Skynet Architect

Chapter 106 Traveling across the ocean to buy a helmet

These guys will definitely be punished, and Si Fan is going to spend a lot of money to send them to prison, and they will all be sentenced in the most severe way.

What's more, they used to be unforgivable crimes, as long as they are caught, they will be crimes for at least decades.

And the most even hundreds of years.

They will spend the rest of their lives in prison.

Everything has been settled, and as for their ending, Si Fan doesn't want to know anymore, they all deserve to be taught a lesson, and now Si Fan is waiting for the grand opening ceremony.

On the other side, outside the No. 1 Stadium, the situation is completely different. This place has become a sea of ​​people. I have never seen so many people. Inside the stadium, the stadium that originally accommodated 100,000 people is now packed to the brim. It was far more than 100,000 people because these people were all standing. The stadium was like a can, filled to the brim, and the line went all the way to the street outside for a distance of two miles. At the same time, The price of scalpers on the Internet has more than doubled by local tyrants, as long as they can grab a helmet, they will pay immediately.

This situation is simply too bad, as if a certain mobile phone used to be the same.

But this time it seems that the situation is a little special.

Because this is a product from China, and secondly, this is the world's first virtual reality device, which has not been approved in many countries and cannot be sold.

Under such an environment, some people even travel to Shanghai just to buy a helmet.

That's how attractive this helmet is.

Jesse Galbraith is one of them. This super game fan is the first batch of users, so he arrived in China three days ago, waiting for the release of the game and the purchase of the helmet, so he Following the tradition of the Chinese people, queue up to buy goods in advance.

He had seen the madness of Chinese people in his own country. They would line up to buy things, so he had already arrived at the sale site three days ago to check the specific situation. .

But he never thought that it would be so crazy. It's a maddening thing to look at.

Just three days ago, when he was queuing up, all the positions in the inner circle of the stadium were already occupied, and if he lined up directly, he would be in the original stand area.

Under such an environment, he could only get all the supplies for food and drink for these three days in a grievance, and then even brought a sign for queuing up.

In this way, he was almost in pain.

Because after he finished shopping, he lined up again, and the front row of the auditorium was already occupied, leaving only the middle area.

Fortunately, there is a strict queuing system throughout the whole process. It doesn’t matter if you want to queue up, you can come, but all the rules must be enforced. There is a safe passage to the bathroom in the middle, and people queuing at each position have their own. The space can be simply moved about.

But that's all, sitting down is already the limit, and it's almost impossible to lie down.

And Jesse Galbraith has been on the live broadcast, just to let people watch his embarrassment in queuing.

"Really, I now think that the price of this helmet is twice as expensive! I felt that my whole life was terrible during the three-day queue." Jesse Galbraith cried in the live broadcast room, watching His appearance was completely gone from his usual handsome appearance, and he could only sit decadently in the crowd.

Leaning against the sign behind him, gnawing on the unpalatable bread, Jesse Galbraith was very decadent.

The girls in the live broadcast room have already gone crazy, feeling wronged by their male god.

But their country does not allow this helmet to be sold in their country. They are also very desperate. There are many countries that feel the same way, but they still cannot stop those smugglers.

No way, this thing is in the entry that prohibits transportation, but if it is caught, it will only be confiscated, but if it is transported in, the profit will be several times. This is really a small risk and a large profit. Of course, some people will be crazy.

So now there are quite a few crooked guys out there waiting to buy helmets.

The price on site has doubled.

Jesse Galbraith knew this situation all too well.

"Dear fans! I should finally get this helmet today. I don't know how many there will be, but it is said that there are a hundred windows for sale at the same time, and various payment methods are accepted. What we need now is Wait, wait to see the helmet I got.

He is still very excited, there is no way, this is the first batch of players, he will be the first batch of players, this is an absolute advantage.

As for the entire release scene, it was really shocking. Only the most central stage seemed abrupt, but this stage was already surrounded. Who has ever seen a 360-degree stage? This is it today, you may even look at it all day.

But they don't care, there are a hundred sales windows under the stage, and a large number of helmets are sent to them through the air transport channel, and then passed on to customers.

The transparent plastic channels look like slides in the sky.

However, only in this way can the needs of these people be truly met.

"Hope it goes well today," Jesse Galbraith implored.

And in the middle of the venue, when it was close to 7:00 in the morning, Si Fan had already appeared here, and he was waiting for the whole sale to start.

In the entire venue, there are countless people waiting for the sale. Most of them are scalpers. Si Fan can't stop this, but Si Fan has a way. Everyone who wants to buy has to swipe their ID card. This ID card information will be registered, and each person can only purchase one helmet within a year.

This will prevent them from desperately buying a helmet. Scalpers can only do one-off sales, unless they find someone else to buy them, then Sivana can't help it.

When it started at seven o'clock, there was no sound of gongs and drums, no firecrackers. In the center of the venue, two lifting platforms gradually rose, and all the lights and sounds sounded. At the front of the crowd, there was such a huge long The conveyor belt is running, and this conveyor belt is behind the sales staff. Every buyer can stand on the conveyor belt with his IDE and wait to leave the venue.

There is no way, this is to prevent the stampede from happening, and someone outside the crowd has already targeted everyone, and as long as someone makes trouble, they will be anesthetized and taken away from the scene immediately.

Under such strict control, the host in the venue finally spoke.

This is the most famous host in the country, one of the most famous hosts. After he walked to the center of the venue, he opened his mouth and already set off the atmosphere.

"Welcome all fans to participate in today's sale. Please rest assured that the number of virtual helmets we sell today will definitely satisfy you, and we will definitely not let everyone come here for nothing."

Of course, this is Si Fan's promise.

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