The war has just begun, but the real result can no longer be resolved here. After all, fighting on this battlefield can no longer influence the final outcome. Si Fan can slaughter slowly, but with Anthony, he will die together. means.

At this time, Si Fan had silently received the call.

"Mr. Si Fan, please stop the war. The country is now under attack by unknown forces, and a township has been completely destroyed." Director Wang's cautious voice was on the other side of the phone.

Director Wang on the opposite side couldn't sit still anymore. He just stood and paced in the office. There were more than a dozen pictures in front of him, and at the same time, more than a dozen weird bugs stood there, their whole bodies were red, fiery red. The magma dripped on the ground, and every time it fell, the ground trembled, and the ground cracked into spreading gaps.

These bugs are now located in the center of Huaxia's super city, and the explosion just now is the result of the tentative efforts of both parties.

This bug is only in a town with a very small population, and it happens to be easy to kill.

Is this a coincidence? This is not a coincidence at all. Someone prepared the script in advance to make things develop like this. All of this is Anthony's conspiracy.

Or rather his counterattack.

On the battlefield, Anthony was pressed to the ground and rubbed his feet with the strength accumulated by Si Fan. Casually ravaged, the situation on the battlefield is also very obvious. When the bugs fall, they really fall. Most of the terminators run away one by one. They can repair them when they go back with their heads.

This is the advantage of robots, they can re-enter the battlefield at any time.

Under such circumstances, Anthony had already fought Si Fan to his death.

The battlefield with such a situation has been gradually suppressed. The number of Si Fan's terminators is ten times that of worms, and the battle loss ratio is even less than one to one. Si Fan went to war.

So he took out the last way.

He was completely defeated on the battlefield. Originally, it was Si Fan who had set up a defensive line to stop them, and he was the meat grinder on the battlefield, but when the battle reached a certain point, Anthony couldn't sit still.

"Damn Si Fan, I know you can hear me, let me tell you, don't let me use the last resort, otherwise none of us on this planet will survive, look at your current compatriots, I have detonated one Self-destruct boy,

If you keep attacking, I'll detonate more. "The already crazy Anthony's hysterical voice spread for several kilometers, and the sickle feet of his legs trembled for a while, which seemed to be very painful.

Then Si Fan saw the bug that claimed to be the self-destruct kid.

That's right, this self-explosive kid was actually born by Anthony himself, and I don't know how he evolved his reproductive organs.

Obviously, every time a self-destruct kid is born, Anthony will be tortured so much that his facial features are a little distorted, and his body shakes crazily, which is very pitiful.

Compared with ordinary bugs, the self-destruction boy obviously caused Anthony more pain, and even had to pay some price.

But how did he make the self-explosive boy suddenly disappear and reappear, Si Fan really didn't know, and he didn't know how to stop it.

After a few seconds, Anthony's face turned pale, and he continued to stare at the void somewhere.

Anyway, Si Fan could change the angle at will, and he appeared opposite Anthony, watching this guy howling hysterically.

"You give me an answer, you have to give me an answer, otherwise I will drag you to die together, look, this is my self-destruction boy army, besides, I have other ways, I can drag this planet Die together, don't believe me, I have this ability." His eyes were red and he was already hysterical.

Si Fan ignored him, the battle was still raging, Si Fan definitely wanted to stop the war, but the final condition was to keep it right.

The war was still going on, Anthony looked at the situation on the battlefield, and there was already a trend of collapse across the board. At this point in the war, it was no longer an even match, but a violent beating of elementary school students.

The number of terminators is now an absolute advantage. When surrounded and violently beaten, the effect will be displayed, and the effect of the weapon will also be displayed. What is two fists that cannot be defeated by four hands? The current situation is that the army of bugs in the middle gradually They were surrounded and gradually dominated by powerful enemies. What they could see was darkness and no chance to resist.

Nothing is more dangerous than it is now, the bugs are slaughtered in large numbers every second, what they encounter is an army, and what they encounter is Liam.

This guy has fired thousands of bullets and there is not much left, and his superior state has passed, and the advancement of the battlefield makes him have to change positions frequently.

But after this transformation, his performance on the battlefield has really gotten better and better, and his marksmanship has gone up a whole level.

Si Fan is procrastinating, and Anthony is already going crazy.

The group of black cockroaches around him that gave him hard resistance just now moved again.

This time, cockroach-like bugs left Anthony's side one by one.

Originally there were only a few dozen of them, and it seemed impossible to change the situation of the battle. It was not until he actually saw them enter the battlefield that Si Fan realized that these guys were the real fighting bugs.

And the other bugs, like the Terminator, are workers.

These bugs are all mining, and only the big black cockroach-like bugs are fighting.

Because just after entering the battlefield, a bug appeared behind the Terminator erratically, and the huge jaws clamped fiercely, very easily, as smooth as a hot knife cutting into butter, from head to toe Cut the tail down in half.

This is the first terminator of Skynet Group's true loss.

At that time, Si Fan felt that his head was about to explode.

What a power to hold the grass, it is completely different from ordinary bugs, and it can easily kill the Terminator.

This is the real bug.

Si Fan was a little apprehensive, but the Terminator would never have such emotions, they still fought fearlessly.

It's just that during the battle, Si Fan could already tell that something was wrong. The bugs on the opposite side were not at all false when facing the Terminator. They easily resisted all damage, and then killed the Terminator one by one.

This is to send people's heads.

And the mass of terminators are useless, in front of this bug, they are nothing.

At this moment, Si Fan knew that it was time to use the Terminator T800. The war madman on the battlefield, in addition to the opponent's bugs, Si Fan also had a hole card, and that was the only Terminator in charge of battle.

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