"Your Excellency, may I ask if this aircraft is now mine?"

It is not a huge aircraft, and the interior is very complicated, and there is not much sci-fi color of human technology.

The ground felt a little hard at first, but after walking here, it seemed to be in the middle of the jungle, and the place where I settled down was a little elastic.

Xiao Hei also felt that it was unusual to come here. There are too many unusual places here.

It is estimated that only Catherine does not want to explore this last secret.

Or maybe she simply didn't dare to touch the truth behind this scene.

Looking at Catherine meaningfully, Xiao Hei, who slowly touched the ground with his hands to feel the temperature, finally decided that this place should be dissected according to what Si Fan said.

What's more, all the warehouses in Area 51 have been sold to Si Fan, so he can do whatever he wants.

"Si Fan, I have already handed over all of Area 51 to you. You are also the supreme administrator here. You can do whatever you want. I just hope that you can share all the information with us in the United States, but here We have backed up some important notes and manuscripts, and you can only take the originals."

This explanation is perfect, and Si Fan of course smiled gracefully: "Then I will carry out my responsibilities and rights as a consul."

The elegant smile never seemed to have anything to do with him, but at this moment he did. Si Fan looked at the not too big gap in front of him, and at the living space of the sea urchin inside.

Suddenly, he turned his head and patted Roger behind him.

"Boy, it's up to you to show it. Let's see where it is suitable to start dismantling it slowly. Let's try to get as much information as possible with simple means. What we want is their information, their way of life, how is it ..."

"Kill them."

Cold, Si Fan's mouth is cold, even Catherine and Roger feel a little scared.

They really felt Si Fan's determination.

Roger nodded: "Okay, since Mr. Principal said, I will definitely implement it. In fact, I have already studied it many times.

Mark the important places here. "

"Actually, I think some places can be spliced ​​after cutting, and the current glue is still very powerful."

Luo Jie said with a smile, and then took the marker pen handed over by Si Fan.

He seemed to be thinking about something, squatted down and searched the ground for a long time, and finally the tip of the pen began to trace each area below with great precision.

Gradually, you can see the areas that should be cut. There is an area under their feet that should be opened, and then a part of the tissue is cut.

This has a rough segmentation in the entire aircraft.

They can also see the general structure of the aircraft's internal structure.

That's right, just looking at the cutting diagrams he drew, you can roughly know their functions, which is a very simple matter of opinion.

For example, in the underground around here, the spherical positions Si Fan looked at him were the key cutting areas. Every detail here was marked out very finely, and even how to cut them was very precise. Precise labeling.

Xiao Hei behind him just watched carefully.

Si Fan in the back waited until he saw that it was almost the same. Most of the entire aircraft was covered with this kind of picture, and he couldn't help but want to see if it was the same as his guess.

"Everyone evacuates, this aircraft should not be safe, it will be dismantled soon, I guess this time there may be some unexpected discoveries."

As a word of persuasion, the two people also left with Si Fan, leaving only the Terminator. They stopped at a distance of more than 100 meters for the aircraft, which is already a relatively safe distance.

In the distance, Roger lay down on it and continued to draw lines, while Si Fan took out a tablet and carefully looked at the picture in front of him.

He could see the picture in front of him, and the only Terminator T800 in the aircraft was waiting quietly in the aircraft.

Roger's movements were very slow, and he was still lying on the inside of the aircraft and drawing lines continuously.

This work took a total of one and a half hours, and when he finished his work, it was already past the afternoon meal time.

Waiting is also the most common thing in daily life. One-fifth of life is spent waiting, which is the biggest part of life.

After a long period of waiting, the entire aircraft is already covered with paint and paint, and the criss-cross lines represent the parts that will be cut later.

It was no longer those people who were mainly working, but Roger in a hurry. He climbed off the aircraft after finishing the whole work. Down.

It seems that he felt a little jumpy, and calmed his mind a little. The smile on the corner of his mouth revealed his ecstasy. His eyes were wide open. It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul. Today his windows are opened a little bit. The excited Xiaofei glanced at It was like blepharospasm, and it came to Si Fan and Xiao Hei like a convulsion.

"Mr. President, Mr. Principal, this time we must live up to expectations. We will definitely discover the secrets of these aliens. Preserving them is never a good way. The most important thing is to take them apart and understand them." He was a little too excited.

It made Si Fan want to tease him.

"You can't do the cutting for a while. It's too dangerous. I think you can go to the back and dissect that alien. What do you think?"

"Mr. President, you should agree?"

After this good inquiry, everyone who saw Roger was crying, looking at Xiao Hei like a poor child.

Even if Si Fan's words were teasing, as long as Mr. President nodded, he would do the same.

Mr. President obviously has a great interest in making fun of Roger. He thought about it.

"Well, I actually think that dissection of corpses should not be done by girls. After all, it's too bloody and easy to encounter danger. Why don't you let Catherine perform the physical dissection of aliens instead."

"Actually, this is a very simple matter, no different from dissecting a human corpse in a laboratory, and you won't feel guilty, or you can dissect seafood." Xiao Hei half-jokingly said.

Roger's complexion suddenly turned ugly. He is not a guy who is well versed in the world. Although he knew that these were all jokes, he still felt uncomfortable.

Looking at Si Fan pitifully, "I erased all the scribbles, is there still time?"

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