The people in the safe area obviously feel crowded. Looking around, there are many crowds. These people have no ability to tell others about themselves, nor do they have a fixed job. They just come here to wait and see, looking for the truth. Where is it that attracts so many people.

There was a ghostly guy in the crowd, he was dressed in red, behind him was the blood-red national flag of Huaxia, and the word Huaxia was written on the hat on his head.

Standing out like this would definitely attract the attention of others, and Si Fan's gaze was attracted.

He was wearing a standard denim suit and a cowboy hat at this time, riding a small pony.

It's not that he doesn't know the majesty of tall horses, but when he really rides on them, he knows how powerful they are when they run. The inner sides of his legs are all rubbed with wounds, and finally he has to give up riding tall horses. Very domineering thing.

The inner legs of those jockeys and cowboys are already full of calluses, and they are no longer afraid of friction.

Getting off his pony, Si Fan combed his horse's hair, and then walked to the front house.

The little pony just left it there, letting him go wherever he wanted.

The house in front is actually a big shed with a few walls for shelter from the wind and rain, and the inside is still a shed-like place, which is their current office. Jiang Yilong’s expression is not very good inside, he is helpless He sat down and looked at the strange man in front of him.

The man was wearing a blood-red T-shirt with five yellow stars on it, and a Huaxia hat on his head.

No matter how you look at sitting here, it is against harmony. When you are in front of Jiang Yilong, you can speak very fluent Chinese dialect, with a little northeast emphasis.

"Brother, may I ask if you have any work for us now? I think these people seem to be very busy. I have settled everything, and I am waiting to build our country." He is so proud, I don't know De Hai thought he was going to build the Great Northwest.

Who is Jiang Yilong? He faces countless people every day, so of course he knows what kind of moth is hidden in this kid's mind.

Just looked at him and smiled.

"Boy, you are very good. You can learn Chinese so well, but it's useless. I'm just handling business here. If you want to consult, you can read the manual yourself."

Beside him is a huge booklet as thick as an English-Chinese dictionary.

"Just look, if you want to take away 50 dollars." He even said the price.

The other party paid without any hesitation.

Since the other party doesn't give an explanation, then quickly look it up yourself, isn't it just a dictionary? What kind of.

He took the huge book to a corner to examine it.

Si Fan looked at this guy with a smirk, and sat down next to him. This is also where he handles business.

The special white American kid on the opposite side was very honest and started to inquire directly.

And Si Fan was here slowly thinking about the current matter, looking at all the information displayed on the computer in front of him, each information showed the degree of completion of a task.

"This group of guys are really crazy. Judging by the work attitude of the United States, they are not right. We will increase the number in the future. These guys simply don't think of themselves as human beings. Especially this little Pok, he is simply a black sheep." Si Van stomped his feet and looked at the group of guys.

Little Pok’s completion speed is surprising. He doesn’t have a fixed time to complete and hand in tasks a day. It seems that he only needs to rest for six hours a day. He spends the rest of the time at work, and even sleeps in the car.

Seeing such a work attitude, Si Fan's face turned dark. He clicked a few times under Little Pork's name.

I saw that the status of Little Poké, who was obviously working, had turned into a red indicator light for suspending work.

And the trajectory and navigation of Little Pok's car were directly displayed to Si Fan.

He really wants to let Little Pok rest well, and explain why he is working so hard. You must know that the time Si Fan gave him is a lifetime, but now he looks like he is going to exhaust himself to death. Such an attitude is wrong.

Time passed quickly, and Si Fan quickly checked the situation.

Only then did I know that these guys all worked overtime to a certain extent, as if they would feel sorry for themselves if they didn't work overtime. And little Pork was just the craziest of them all.

Seeing that this is a common phenomenon, Si Fan has already started to think.

"Did I do something wrong, releasing a wild beast and making little Pok go crazy?" Si Fan asked himself in a low voice, he was asking his own conscience.

Little Pork's voice can be heard from a long distance outside.

"Who, who asked me to come back, I have finished my mission, and I can't do it even if you click the mouse." The voice was a little angry.

Now Li Dalong next to him became interested. If he was angry, he might slip up.

At this time Li Dalong approached.

Si Fan looked at the angry little Pok calmly, and said with a smile: "I asked you to come back. I have something to ask you."

This expression is simply the best performance as a service staff.

The little Pok on the opposite side was scared when he heard this voice, and when he saw Si Fan sitting here in person, his shoulders were half a point lower.

"Sir, if you ask me to come back, you can just make a phone call. Why stop my mission? I'm about to deliver the goods to the place. As a result, the mission is suspended and I can't even unload the goods." He was bitter.

Si Fan didn't give him a chance to play tricks. He held his nose and looked at the sloppy guy in front of him.

His face was full of stubble, the hair on his head hadn't been washed for many days, it was all oily, and pimples had burst out on his face, not to mention the smell on his body.

Now if he put a label on it, it would mean that strangers should not enter. Even Li Dalong, who wanted to inquire about the news, would feel a little intimidated, and would take a half step back if he wanted to get closer.

Si Fan didn't bother to talk to him, this guy would know the truth sooner or later.

Little Poke looked at Si Fan's eyes bitterly, and then at his own image.

It seems to know something.

"Do you dislike me for affecting the image of the city? It doesn't matter, as long as you give me half an hour, I will definitely clean it up." He said confidently.

Si Fan glared at him.

"Don't interrupt, boy, you should clean yourself up. I just want to ask you, why do you work so hard? You work more than 15 hours a day, right?"

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