Skynet Architect

Chapter 140 Training Effect

"Huh!~" There was a rapid breathing sound from the game cabin, followed by a long shout. More than a dozen people were watching them nervously, with sweat on their foreheads. The woman standing there was the most nervous. In fact, in private, they all have a name for this woman, called a dominatrix.

But now that he was looking at his subordinates very nervously, the old bear was more relaxed. He sat beside him and yawned.

"These are the most elite soldiers. If they can't come back, then the others don't have to try." He yawned.

The other soldiers didn't dare to talk nonsense, only the dominatrix turned her head and glared at him.

"This is your elite soldier. If there is a problem with one of them, it will be enough for you to cry. I will definitely go to Skynet to make a mess of him." She was very nervous.

At this moment, I saw an obvious green light on the hatch of the game cabin suddenly dimmed, and then turned red.

"Beep!~" a prompt, drew the dominatrix's attention.

This is Mad Dog's game room. He was the first to be killed, and of course the first to come out. When he opened his eyes, his face flushed suddenly, then he closed his eyes, and then opened them again.

"Ah!" He howled loudly at first, which sounded a bit miserable, but after listening carefully, he found that it was more to vent the negative emotions in his heart.

The surrounding soldiers watched him cautiously, ready to subdue him at any time, but the hag had already grabbed his shoulder.

For more than a minute, this guy kept howling like crazy, until he was out of breath and still screaming.

"Mad dog, what's the matter? Are you in danger? Will it endanger your life?" The dominatrix also roared loudly. Even the old bear who had been around the old god was not calm anymore. He had something to do with the Skynet Group Confidence, but it doesn't mean he doesn't worry about his soldiers.

After the howling of the mad dog, he said with lingering fear: "Reporting chief, after preliminary training, we will conduct a training mission in the virtual world. The mission is very difficult. Barely supported by saturated force, there is no resistance in melee combat."

The old bear and the hag and others were also interested.

Just one word captures their hearts.

The time to search for supplies is understandable,

It is likely to be training for survival in the wilderness, but it died within seventeen minutes, which is too terrifying.

This is a very elite squad, and it is impossible for them to die so quickly in a real war.

"Tell me about the battles you have experienced in detail, and you must tell the details in detail." Old Xiong became interested later, he is a real strongman who has fought on the battlefield, and has been tested by life and death.

Now that he had the chance to actually fight again without dying, he became interested.

Rabid Dog then began to describe all the details after they entered. He didn't describe much about the search for supplies, but more after the real battle started. That's what he said carefully.

Every detail is very clear.

After listening to the details, the dominatrix lost much interest. He was more concerned with supervising training and logistics, and the old bear was responsible for the frontline battles.

He is more interested in fighting.

He listened carefully to the narration of the mad dog, and he was also doing battle comparisons.

When he talked about zombies falling from the sky, he was already sweating.

"It's really thrilling. If you really encounter such a situation, you will almost die. If I guessed correctly, the others should be back soon. I didn't expect you to spend more time preparing than actually fighting. This is to give you enough time to prepare, and I want you to live longer." Old Xiong said as before.

Mad Dog also nodded: "Yes, Boss, these ten minutes of fighting has been a year, or even a lifetime, for me. Almost every action can be recalled in my mind. I want to take a quick rest now, and then Go to the training ground and really start training."

The old bear nodded after listening.

"Go now, don't rest, and convert these feelings into muscle memory while your head still remembers them."

Rabid Dog nodded quickly when he heard the order, then hurriedly left the game room and headed for the training ground.

At this time, people in various game rooms woke up one after another. When they woke up, they were in completely different states. Most of them were in great pain, and some even screamed in pain.

The rabies died very quickly, so it ended soon, but some people died not very well, so they can still feel the pain of death now.

There were only a few exceptions, and Tuna was one of them. He reacted very quickly. He opened the game compartment and sat up just after recovering.

I recalled the battle just now, especially the last few tens of seconds.

That's right, they just persisted for tens of seconds before destroying the group, very simply.

But it was in this tens of seconds that they broke through their own barriers, realized a new self, and realized a new way of fighting.

But there is one person among them who is extra different, and this person is the hamster.

Hamster is usually a very cautious guy. When he is a firepower player, he is mostly wretched, and most of the time he is not a tough firepower player in battle.

Old Xiong is the wildest fireman in the team.

But now, the hamster felt something else.

"Boss, I want to try your Vulcan Cannon, the enhanced model. I think I can change my weapons in the future." The hamster borrowed his handy weapon from the old bear just after he left the game room.

As the boss, Old Xiong was of course generous and nodded on the spot.

"No problem, but I don't know if you can really control it. This is a killer weapon that can only be used with the determination to die with the other party." Old Xiong teased.

The hamster nodded: "Boss, I feel that I should have this momentum and this determination. Now I want to try this kind of weapon with huge lethality. Only in this way can I survive in a more brutal battle. Even survive."

He still has a sentence that the old bear didn't hear, that is... at least let the comrades live.

For a time, everyone had a new understanding and wanted to train.

As the captain, Lao Xiong certainly agrees that the improvement of the fighting power of his team members is a good thing for the whole team, not to mention that all of them have improved their personal fighting literacy, which is the most difficult, because everyone is the best of the best, and they are already the limit up.

It is too difficult to break through.

But he never thought that the effect of this training would be so terrifying.

This feeling, from the second he saw the hamster picking up his most convenient Vulcan cannon, he already felt this way, and even felt that the hamster was more suitable for using this big killer than himself.

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