Looking at Si Fan with expectant eyes, human beings' thirst for knowledge is infinite, they want to know the truth, they want to know what they don't know now, and Si Fan is obviously in the mystery,

From being unknown at the beginning to being the richest man in the world later, it took time faster than anyone else, and it is very important that everything in his company has crossed this era, like leading the world from future technology .

Now, he has to tell the truth frankly, because Anthony on the opposite side has already shown a lot of cards.

"Actually, it's nothing to me personally. Most of the workers in our Skynet Group are robots. You should already know that." Si Fan gradually told about his company.

"All of this has surpassed modern technology. I can't comment on where I got it. I just want to tell everyone that this world is far from being as simple as we see, and Anthony has the ability to trade with alien creatures."

"In other words, he can use the earth's particularly precious minerals to supply aliens, and then the aliens will give him a certain amount of remuneration. This remuneration is definitely not equivalent." Si Fan said slowly.

They were all silent about this kind of behavior. Si Fan knew that these guys must have the same idea in their hearts. If they had this opportunity, they would definitely trade with aliens. This is an inevitable thing.

The life and death of the earth has nothing to do with them.

"Alas!" Si Fan sighed silently again. This seems to have become a habit of Si Fan. When a thing that harms the interests of everyone but benefits only one is accepted by people, then the world must be abnormal. Something must be wrong.

Si Fan seemed to be used to seeing these people in charge of the whole world, but he was even more interested in this alien.

"Are there really aliens in the world? Why don't they directly attack the earth, but use such a small means?" The question was Rockefeller Jr. He was really curious. Unlike others, they used a commercial perspective. look at this.

Only Little Rockefeller is still young. He knows that this is an opportunity to have a powerful force and even improve his family after mastering it, but he is still more curious about the existence of aliens.

Si Fan can answer this question.

"In fact, the universe is vast, and there will always be other creatures. They may have developed longer than us humans. After all, we have only a few thousand years of civilization history, and they have developed for an unknown number of years, so It's normal for this guy Anthony to be able to contact those guys occasionally.


"But obviously, the aliens are not so easy to trade. Their transactions are never equal at all, and the resources of the earth are wasted." Si Fan slowly introduced the aliens.

He doesn't know many things, it's just rare, but it's enough, enough to surprise these guys.

Little Rockefeller still couldn't help being curious.

"Mr. Si Fan, if we can really trade with them, we can exchange technology. Even products can absorb their wisdom, and then develop our own products for sale. It's worth paying a little price."

That's what he thought, and he naturally asked the question.

The teacups on the table were temporarily empty. Everyone was waiting for the answer, and the atmosphere was somewhat stagnant.

Si Fan suddenly frowned.

"You think too simply. Industry is a system. If you don't develop it by yourself, it can only grow by seedlings, and they won't give you technology. You think too well about aliens." Si Fanman Slow to explain.

A few people don't care at all, what they are thinking about now is what benefits they can get.

"Mr. Si Fan, can you exchange technology from aliens? If you need any rare minerals or something, we can find them." Ms. Marilyn is very interested. There is no interest in the special ores that work for the time being, and these things are not as effective as ready-made technologies.

Looking at him, Si Fan frowned slightly, this guy actually wants to get help from aliens.

This is impossible, that is not help, but a pit.

Innocent woman, don't you know the disasters that China endured back then? Just using some obsolete technologies can kill you, and using the trade deficit can make you a fool.

Si Fan knows how much he has suffered for so many years, and the proportion of losses in the universe transaction can only be higher.

What's more, the trading channels are all in the hands of the other party, this idiot can trade.

What's more, Si Fan has no channels at all, and he doesn't want to have them.

But since this is the case, Si Fan has an idea.

"Since you want these technologies, then prepare things. I can help you with the transaction, but you must know that the technology obtained from this transaction may not satisfy you." Si Fan said.

Don't they want to trade? Take it all then, this is a trade war, not a real hard war.

That being the case, let's trade directly, isn't it just technology? The most important thing he, Sifan, lacked was technology.

"I can help you replace it, but be prepared, the price of this transaction is very high, and I need your help to limit Anthony's room for movement, and I will build a city wall near the entire Death Valley to completely destroy Anthony. It is blocked inside, and you all have to cooperate in the blockade of sea traffic." Si Fan said solemnly.

The tone is always beyond doubt.

Marilyn didn't think about it at all, and nodded directly: "I agree to the transaction, as long as we can get qualified technology, as long as we enter the era of the universe, as long as we can explore in the universe, these minerals are nothing."

She seems to be very confident, while others are not talking nonsense, this is an era, an era of exploration, as long as she can go to the universe, she can get more.

It's not that she never thought of Si Fan fooling her, but when she has enough resources, she is not afraid of Si Fan's tricks at all.

Anyway, the big deal is not to pay in the end.

As long as the minerals are in her hands.

They didn't know the value of these things before, so they were kept in special warehouses. Many minerals were derived from mining other minerals, but they couldn't tell them apart, so they could only save them in the end.

And now it works.

Knocking on the table, Si Fan looked at Xiao Hei.

"I wonder if Your Excellency the President will allow the trade of such minerals. You should know that these things are still in the United States for the time being, right?" Si Fan directly asked Xiao Hei in front of him.

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