When Si Fan talked about this, Little Pok relaxed instead. He relaxed and sat down, and slowly took a glass of water from the water dispenser next to him.

It is impossible to have someone to serve you, and it is impossible in this life. The work of Skynet Group is very frugal. The administrative department does not have any equipment, so it can only be done by itself. There are very few staff, and no one is so caring. Pour a glass of water, everything is self-service, if you like there is a candy box next to it.

Polk drank water and remained silent for a long time before asking Si Fan.

"Sir, I heard that you were an ordinary college graduate a few years ago. I don't know if you have ever encountered a time when you were really short of money, when you lacked goals, when you were the youngest and most needed a house of your own. When you are helpless, when you watch the goddess get into someone else's luxury car and go to a luxury apartment to make an appointment." What Little Poker said was quite casual. With a smile on his face, he was very relaxed.

Only in this way can we know that this guy has really been recruited, and he has really encountered these things.

However, Si Fan also started from a humble beginning, so of course he has encountered many things.

He picked up his water glass and took a sip of water, raised his head and recalled his past, there are really many things like him, except that the goddess in the luxury car was missing, and some helplessness was missing.

Careful recollection, it was not too good. A house made many people crazy. When the geographical location gets closer to the north, the demand for houses becomes more and more intense.

Don’t think that first-tier cities like Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou are the real hot spots for housing. Most of those people are just for settlement and real estate speculation. But in small northern cities, whether there is such a house in a family is to evaluate whether you can find a wife. standard.

Although Si Fan is still young, when others knew that he was only living in an old house at home, there was no one who introduced him to a girlfriend at that time, and it is said that a guy who was given 20 houses after the demolition, he has people every day Introducing a girlfriend is quite domineering.

Thinking of this, his thoughts flew too far, and he felt a little sad in his heart.

"That's right, I was forced to live in misery by the house, and most people in our country can accept housing loans, but many people hope to marry someone who doesn't have any housing loans." Si Fan smiled.

Poker on the opposite side smiled.

"Hahahahaha!" He didn't seem to expect Si Fan to answer like this.

As a country that advocates the American dream, they have a natural affection for those who pursue their dreams. A successful person who pursues their dreams will become their role model and tell them that they also have opportunities.

"You know? Know that this may be the biggest opportunity in my life. If I can finish these tasks before the age of forty, even at the age of forty, there will be beautiful models climbing into my bed." He laughed .

"I work so hard for my children and my wife. They are the pillars of my life. I hope to give them a good life, but I also hope to be able to accompany them more. As long as I work hard and work hard, then my four It will be possible to do all the tasks around the age of ten, so that my old age can be rested, and the profits generated by this house can allow me to live easily."

That's how he introduced it, with a bit of ruffianism when he spoke, but this is Little Pok.

Si Fan fell silent.

"You don't blame me for giving you too many tasks?" Si Fan asked.

Polk was happier now.

"There is no harm if there is no comparison. At the beginning, I felt that I had too many tasks, but when I saw the number and price of the new batch of tasks, I felt that I had made a profit." He smiled wretchedly, like Is a chicken thief.

Si Fan almost suffocated himself, that's right, the guy on the other side was right. At first, he felt that he seemed to be at a disadvantage, and other people's work was not as much as his own, but now comparing the difficulty, their difficulty is simply The simple version is very easy, but the later people will be sad, they need to do double or even several times the work,

What you get is about the same as them. And the location may not be as good as them.

So, little Poke was happy now.

The two of them are chatting casually now, Xia Boke knows something.

"Mr. Si Fan, don't worry, I'll go out to inform them in a while, rest less than eight hours a day, don't eat at work, and clean guys who don't clean up will reduce their completion rate when doing tasks." Little Poker made a fool of himself. In his heart, he knows that there is a degree of completion, because the rewards he gives when completing these tasks are also different.

He knows how to punish these guys.

It is enough to add the personal comprehensive test score in addition to their completion assessment criteria.

After doing this assessment, these guys don't dare to work too hard. Sometimes sleep is a plus point. If you deduct these points, the extra work will be in vain.

So it's the best of both worlds.

"It seems that you are all enlightened, don't worry, we will add these factors into it." Si Fan confirmed.

Li Dalong beside him couldn't bear it anymore, what did he hear just now? As long as you do some tasks, it seems that you can give the house? What's happening here.

Don’t think that houses in the United States are worthless. They are also expensive. New York’s house prices are among the highest in the world.

Seeing him coming, Little Pok stood between Si Fan and him, blocking Li Dalong.

"Brother, just now I heard that there seems to be some task here, you can get a house after completing it?" He asked.

Si Fan looked at him curiously, this guy is new here, so it's not easy to get mixed up here.

To know that others are still looking for clues in this city, this guy has already mixed here.

"We do have a mission here, but not everyone can take it. We are all the first batch of pioneers, and we built the infrastructure here." Little Poker was very arrogant at this time.

Although Li Dalong doesn't know what his temper is, as long as he knows these things, he must give him some understanding.

Don't blame them for picking up people if you don't understand.

Li Dalong nodded: "Of course you should get some discounts. This is the first batch of you to develop."

"But I want to know where to take this task and how to do it?" he asked;

Now Si Fan and the others laughed.

"Hahahahahaha! It's not easy, just go to that bald man to pick up the task, and then complete the task." Si Fan pointed the way.

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