After seeing how my score was deducted to more than 1000 points, I recorded all the little habits in my life.

He recorded it in his mind bit by bit, this room cleaning is one-time, but many other pollution indexes can be superimposed, if you don't change it, then continue to superimpose in the future.

This kind of pollution index rises in a straight line, and the final pollution index will go to the sky.

Zheng Hai knows his own affairs. Although he is a happy fat house, he is not a fool, and generally happy fat houses are not stupid, they just don't want to get in touch with others.

Zheng Hai, a lonely and happy fat man, began to tidy up his room.

Zheng Hai, who seldom cleaned up, finally realized how dirty his room was. When he really started to clean it, he discovered that Skynet Group provided a scanning room cleaning plan.

He just scanned it with his mobile phone, and he knew how to clean it. Follow the steps little by little, and start cleaning from the top. This process really killed Zheng Hai. As a happy fat house, his physical strength is not very strong. good.

"Oh my god, I never knew cleaning a room could be so tiring." He kept complaining, sweating profusely.

Cleaning up a house is very difficult and takes a long time, especially the house in the fat house. There are too many messy things to buy, and it needs to be rearranged. After Zheng Hai has done everything, the time has passed It's afternoon.

It was also when he was eating, he was covered in sweat but he didn't order takeaway. He was always a loyal user of takeaway, but today was different. He looked at the cost of ordering takeaway, and then looked at the food he had just cleaned up. Spotless room, final bite.

"Mom sells it. I went downstairs to the restaurant to eat. Eating takeaway at home will actually increase the environmental pollution index of the bright spot. It's terrible." He gritted his teeth and continued downstairs.

There are many of the same people.

Zheng Hai changed into the shoes he seldom wears, put on the fat house happy clothes, a very loose sportswear, and went straight to the elevator to go downstairs.

"Fortunately, this elevator does not need to increase the environmental pollution index, otherwise, wouldn't it be necessary to go downstairs." Zheng Hai complained with lingering fear. After speaking, people have already reached the first floor.

Just after he came down, the sunlight was a bit dazzling, staying up late for a long time made him almost become a vampire, his face was abnormally pale, and he could only squint his eyes when looking at the sun.

to the first floor,

He suddenly found that there were quite a lot of people on the street, and some of them, like him, covered the sun with their hands, and the glare of the sun made them feel uncomfortable.

This is what it should be, after all they don't go out all year round, a few of them glanced at each other, and greeted Zheng Hai with a classmate who lived in the same elementary school next door as Zheng Hai and forgot his name.

"Brother, it's been a long time since I've been down. It's really terrible now. I don't even want to give up eating takeaway at home."

"It's not that I don't want to give up money, but I don't want to give up the environmental index! It's too difficult to reduce it!" What he said really made the listeners cry when they heard it.

Zheng Hai was just curious. He thought it was easy to reduce. After tidying up his home, he reduced by 500. The biggest problem is gone. As long as he keeps good habits, other pollution indexes will gradually decrease. Want to When it reaches zero, he thinks it is impossible. As long as people are alive, they will definitely cause pollution. If they want to go above zero, the only way is to actively clean up the environment, so as to break through this limit.

He is bound to break through, that's a VIP privilege, local tyrants can ignore it, but he can't.

Hearing the words of this former classmate next door, he asked suspiciously: "How difficult is it to reduce the pollution index? I haven't gone yet? I want to work for two hours after eating."

He really wanted to help.

The student looked at Zheng Hai and didn't know what to say.

"The two hours that the Skynet Group said is really not useful. My brother went to pick up garbage on the street. This is just a change. There are relatively few people. The time in the morning has only been reduced by five points. It's really not worth it. I know what happened." He was really distressed.

Zheng Hai frowned when he heard this, how many bottles can he pick up in this street? The bottle has long been contracted by the scavenger lady, so if you want to pick up the bottle, you are just joking.

"You haven't looked elsewhere?" he asked.

The classmate shook his head: "My brother and the others wanted to join several environmental protection organizations, but they failed. There are really too few environmental protection organizations in our city, and everyone doesn't know what to do."

"It's all in the trial stage."

Now Zheng Hai knew that they were just stragglers, picking up trash casually.

The result of this is low efficiency and less results.

"Maybe, your work is not done right, you should do things more efficiently." He said so.

The students on the opposite side were taken aback for a moment, and they also somewhat agreed.

"That's right, just pick up bottles on the street, how much can you pick up in a day, and this garbage doesn't seem to be valued by the Skynet system."

This Zheng Hai is helpless, this bottle will be picked up by the aunt sooner or later, of course it will not have much environmental index, but what if it is other garbage?

Not thinking too much, he casually found a wanton noodle to eat, and then went straight to a nearby canteen.

There are tricycles here.

After borrowing a tricycle, he busily filled a bucket with water, got a dozen garbage bags and a shovel, and set off. His target was the old neighborhoods in the city.

The new modern residential property is already clean and tidy, and the entrance is relatively clean, but after entering these old and dilapidated small houses, you will eventually find the dark side of the city.

Sure enough, when he arrived at these neighborhoods, he could see the piles of rubbish piled up like a mountain, with flies flying everywhere in the sky, and the garbage piled up at the gate of this neighborhood was like a mountain.

The main reason why Zheng Hai likes this place is that it is relatively close to the garbage station, even the garbage cans can't handle it, but the garbage station can.

He got out of the car and looked at the huge pile of garbage, not knowing how many environmental indexes there were.

However, he can be regarded as an actionist in a happy fat house. He rode his bike over and started to clean up.

This time, when the sun went down, he had almost cleaned up the entire mountain of garbage.

For this, I still want to thank the Internet celebrity artifact. This pocket is all filled with the Internet celebrity artifact. It is just an iron ring with a fixed base underneath.

It is a very simple tool that costs 9.9 yuan. It can be easily pocketed by one person, then thrown into the car to the garbage station, and then returned to continue to pack.

It is very tiring for one person to clean up a garbage dump in one afternoon.

But the result was quite surprising. He didn't know why, but he only lowered the environmental pollution index by more than 40 points.

However, according to this efficiency, the remaining two hundred or so points he has left can be settled quickly, not to mention that if he changes his daily habits, the benefits will still show up slowly. He has to pay for his previous life.

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