The tired little black hair has long turned gray in the position of president, and he is no longer the high-spirited president of the United States. He is very tired now, his daughter has passed away, and he will be the loneliest person in the world in the future.

Seeing that these people are still fighting for power, they seem to have fallen into reincarnation, no different from ordinary people. If it was before, he might have participated in it, but now he has calmed down a lot.

The heads of major families and companies are actually human beings, they just receive better education, contact with higher end, have more resources, and manage the company.

When there is interest, they will still chase it, even crazier than ordinary people, because they know the taste of power.

"Since everyone is interested and wants to make a deal, I will only acquiesce to your deal on behalf of the U.S. government. However, in future transactions, the products must be produced and sold within the U.S." Xiao Hei is the most suitable president at this time.

Little Rockefeller nodded at the first moment after getting the news: "Our Rockefeller family will use the treasured ore to trade, I hope the transaction can be happy, but I am still curious, have you really seen aliens? What do they look like?" look?"

Si Fan could only smile wryly, he had never seen it before. But this time I can tell the truth.

"I've never seen aliens, and trading is just a trading system. If you don't believe it, there's nothing you can do about it. That's the truth." Si Fan spread his hands after speaking.

This is a pain in the ass, and everyone knows that no matter what, Si Fan will never let them control the channel.

The old man Murdoch didn't think much about it.

"I don't have any minerals in my hands, and I don't need technical support, but I will sort out the news. If you need to trade, I can also provide transaction help at any time." The old man Murdoch said.

Boeing's old man Jim just laughed beside him, he didn't speak, but obviously, this transaction is impossible without him, as long as he is here.

The other group of tycoons also agreed tacitly, and everyone agreed to one thing at the same time for the sake of benefit, exchanging technology with the most precious minerals on the earth and aliens.

And they also started to act, preparing to continue to search for more resources.

Only the national level can study the matter of resisting satellite people.

There was nothing but sadness in Si Fan's heart.

Watching them, finally picked up the coffee silently.

When this topic was over, everyone relaxed and began to discuss the rebuilding of the United States.

There is profit here, from land to construction funds, everything needs people to be busy, and they are one of the biggest builders.

That's right, they do have the responsibility to rebuild the country, but more construction tasks are still Si Fan's. Now they know that Si Fan has robots, so they feel more at ease. The working speed of robots is far behind that of ordinary humans.

As long as reconstruction is involved, all kinds of nonsense, everyone starts to share the cake, and everyone does what they have to do.

Si Fan became a judge at this time, because the shameless faces of these guys are disgusting, and they are now staking the land.

Even Rockefeller Jr. was not immune. He pointed to a hospital in the former city of New York and said: "Our family plans to rebuild the best hospital in the world at this location, so that people from all over the world can come to treat diseases and have the best equipment. medical equipment and personnel."

He spoke eloquently.

Si Fan next to him glanced at him.

"Do you dare to leave a paper letter of guarantee? Just a simple hospital project, you want to circle the location of Macy's Clinic, and then doves occupy the magpie's nest? This is impossible. If you want to take it without paying the price ?” Si Fan stopped him.

Originally, if Xiao Hei agreed, then the address would belong to the Rockefeller family, so you just need to build a hospital. But you must know that the ruins are the branch of the best hospital in the world in New York. The medical equipment is very comprehensive, and the technical information is also included. As long as there are these things, it is no problem to open a hospital.

What is the most profitable in this era?

There is no doubt that hospitals are the most profitable. Even if you are the richest man in the world, you still need a doctor.

Little Rockefeller's plan was exposed by Si Fan's words, but he looked at Si Fan as if he didn't care at all, and then pointed to the Macy Clinic: "Here we really want to build a hospital, and we will have a large number of them. The doctor came in."

He promised again and again. But Si Fan didn't take this at all, so he had to leave a written guarantee.

This is Si Fan's request, very reliable.

Sure enough, when he heard this request, Rockefeller Jr. shut up. This has exceeded his bottom line. If it is just to build a hospital, it is not his effort.

But if the level and requirements of the hospital are added, it will be fatal. After all, Si Fan will not wait for him for too long, and it is impossible for him to devote all his energy to it.

Gradually, there are more things to see, more people are eyeing more places, and several bankers are staring at other people's bank addresses and keep making quotations.

This is to go to the bank of the same industry to find money. If the person is still alive, it will be returned, but more are dead depositors.

All their money needs to be transferred to their own accounts.

The money is really dead, all in the bank and owned by the bank.

A group of people were busy fighting for power, so Si Fan slowly left his chair and sat in a nearby room for a while.

At this time, Si Fan found that Xiao Hei also came out, but he didn't mind too much, after all, this is still his home field.

The two walked to a nearby room, and the service staff poured coffee for the two of them, and then left.

At this time, there were only two people in the room, there were still tears on Xiao Hei's face, and his eyes were red.

In this room, Xiao Hei finally spoke.

"Si Fan, I'm afraid you don't have a way to trade with aliens, do you?" Xiao Hei cut directly to the point.

Si Fan also laughed, he looked at Xiao Hei, even though his close relative passed away, he was still that wise guy and never lost his mind.

And when those people just heard that Anthony could trade with aliens, they almost lost their judgment when they were envious and now eager to merge with Azi.

But looking at Xiao Hei carefully, Si Fan has already discovered that he is not the Xiao Hei he was a few years ago, or even the Xiao Hei when we met last time. No more spirits.

He knew that Xiao Hei might have already had a premonition.

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