Skynet Architect

Chapter 107 Hell Novelist Baker Pungy

(Girls' Literature) One sentence, one promise, fulfilled the long-cherished wish of everyone present. They came here just for a game helmet, not because of any program. Even if there is a program, they only hope that it can be unfolded in the virtual world. .

The wonderfulness of the virtual world in their dreams is absolutely irreparable now, so they are all looking forward to it.

At this time, I was a little angry and embarrassed in the venue. After all, after the famous host had finished speaking, there was still a program until the official release time.

The time was set at ten o'clock in the morning, and the new helmets were officially on sale. In front of the front counter, there was a square box on each counter, with information introduced in Chinese on it.

The entire information introduction is very simple, and there is hardly much text introduction on the outer packaging. Huaxia has passed all kinds of audits, but the most important quality audit above is the Skynet Group's audit.

As for other departments, it is impossible to inspect these devices at all, and they don't even know the basic operating principles of the devices.

They don't have the ability to test at all. It is the general trend for Si Fan to push it to the market, and finally gave Si Fan the approval as a last resort.

For people like Si Fan, it is absolutely impossible to call back directly across the board and wait for their review, and the test results are provided by Skynet, with more than 10,000 human experiments, without any risk, and the use time is 72 hours, which is almost Continuous use, instead, makes those people fierce.

After such tests again and again, it is confirmed that there is no problem before it is put into the market.

But today, when the news of the unlimited sale came out, even the guys who were sleeping at home put on their clothes and hurried to line up outside the No. 1 Stadium in Shanghai.

The guarantees of other companies are useless. People still believe in the guarantees of Skynet Group. They have never had a problem with their reputation. It is impossible for any real estate developer to keep their promises like Skynet Group. The real estate certificate was issued with absolute integrity, and nothing promised was false. It took several years to build up the golden reputation of Skynet Group.

Today is the harvest season. As long as those people know that it is the sale of Skynet Group, they will never skip their tickets. A large number of people participated in the queue. The entire queue has been several kilometers away. The position of the team slowly found the back of the team.

Just like that, this miraculous spectacle appeared, starting from the outside of the First Stadium, the super team running through a district of Shanghai, slowly advancing.

People are queuing up, but those inside are happy. Now is the opening of the sale, and after a few song and dance performances, the meat will come.

"Dear guests, now I want to reveal a little secret to you." The host still said mysteriously, and now people's curiosity was aroused.

This is about the game launch of this virtual world. Today it is only selling helmets, but in fact it means that the world's first holographic virtual online game will be launched.

After all, you always need to use the helmet when you buy it back.

Otherwise, would it accumulate dust?

Just to advance the game first, so people everywhere are waiting.

On the stage, the host simply made a few jokes, and then said: "Now, Mr. Baker Pangji, the main task designer of the dark camp in this game, is here to introduce us to the dark camp. About the story, and your train of thought."

As soon as the name of the person who welcomed this cup was announced, there was an uproar immediately.

The crowd was full of cheers, and people looked towards the direction of the rostrum, wanting to see this legendary man.

Some people say he is disabled because no one has ever seen his picture, some people say he is rich because he never speaks out, and some people say he is crazy.

But today, when people see this so-called i hell house,

When he was Alan Killer, he was completely insane. This is a young man with a somewhat pale complexion, a relatively thin figure, and a pair of panda eyes that have been solidified by staying up all night. He looks completely harmless.

But they couldn't see the eyes of this guy, his eyes were very cruel, with a bit of coldness, if they really looked over, no one would doubt that this weak guy is a brutal killer. Even murderous.

He just stood there looking at the surging crowd below, and when the host beside him reminded him, he coughed.

"Hello, I'm Baker Pangji. You often call me Hellman. I'm not very satisfied with this. I just write out the hell in my heart. You can call me this title before, but I think it can be changed in the future. .” He smiled.

This smile is so eerie.

People feel the cold wind blowing through the body.

Jesse Galbraith is even more so. Because of his profession, he has seen some prisoners execute executions. That was when he was still a reporter. What he saw at that time was only ferocity, but now it is different. When he saw Beck Pangji, he knew that this guy was definitely a dangerous person.

Moreover, his danger is at the level of life-threatening, already too dark, he seems to be the master of hell, running amok in hell.

Jesse Galbraith only took a few glances, then turned his eyes away, wanting to hear what he would say.

Baker Pangji wasn't that kind of real cruelty, but penetrated into his bones. After introducing himself and saying a few eerie words, he had already entered the state.

Looking at everyone below, it seems to despise the common people.

"I designed a world of hell for you. It is the real hell of my dream. Survival is almost impossible. All you want to do is survive. Only by living can you succeed."

"Your life will be very stressful, but the rewards will also be rich. Under the training of hell, you will inevitably counterattack the light camp. As far as I know, the first stage is just a battle between these two camps. When the battle is over, There will be follow-up plots, and we may have to face more, but I don't care."

"I just want you to know that you are not far from death. I don't want you to have a good life. I just want to torture you, drive you crazy, and vent all your negative emotions in a dark world. This world is Cruel, everything is the cruelest." He kept introducing, but in the end, he changed the topic.

Finally, I hope you work in the real world with a good mood.

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