These people are crazy, what's the situation, the warriors like wolf and tiger captured them all, and the helicopters behind them are ready, this is really a wave of killing people.

These guys originally wanted to show their presence and express their determination by the way. Who knew that Si Fan would catch them all in the end. This was something they never thought about. They didn't come alone. The army team is waiting to rescue them outside Uranus at any time, and there are two to three thousand bodyguards with them.

But all these people were silent and silent, as if they had never been here at all.

Now they really panicked.

There was no use in panic, Si Fan directly closed the net and walked out to look at them.

"Don't think too much about it. Just wait to get the money now. It's okay to pay the fine. If you don't pay the fine, then wait for the end of the prison. Everyone starts from a hundred years, and there is no commutation!" Si Fan said to them viciously.

At this time, the arrest team slowly arrived, and they grabbed a group of mercenaries passing downstairs of the building.

Said he was passing by, just for the reporter to take pictures.

These reporters are really sensible, they know when it’s time for them to work, and they quickly started taking pictures. The news of these people’s capture should also be known to people all over the world. The topic is also very attractive. They are all captured by robots. Actions Very fast.

After all the reporters finished recording, Si Fan said: "Friends from the press, look here, I have something to announce!"

He asked reporters to take pictures of himself. ;

Now all the reporters were a little excited, Si Fan asked to be on camera, what kind of news did he have?

Si Fan straightened his clothes and said to the camera: "Friends all over the world, hello, I am Si Fan, Si Fan from Skynet Group, today I just want to announce something to the world."

"All the environmental governance fines of the company are fully announced to the outside world, and every penny is guaranteed to be used on the bright side, which is subject to inspection by any people in the world at any time, and no less than 1 billion U.S. dollars is invested in global environmental protection every year. Unconditional environmental governance action." Si Fan promised to the camera.

Immediately, the eyes of a group of reporters turned red.

It is crazy to invest one billion dollars in cleaning up every year. If it is a country, it is too normal, and it is not only the money, but now it is the Skynet Group, this is an exaggeration.

Si Fan wants to clean up the garbage in the world.

These rubbish have been poured into the ocean, he needs to salvage these rubbish, and also dig out one by one in the landfill on the ground and then deal with them.

Relying on natural decomposition is too slow.

This kind of work efficiency is of course very high, but the cost is also very huge, and the Skynet Group must pay a painful price.

As the most disadvantaged party, Si Fan let himself stand on the weak side, and doing strong things is bound to gain the sympathy and understanding of the public.

He is not doing this in a small place, he is doing things all over the world, the voice of the people is very important, the people here have rights, and the country will pay attention to the voice of the people.

In terms of winning the hearts of the people, Skynet Group has always been at the forefront of the world.

Others are afraid that a good reputation will make the country jealous, but Si Fan is not afraid, he is really doing good things internationally.

It is also for environmental governance.

In the area of ​​environmental governance, Skynet Skynet Group is almost a monopoly, but he also gives up most of the profits, so that no one is jealous.

It is this kind of decision that makes them enduring.

When the scenery is right, you should let yourself have the upper hand. The fall of Mi Country is Si Fan's biggest opportunity, and he seized it.

So now everything is backed up and paid for.

Because the sincerity he released was very sufficient, the entire United States began to rebuild, and large-scale seaports began to be built to restore fisheries, shipping, and deep-water ports to dock their aircraft carriers.

The action is very big. They need a lot of money to restore a country, and they can't get it out at all. As for the money owed, it is even more impossible to repay it. At this time, they are desperately borrowing money everywhere.

The country's construction is at the highest level, and Si Fan is the vanguard of the country's construction. He can absorb a lot of business and economic investment, and of course he is the most popular person in the United States.

As for where the most popular person in the United States is now.

It's really no longer in America, but in the Pacific Ocean

To be precise, it is the garbage island area between California and Hawaii.

This is the center of the subtropical air flow, so the water flow here is very slow. In ancient times, sailing ships could never sail here, because there is not much wind to borrow, and the possibility of dying here is very high. Modern people have machinery Only powered ships can approach.

Today, a team of hundreds of ships is constantly sailing, and this is already a slow zone of ocean kinetic energy.

Ships here are the only things that move fast.

Fish in the ocean are not willing to live here.

And now the largest ship here has the Son of the Sea written on it.

This ship is very huge, it looks like a huge island.

In fact, Si Fan did not pay attention to this ship from purchase to construction. This is Zhao Jianjia's masterpiece.

It is also what Si Fan admires. This woman's ambition is really huge. In addition to this largest ship, there are three other large ships of the same level behind her.

It is a bit underestimated to say that the ship is a bit underestimated. The former name of these three ships is not the Son of the Sea.

The name of Si Fan's current ship was very famous.

Constellation number! If this name is not loud enough, then it will be shocking enough to announce his full name. ;

The No. 2 Constellation Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carrier, just before the dismantling a few years ago, Zhao Jianjia purchased the entire main body of these four aircraft carriers, and then changed all the systems to make it a civilian ship.

Except for the bridge of the power system and the control system, all other parts of the whole ship have been converted into a huge carrier, which is also a huge factory.

It is now the Son of the Sea Shipboard Garbage Treatment Center.

That's right! You read it right, this is a garbage disposal plant transformed from an aircraft carrier. The deck of the aircraft carrier has become the main construction area of ​​the factory, but the runway for the plane is gone, and everything has become a factory.

This ship has also become a real garbage disposal ship, and there is a powerful suction ocean cleaning equipment underneath.

This is a surprise for Si Fan. There are four similar surprises, two garbage disposal boats and two sewage disposal boats.

This is the mobile force of the Skynet Group.

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