The Internet is really convenient for young people, only some older people are still not used to this kind of life.

There must be an Internet to have equal consultation. Of course, older people don’t care much about the environmental index, and those benefits are dispensable to them.

Only people of working age are under greater pressure. They must ensure the quality of life and buy houses and cars. In this environment, the environmental index conditions given by Skynet Group are too important. If you want to live a good life, you don’t have How to mix an environmental index?

Under such an environment, people began to discover how to do these environmental protection tasks better and how to better improve their own environmental protection index.

This is the case in the general environment, and people follow the trend.

The general trend of the world is moving forward, ordinary people can only be coerced, and those high-polluting factories are going crazy one by one

The worldwide exposure made them have to improve their ability to deal with pollution. If they don't improve, they will all die.

The process of urbanization has reduced the metabolic capacity of nature, and they have gradually lost this capacity.

At this time, Si Fan had already left Uranus, and officially flew to Area 51 in Greenbelt, Maryland.

That's right, Area 51 is here, not far from the Goddard Rocket Base. If the distance is really too far, it will be difficult to manage.

Therefore, their destination is here. Si Fan took a plane and changed it into a car, and finally entered the underground track, which was close to the goal.

At this time, Xiao Hei was by his side, and Si Fan only had a bodyguard Terminator T800.

Even so, no one dared to underestimate his combat effectiveness.

In this fast-moving underground railroad track, I don't know how far I have walked slowly, and I have changed directions several times in the middle. If Si Fan didn't have a system, he would have no idea where he was.

Thanks to his system, they are now underground in a jungle fifty kilometers away from the Goddard rocket base, and they are already close to two hundred meters away.

He doesn't know how much underground area there is, but it must not be a minority.

The car was still moving forward, and Xiao Hei was already a little nervous. In the hands of Si Fan, a brave man, he didn't know how much Si Fan came here to get the opportunity to rob in Area 51.

Skynet Group will have no income for at least ten years in the future, and even the company's expansion will be gone. All the funds and production capacity will be thrown into the United States to help them rebuild this country. If there is no certain compensation for Si Fan, then it will be him dereliction of duty.

It's just, now that I think of Si Fan casually taking their things in Area 51, I really feel distressed, those alien spaceships, those precious ores collected, as well as the precious items collected in normal times, all kinds of human books, all kinds of books, etc. Information and various experimental data must be shared with Si Fan.

Of course, according to the agreement, all materials and experimental data can only be viewed and cannot be taken away or leaked.

He believed in Si Fan's character.

When the train was running at 300 kilometers per hour, it had gradually lowered, and the light in front of it became brighter. A rectangular building gradually appeared in front of it, and it could already be seen.

At this moment, Si Fan's face suddenly changed, and Xiao Hei beside him also received a call.

The two of them glanced at each other almost simultaneously.

Xiao Hei said it first, of course, because he didn't know that Si Fan knew the news directly.

"Now the Soviet Union has begun to closely unite with that damned Anthony, and now 170 ocean-going freighters are departing, with the goal of Death Valley, and more importantly, according to the information disclosed by our spies, countries Anthony has agreed to mine ore in specified areas within his country, and allows catastrophic mining, and it is said that Anthony has provided more than a dozen special alloy formulas, most of which have surpassed our country's top metallurgical technology."

He knows how much bitterness there is in the words, their research is piled up over decades, and all the efforts are not as good as others' compromise.

What a grievance.

When he was talking, he wanted to ask Si Fan if there was a reliable deal.

"Why don't we give you some minerals too? There are actually quite a lot of minerals in Hawaii." Xiao Hei was able to say such brazen words.

It is an island, and they are all military bases. The main islands cannot be given to Si Fan, nor the military bases. We can only give him deserted islands. Those deserted islands are just for fun. If you want to mine, don’t even think about it. .

Si Fan didn't bother to talk to him, he was looking at what kind of planes these countries were making now.

When he saw the data, he really couldn't help complaining, these guys really spent their money.

There are not so many mineral resources in the entire United States, especially the group of Slavic polar bears. They are desperate. More than a dozen super large minerals have been sent out, and they have been sent out in a devastating way. Just don’t want them

Si Fan looked greedy. These minerals are all the resources of the earth, and they are all medium-grade super large mines that have been detected. This mine is really huge and makes people greedy. As long as there is a chance to mine it, it will be countless all the money.

Of course, money is nothing to Si Fan, but when Anthony developed minerals, Si Fan felt as if he had lost all the minerals from his own pocket.

It's like meeting a prodigal.

After all, this guy is different from other miners. He directly sold all the ore to aliens at the price of the mine. The mine will be gone when it goes out, and it can't be regenerated. If it is mined by others, at least it can be reused. possible.

It is such a destructive mining now, it will be a fart after a long time.

As a legendary miser, after hearing the news, Si Fan's first reaction was to ask Xiao Hei.

"Aren't you angry that they sold the earth's resources so recklessly, and you don't want to deal with them?"

Xiao Hei just looked at Si Fan, and said for a long time: "I also want to deal with them, but we are not qualified at all right now. Are we really going to fly an aircraft carrier? They have a complete supply line, and they have enough soldiers. People don’t have any worries now, can I do it? My fleet can’t reproduce a single missile, all of which are non-renewable resources.”

It's true, Xiao Hei is poor at the moment and can only develop people's livelihood by force. If Si Fan supports him in five years, he will be able to resettle the people, and they will work hard to restore transportation, and finally revive the military.

As for the industrial recovery, all the big companies are waiting to build. Now the United States can be said to be starving.

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