Si Fan put his arms around Zhao Jianjia's slender waist and stood on the deck, even though there is no airstrip now, and the Skynet Group has also signed a confidentiality agreement to ensure that the ship will not appear in the hands of other countries during the operation.

Of course, the confidential machinery on board had been dismantled long ago.

Besides, Si Fan can't use it, it's just a shell.

This surprise has been accumulated for a year and a half.

"Thank you." Si Fan whispered to Zhao Jianjia.

This woman followed Si Fan to act together today, and there were three reporters behind her. They kept recording the surrounding environment, gossip about the news, and carefully recorded all of this. How much did you do.

In addition to them, there are many more people, these people are hydrology experts from various countries in the world, and professors in various environmental protection fields. They are here to assess the degree of environmental pollution and use the most professional attitude to test.

But now their complexions are not good. Usually they are on land to detect the living areas they can touch, and they have not been exposed to the pollution in the ocean.

Check it out today, it's going to be crazy.

There is also a lot of pollution in the ocean, and the most disgusting thing is plastic waste. Three quarters of the world's plastic products are not processed, and then directly discarded in the natural environment, most of which are decomposed in the ocean.

The decomposition of this plastic is not gentle, it is not directly decomposed as people imagined, it has become a creation of nature.

No! After the plastic is decomposed and broken, it will become PM2.5 in the ocean.

That is, microplastics. Many of these microplastics can reach the nanometer level, which is difficult to see with the naked eye.

But when you actually test it, they're everywhere.

The ship has approached the garbage island and their detection data is in jeopardy.

Si Fan watched helplessly as they fished out a large jar, and then poured water into the container from inside.

This is very normal, the water is also blue.

He brought Zhao Jianjia over curiously, staring at the instrument.

"Professor Hao,

The water looks ok, how is your test going? He watched Professor Hao pour all the water into an instrument, and slowly waited for the instrument to react.

Si Fan couldn't tell what the reaction was, but he could read his words and expressions. Professor Hao's brows were so gloomy that he could squeeze out water, which meant it was not a good thing.

He looked at Si Fan and pointed to the jar of water in front of him.

"You wait to see the test results, you don't need to give you the data, you can see it with the naked eye."

He didn't say anything, and Si Fan didn't have to wait too long. This instrument detects very quickly.

After a minute or two, Professor Hao took out another small bottle from this bottle.

Put it in front of Si Fan.

"This is what was filtered out of the water just now, and it's all plastic microparticles." Professor Hao handed it to Si Fan.

Putting it in front of him like this, Si Fan's heart was cold.

There wasn't much, just now I lifted 20 liters of water, and what was filtered out of it was only about two centimeters thick of mucus.

Si Fan knew that this was the microplastic that Professor Hao was talking about.

That is, plastic degrades to a certain extent in the sea and is formed by tiny plastics being beaten by waves.

The color of this plastic is very gorgeous, all blue, very beautiful, it seems to put down the entire starry sky.

It seems like a dreamy color even in sunlight.

Anyway, if it is sold to boys and girls, many people will like it.

But in fact, this is poison, which is the poison that kills life, and it is the poison most feared by marine life.

Moisturizes silently, and even the taste is what fish like. These microplastics will be mixed with algae and eaten when fish eat.

And then... a lot of these fish are caught on boats and end up in people's stomachs.

And plastic is indigestible and can only remain in the body until death.

Looking at the viscous liquid that kept flowing with Si Fan's shaking, he really felt that if he didn't touch something, he would never know how dangerous the world is.

What you see every day is sent to your eyes by people, but you are indifferent to the dangers of everyone.

Maybe that's how people are?

Si Fan sighed in his heart.

Then I asked Professor Hao: "Is there any way to clean up this microplastic? Or is there any way to clean it up effectively?"

Professor Hao can be said to know everything and talk about everything.

"It is very difficult to clean up microplastics. Fortunately, these microplastics are already on the verge of decomposition. They will be slowly decomposed within 30 years, which is relatively safe."

"In fact, the most important thing to solve is the continuous generation of new plastics. These plastics are the source of harm. The source of microplastics is actually what we discard in our daily life and work. The most harmful thing is fishing nets, and we The garbage island that is about to go is actually fishing nets.” Professor Hao said.

Now Si Fan knew without him saying that the fisherman's net was broken when he went out to sea, and he just discarded it in the sea when he couldn't repair it. This thing can catch more things.

Slowly carrying a large amount of garbage has become the main component of the garbage island floating in the sea.

Also because of the strong fishing nets, the garbage island has gradually become a floating island.

"This problem really needs to be solved. Now we have two garbage disposal ships ready to clean up, and two sewage disposal ships will also filter nearby seawater." Si Fan explained.

With Si Fan's answer, Professor Hao was very happy.

"If there were insightful people like you, this garbage island would not have developed to the present situation at all. From 88,000 tons of garbage to more than 400,000 tons of garbage floating here, it is constantly growing , It will grow a lot every year, I really don’t know when, the ocean may not see the blue, but it will be full of garbage.”

What Professor Hao said made Si Fan feel cold in his heart. He seemed to know why the Skynet system came. This planet has really gone too far on the road to death in the past few hundred years. , maybe the arrival of the system is to see if they still have the possibility of rescue.

Picking up the bottle in his hand, Si Fan walked in front of the reporter.

"Hello, audience friends all over the world, now I want to show you something very beautiful."

"Have you seen it? The very beautiful liquid in my hand is called microplastics. It is the product of the degradation of plastics in our daily life. If you really think it is beautiful, then congratulations. This thing is poisonous and not be digested."

"The most important thing is that if he is eaten by fish, he may be eaten by you when you eat fish, and he will not be able to digest it for the rest of his life." For a moment, Si Fan's voice sounded like a ghost story.

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