Just climbed up, Xiao Hei carefully looked at the surrounding environment.

To be honest, he has never been here. Although this is the biggest discovery in Area 51, he is the president of the country. He can't even take care of the experimenter's affairs, and he doesn't know how to go to the TV media, so there is no need. Curious Everyone has a heart, and he is constantly looking at it.

Si Fan has already moved forward.

But it's not that there is no one in front of Si Fan, and there is a Terminator in front of him.

The t800 acted very quickly. Now enough people know about the fact that the Skynet Group owns robots. People have already panicked, but there are many problems now. The upper echelon knows about Anthony and is waiting for the final result.

Anthony must not be able to directly use modern weapons to attack. This guy is very shameless and used a few explosive boys to make everyone shut up.

And Si Fan is now the main force that consumes each other with Anthony, so he can be regarded as the key protection object.

"Roger, how many times have you been here? Are you familiar with the environment here?" Si Fan asked.

It was at this point that Roger was completely excited, curious enough to look at everything around him.

"I just sneaked in two or three times, because I couldn't dissect it, so I didn't have time to explore the important areas inside, but the places I already know are not big, and more places are blocked."

He was still looking at Catherine at this time.

Catherine immediately stared back, not used to illness at all.

"We are protecting the samples. If you think about it, the alien's spacecraft will be completely disintegrated, so that we can know all its internal structures. But this is our very precious and complete sample." Catherine also said .

Her idea is correct, this one is the only one now, then slowly study the quilt, anyway, it is a spaceship.

In her eyes, this thing will not die at all, he is just an airplane.

What else is there to say, this sample cannot be disassembled until a new sample is available.

And all of this is actually based on whether he has life.

If he is really alive,

Then when you die and then dissect it, you may not get as many things as now.

Si Fan was also curious.

"Lead the way," he said to the Terminator, and followed.

This thing is really difficult to walk, the road is very rough, and I didn't even think about letting you walk.

This also proved that it was impossible for the huge sea urchin to leave the room according to what they saw now, and besides, that thing didn't know how to move.

Xiao Hei just followed behind, but Roger walked to the front with great interest, and then led the way.

"Aren't you afraid that a strange shape will come out of the front and bite you to death? Go forward like this?" Si Fan said jokingly.

They walked forward very slowly, but the Terminator was really fearless and moved very fast.

Roger pouted.

"I'm really not afraid that he will hatch an alien to want me. What I'm afraid of is that he won't be able to get the truth. These are aliens. The aliens near our earth only find this kind, but their threat is still It’s very big, what kind of communication in the universe does not exist, aliens can only kill them, only dead aliens are good aliens.”

As for Roger's judgment, that is really excellent. In Si Fan's eyes, this little guy is good, and he is considered to have an IQ.

And Catherine is a pure scientific researcher, they have a very kind idea towards all life.

But the students of Jixia Academy will definitely not be like this. They have been trained as wolves since they entered school.

Regardless of Luo Jie being an assistant experimenter in Area 51, he is worth hundreds of millions outside, and he has a lot of patents in his hand, which are all accumulated in Jixia Academy.

If you go out in this school, you are either an elite or a waste.

So he was still very grateful to Si Fan, and whispered to Si Fan as he walked forward: "Mr. Principal, this aircraft really needs to be cut. According to my understanding of other aircraft, their important things are all It will be preserved, and we don't know what this thing is, maybe he is an alien."

Such a view made Si Fan laugh, and he whispered to Roger: "Don't worry, this thing always needs to be cut to see, and the preserved eggs, even the big ones, have to be cut to see, it's a big deal Stick it back, anyway, it is for exhibition, who will be responsible if there is an accident?"

He spoke to Roger in Chinese.

Roger suddenly wanted to laugh.

It is very uncomfortable to hold back a smile, so I walked forward while clutching my stomach.

Xiao Hei and Catherine behind them looked at them strangely.

While walking, Si Fan gradually realized that the Terminator was not leaving.

Catherine behind reminded: "Mr. Si Fan, we can't go forward, we can't move forward, but there is a wound on the left side. We entered directly from here to rescue the aliens."

What she said was just words, save the fart, the aliens might have to let you come here.

Si Fan walked over and happened to see the left side.

The left side does not look like a natural gap, but an unnatural tear.

No one paid attention to the wound, they probably entered directly.

But Si Fan saw it. Others thought the wound was a pure tear, but in Si Fan's eyes, it was wrong.

He knew that this guy Anthony was recruited. Since Anthony has been recruited, it shows that this alien is not simple, but now it has been torn apart, the ball-shaped egg-shaped sea urchin-like alien... It can tear a fart, this thing eats soil in the earth, that is, in the water.

"Have you ever thought about it, maybe the way this thing survives is not what we imagined, you may not have a reference, but I do." Si Fan said.

He thought of Anthony and thought of the bugs.

There is actually a law in the development of human beings, a very clear law, that is, they discover that the unknown things are the blooming of talents, and those created things are subconsciously imitating themselves.

It's like the aliens created by people, those imaginary ets, they all have arms and legs, and Anthony was created according to what.

According to the thinking of the people on earth, the base should be the one that produces the bugs.

But what did Si Fan see? Anthony produces bugs all by himself!

So if inferred.

Mom sells batches, this sea urchin man can definitely make other assistants.

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