eyes, the damn bug in front of him was already dead

This is a killer's sixth sense. When the shot is fired, he knows that the shot is bound to hit.

It's like the feeling of a basketball master knowing that the ball "has" as soon as he makes a shot.

It's just that Liam needs more precision at this time. If others want to kill, he must hit a point.

The overall diameter does not exceed five centimeters.

This is an insane shot.

But he did just that, and with great accuracy.

Killed with a precise shot. When Liam had already pointed the gun at another location, the bug in the distance suddenly sprayed blood on his head, and then fell straight to the ground.

Death is not death, and even the damage received is not great.

But only one thing,

He could no longer control his body, his central nervous system was cut off with a single shot, and he turned into a waste bug.

Even if Anthony gave any orders, it would be useless.

Liam is so confident. As soon as one shot is over, the next shot is fired. The opposite is still the same worm. In seconds, the Terminator in front will be dismembered.

Although the Terminator is a robot, there is no chance to fight with fists in front of these bugs.

Terminators have no chance against these damn bugs, they are born fighters.

The Terminator is actually used to build houses.

What Si Fan saw at the headquarters was disturbing. A T750 Terminator on the battlefield was using the flower-piercing butterfly knife technique to remove the limbs of the bug head-on. The efficiency was amazing, the attack power was amazing, and the speed was also very fast.

But Nima's embarrassment is that when the Terminator is attacking, he can only avoid the attack of the enemy in front of him. When a bug suddenly appears next to him, his mentality collapses.

The Terminator would not dodge at all, but desperately chased and hacked at the bug in front.

The double knives gave him a lot of lethality, and he took off the opponent's four legs after a second of ease.

But he is also very sad, it is this rigid procedure that prevents him from avoiding the bugs next to him.

The worm stretched out its head and took a quick bite, quickly and quickly, it bit off his head in one bite, without giving any face, and then rolled its sickle foot gently.

Immediately all limbs are gone.

Attacking each other, none of them directly destroyed each other. The vitality of the bugs was too tenacious, and it was not worthwhile to kill them, and the strength of the Terminator's body was too high, so the bugs couldn't kill them for the time being.

It seems to be evenly matched, but Si Fan scratched his head angrily. This kind of situation should not have happened at all, but the Terminator should easily kill the opponent.

This is unscientific, but it is very scientific. There is no doubt that the terminator of the battle template garbage will be eliminated.

On the battlefield, the Terminator is Lengtouqing, but in the face of these Lengtouqing, the bugs can only use passive methods to solve the target.

Liam, standing behind, shoots in his own way, every shot is a bug, it seems that when facing the bug, his hatred and madness have been released to the maximum.

When the adrenaline is secreted quickly and the sixth sense explodes, the combat power of people is very terrifying. Liam is in this state now. He is in a special state now, as long as he shoots, he will It will definitely hit the target position.

There is no need to aim at all, no need to think about other things. The brain seems to have lost the function of thinking at this time. It just keeps shooting, shooting, and shooting. When the bullets in the hand are exhausted, it will subconsciously replace the bullets. The speed is very scary.

On the front lines, when the first and second platoons of tower shield terminators are overthrown, hand-to-hand combat should be announced.

The terminators using the Tang knife rushed to the back. They were behind the long-spear terminators. When the long-spear terminators killed the bugs with their mouths open, they rushed up and slashed violently at the bugs. Unlike Tang Dao, which breaks off limbs, it is extremely lethal and has strong penetrating power. Its main purpose is to cut off the opponent's head.

That is called beheading.

Many terminators jumped up at the same time, chopping the bug's head randomly.

The so-called head-cutting is nothing more than that, he jumped up easily, and then easily solved it with a single knife.

It's just so willful, fast, sharp, and it's a powerful and heavy knife to the head.

When the bug's neck sticks out, it can be solved with a single knife.

This is the fastest method, but also the most dangerous, since the bug's neck only elongates when it attacks.

The Terminator rushed to attack quickly, then retreated. A quick retreat is necessary because they are dancing on the tip of the knife.

There is no Terminator that can fight against bugs. It is all nonsense. The size of the Terminator is too small, and the strength is not dominant. Now flexibility is their only strength.

During the head-on confrontation, the Terminator retreated steadily, and the two-knife Terminator rushed into the swarm like a butterfly, and quickly removed the opponent's arms and legs.

That's how capricious, that's how crazy.

This is the fastest kill they should be able to achieve.

And for Liam, it's just shooting. Keep shooting.

In that confused state, his marksmanship was surprisingly good, killing him with a single shot.

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